Magic 2: The 3 sprays of natures with the Alchemy of my many worlds past.s.

Our next three sprays will be done differently, as they represent features of reality which are used with the rest but do not need to be, these additional sprays a personal selection of types so diverse they can never be fully listed, however the sprays used show examples of how anything can be a spray when used as a manifesting tool for chances and events of the will beyond an object that only does what the object is.

These sprays follow the repeating patterns of the concepts that they represent as words and symbols similar to how the above are usages of those topics as used with chances in the subjects above. However those below are used with the above and themselves to build manifestations that use either together.

This selection is mostly style choice and it is up to the practitioner to define their own style. The basic four are shown for springing from magics traditions and uses in the occult and are basic understandings most should know for easy access. They do not do what other sprays may be able to do apart from them.

The following examples are also actually built, and shown as photos as used. Yet not always showing fruit in moment, only by time constraint of writing and the rest of the post still needing to be done. The things they do however, are tangible possible chances that could happen, so they are not surprisingly unexpected in what they can achieve as basic examples of the topic.

All my works always involve the recently done and my habits explore many topics so use is limited for each thing, but progressed instantly every time they are done, with relevant explanations needed given then and when needed. This means the current example of magic only uses what I remember and add to it since previous works on the subject, with some review occurring at various times.

These objects that follow, are written in the esoteric for they are magics of poetry which are clear in all that can be pondered off them and their implications of use.

Thus below, we discuss a create spray and magic which uses the spray of Sand with the other sprays. Then we shall follow with a spray that uses fire and cinder as the powers of its name.

The above object set is an object formed from the sands of the chances which manifest within this object as the duality of a set of stones and shells. The manifestation of the sands is formed from the same passing of to and fro, the stones then and now are attained through the process of the now become another and this object it reveals in the same inside the shapes of its details, which echo again for the day as cause and foretell.

It means the stones and shells become the day as it is arranged at the beginning of the day or later on until tried again, by the capacity to live the act and experience its passing anyways. This means this object inspires the manifestation and the foretelling of the same and more in other causality that occur that day.

The magic of this arrangement, is quite simple and this allows the passing to be seen and done as shown and transmuted to fit the passage none the less. It forms these things as in any point and the point is what follows, for you must simply glance at another part, to attain the same in the days passing.

It means the magic inspires and allows the chances to form that day as the same thing seen in its places, this gives the user a catching of the sands and shaping of a castle while near the waters of an ocean for it is no desert for harboring the shells.

The next thing done, is the next thing that is of fire and shows the work of the following magic.

The cube of fires energy, allows a source of becoming energy that transmutes to the will or the release of chaos that is its charged manifestation as a source of its arrival swiftly and the burning fire of its realization. This magic allows an answer that is solely the manifestation of a spell which forms as the fire as its signs, and allows the same to manifest in reverse when it is lit by the burning of the other flame it swallows.

This magic then charges by the light of the beneath and when removed manifests by the wands waving the arrival of the spell in the passing of work of self's will and the chances that concur to the road of its manifestation. It thus is the fire that lights the way to the end, which manifests the whole that comes after. This then is the energy that is kept inside, for the fire is the energy manifest and the fire is the way it comes from the light and heat that mankind needs to reach something.

Thus it is magic of the will and the chaos, with the order and the balances followed that formed as the cinder of its wake. This means we place the fire's cube and wait for its force great apon the light, then we release it with the intent or lack of one to gain the same.

If the intent is none it shall do something from anything and so the spell with wich it was sent, will manifest as it is sent and become what it is that it becomes.

This forms the spell that is the charging and the end, as the manifestation of the force of the waiting taking as long as it took to achieve, but the waiting is the setting of the time for the fire which is balances in waiting, so is the achieved that it becomes.

So now, before we write the magic of Ice and snow, we begin with the writings of alchemy, which is the esoteric imagery for the manifestation of an end and these images hold secret written writings underneath them. These writings inspire the magic and the powers that can be used of them.

Alchemy is firstly the art of occluded symbols revealing the way to an end, such as the philosophers stone but here taken to a larger extreme of the ends of anything. Here we use alchemy to reveal the arts of magic by creating symbols of a meaning and revealing the same out of the powers that are vaguely described.

The first alchemy I made as an image was linked to the timetravel I began that year before and was its final length that revealed to myself the author of this story of worlds, the way to worlds in the absence of what was written in art that was shown fully on the image.

Meaning the image revealed all I knew then and then after did I know guidance to what I did not know, at the time of its drawing this same lacking wisdom was faith as it was just the mask of fear. After I would draw over the printed image, for the old world had passed and a new one would come.

I had destroyed the image, for the mistake of my distaste of faith, which was born again as my complete freedom, for beleif begins the journey to anything and is its only door. Before I could not beleive I could reach today as it is, only wait for another to do it. Yet, in my faith did I gain the power to do it myself.

The first of my alchemy is below, followed by the alchemy after as a glimpse at more, to see all that I did not know. It was then of the inwards days to the after more, where the work half finished had seen those second drawn. Then finally the last where it was born of the completed days that were my parsemy of the multiverse whose goal had been simply navigation of its complexity was completed. Allowing the ever after.

The Inopinatum Deliria: The unexpected madness.

The days of when I knew only the future I could not reach and the mind chained to a one day. One I would die before reaching. Where the dark mother was the yesterday of history and above the light father was a one day I willed to reach as the present of Hypocretes child of time, trapped between yesterday and tomorrow. This the only image I have ever also sold and destroyed. The original is gone, the second was sold to my mothers friend for 100 dollars.

Its mention is its value, which represents the beginning of ignorance to my tomorrow. It is is the first that came before the next, that is below and is the one that happened after this blog was made two years ago, but never reached until 2 years later when the first was achieved.

A slice of Hwall : The first peice of Everything and wanted dreams.

The drawing drawn shows what I knew as the top left corner, it is the world that was the first image and some strides forward. This was then inverted to reveal a reverse reality of what I did not know and then the two were combined to reach the day after that was what farther. Finally it was inverted to reach a fourth world for another after this and then I lost my mind again, to begin the next chapter in the beyonds of the hwall.

For this image symbolizes the days of early exploration needing a way that was not random, to explore and only offered anything, that I discovered could be driven by the wants of myself instead. So I built this image to view many things and select from it what I wanted.

Revealing the way to my own interests in the multiverse of many things. It serves as the curiosity of exploration driven to what I wanted, which was especially the unknown and the known. To observe the heaven, hell, sanity and stability and farther the curiosity of the stranger parts.

The ExternalBoxed: The Desires unknown found and gathered.

The simplest and shortest, was the light of days moving that revealed the things I liked and forwards until after I knew, the things I had enjoyed were at the center and the outwards were newer and newer curiousity. These form the inversion from the first corner of the hwall that I had done a year before and was the one that came after.

It is left silent of more for now, these represent only enjoyments and curiosity. Including many things come to know, of the unknowns grown farther. 

The Passall : The memory and the future of what had come and gone.

A lengthy time passed in yet another year, the world revealed was between both things that came to be and the things of after, forming the parsemy, decourt and the discontinence. Today left to the Ignos that leads soon to the final chapter of the first drawing that was drawn as these two things after the known called Common, became the Beyond and Yonder. Today is nearing the end of the Transcience.

It will mean a soon formed third image, for a year has come since the complexity of the last four.

This was the symbols of many ideas built up, each picture of things newly found and old, repeated and written that grow still as the coming world of this blog and what will always follow it.

Shown to show these smaller alchemy, below, a greater context of use as the psychological reveal of prophecy and the known greater of future in the images so larger to mind then the meaning perceived in smaller part then. Its power is that the release of the completed image creates the forward and reveal the next journey for me.

It means these drawings build a congruence, of what I know and will after from seeing all I know as one image I have already furthered from in distance like a planet of before taken off away.

Still, each image holds a corner of its part ever linking back to the old, a door to all that came before as the passage of my days moving forward. These greater alchemy, called the panma of the unknowns come and gone.

The magic is thus the manifestation and its art that you work with, to achieve the end. So these smaller images of growing change in my art style continued, are the short drawing of inspiration for the things to follow and the magic alone, without the rest of my wisdom.

They are loose small usage of the coming panma, uncertain when in completion that looks as such in current, it is the 5th since the first 5 years ago and has formed the tradition of these passing years. A tradition that drives me mad every time...

The first part beginning that is to be continued...

So let us begin this part, with the alchemy of magic below, which we read their written meanings for.

The alchemical the wills balances of the order and chaos.

These matters of the balance weighed and sung, are as the sun of tunes orbit as shining in shadows stepped to places unseen, in vials of the expectation found not, where roses of the cautioned parting are in harmony of the moon and essence that is before the sky of caressed complexity. This over hills of onward shines and flowers repeating, to form the raining central passage to what is the sights and paths rounded of details which were only seen in nights vivid light. Our alchemy of what is the way to these things, is rhyming the song of those spirits whose wines were reaped from first tidings of the unseen.

The powers of this alchemy, are for the the way to the juxtapositions of the furthered end.

Waxing before mounts and astrals, between the two ends of form and wake.

The egg which drips the wax from under it to the pillar of the intricate places itself between, as the owner of the powders in three places, that tell the apart of form and wake, whose moon like thunder is of the pattern in no repetition and the ascent of the plants pottery is surrounded in stars. 

We view these matters as written from over the mount and astrals that scribe the clouds of stars and stones amist, admist and amidst of the in's of poem as the same planets in rotation. From our workings of the flatness is found an unlinked article of the written, that is displayed as the pages themselves. 

We look and find what is there, where it wasn't, but is what it would be as that which referred to in the thing linked in times of the unpreciseness. Who told in pages that where are the story that is forgotten.

The writing of the questions they returned in my writing, as they found themselves exact of as it had been really, in the after way of what was written past the door of its first timing. I fell into the writing from the story that was arriving. The truth of the days first morning, it matches the day today in what it is as really, but not fantasy.

The powers of this alchemy, are for the futures that are in story first, then in the life after.

Our next task after having viewed the symbolism of the spoken isoteric is to review the symbols in the light of the motions as symbols and still forms which we spoke of earlier, this placed among the symbols allows the manifestations of new magics, that are not directly about the chances in cause and effect like the previous two objects. 

Since our first did show the day of passing sand and the second did show the way to allow a manifestation in causation. So the next will be as the wallet we discussed and do something else, although the exact differences from our prior will vary.

Thus the first example is as day and reveals the way to the days of magic.

This is the day of magic as a first manifested instruction for a magic that comes after, to understand it means interpreting the occluded symbols of the alchemy above that represents than words that themselves do not mean much but are then found in the world as the similar in them.

It means we take the symbols of these things and we connect them somehow like the picture to form a magical object from the magic that it described firstly in secret then in our reveal by interpreting it among the ways chances and potential things work to find a way to make it make sense.

So this symbolic depiction of the day, is about the astral and the drawn in the astral as the chaos of probability then drawn like a brush within to form a manifestation. It then says that the vial on the left is adrift in that astral and clouds of drawings, it symbolizes the expected we do have ( the other vial is what we expected not ). The moons represent the motions of that probability unknown that effect the magic's chance of occurring at all.

The inner motion of still form represents the motion of a wisp in the storm of potential which manifests as a trail of fire like casting, it means the causation we create and the way it moves past the moons potentials as natural effects and also passes by our expectations.

So the magic it creates is a celestial map, a magical circle or complex symbol which reveals in symbols how to reach and manifest something that one desires by listing as many of the probable chances and ways of attaining it in the image as one can think.

This gives an instruction on how to reach the desire and leaves a subconscious trace, which influences its potential occurring in a two fold way, while the same image and its natures can be used with other magic to manifest things themselves. When I thought on the one below, it was about forming a rising stone and as I thought of it I went outside and did it, by moving a stone with my foot in a certain way, to allow it to hop slightly of the ground.

The intent of trying the make a rising stone and the work to form this image allowed the stone to manifest before the image was even completed and all that I thought was contained in it including more then what I did. It allows a way to think of many ways to reach the power and it has become a guide of the bodies in motion as the celestial spheres of the magic, that allow the stone to rise wherever the chances are met.

It means wherever the occluded symbols are found outside in the everyday, the stone can be made to rise in some form. It represents the symbols of that day, the only ways I could think, to reach a desire in the ways that allow it. I mean this in the simple truth of a simple stone, as for a stone to rise, a stone must exist and the necessity for those things after the stone to happen must also exist.

Thus the magic below, is an instruction in secret of symbols to reveal some ways to rising stones and how and what can be needed to have them occur.

The Celestial Map of Rising Stones, shows in secret of interpretations, a directed way to rising stones when attempted to reach those secrets by interpretation. It requires the chances of those possibilities and those chances must be found where they are most likely as magic appears where it can appear. 

A stone is always where stones can be found, the chance to find one is remembering where they usually can be found. The magic is the same, the chance for it is always where it is likely to occur. The stone always rises by the force that comes in contact with it, the likely hoods of something happening begin with how it does happen then where it may happen.

One must simply venture to where it will happen, by being present where it might happen.

The above is the night of magic, which begins with the symbols that mean the clouds drawn are ajar to the astral and so separate from the usual activity, creating the bolt of manifestations as a distinct change that is not part of normal causality.

We see even in the night the motion of branches of nearby approach like we see the change unusual happening by the changes in the balance of order, chaos and will.

This reveals how we can manipulate opposites as the central motion to create objects between them as magical ornaments because they are intended and effect the usual to form the unusual.

So the manifested object is by magic even here, for it is not the opposites as manifested but the manifestation here driven to opposites by the table of magics we draw for these manifestations.

A table is a new magical tool, which in its symbolic display manifests the interpreted and known meanings of its placements on it by objects used for the ritual. It creates a change of the usual within the space as many workings and the usual meeting of these objects with the air, inside the codes of an intent which has meanings given in links and motions to meanings desired simply by meaning forming outwards in the body as motion in language and action especially.

It is why the words for love, is different in french as they mean similar but distinct cultural associations of the word similar to love that is "aime" and is softer then the harsher love in English. As I am bilingual and so know that the words have a slight variance of tone in the worlds of those words.

For example, in quebec and not the rest of canada, the swear words are not related to mostly the body like in english but in french are related to the church instead. Thus you are not being impolite with another body, you are being impolite with God instead.

Now, the next image is a table, which represents the manifestation of polar ingredients and so things that are between two substances in their poetry, it provides poetically juxtaposed ingredients for other workings that can only be manifested by tables as itself or those made with that intent in mind.

Because magic is an art first and a study second, many forms of manifestation begin with the actual practitioner and return to them, so the magic begins with their own style and arts then what they prefer of others. This is because as people we live partially only in what we mean and mean differently from others and what things mean to us is distinct.

Thus this magic table shows one way to use magic tables and one way to use our will and its motions to cause the same to occur. It reveals in itself the ways subconsciously and so effect its likely hood beyond yourself in your deeper actions as well. The next image contains true polar symbolism and hidden meanings of no meaning, which polar represent additional instructions for use.

Our next shown image is another alchemist picture, which I have recently made compared to the last and is about the philosophers stone and the penmagics which build the ends created. Done for additional for myself and to show proof that many alchemy of magic can exist by your own creativity with automatic drawing and real personal influence.

It will be among the work for the next part, which will create the magical tool of snow.

Stones of Gold, Silver and Red, for the lead purified among the philosprays of penmagics.

The Magic of the pen is the art of writing which forms the mysticism of the creative and takes the lead of nobody to form it in purity into the sheens of other things, by the philosophy of ones questions and the sprays of ones necessity here in the magic but sometimes found in other arts and trades and turmoils of other men. The stones produced are of gold and silver but the essence of these arts begins with the red stone of the magic here chance and in farther parts the ends begun of what is followed.

Magic then is the writing become fruit that is cleaned by the splendor of a stones first use and the cookie crumble of its works ahead. These are the lightest secret of the first pursuit that is yet made finished, to turn lead to gold and any splendor of other jewel and allow in itself the freedoms of most men who wish to take the journey, but did they need the stone at all or was it something else they sought. Perhaps those who found the stone in thinking needed it not, for what they had found while thinking was not the lead it had been.

This above described my interpretation of alchemy as I learned about it and wondered on how I could be as creative as the same who had formed the like of words and images which seemed as gold to me.

However the golden stone I have not found, I found what it let me do for all I did was try and fail till I got distracted by the likes of a similar story called science.

The key then to this symbolic above, it always thinking and trying to do something and surprisingly some readings of any alchemy as here or elsewhere will help you be inspired to do yourself great things. So what we do not do next is great things, instead we do something to live at all.

Be it lead or gold to others that it is not to me, for I find it to be of something of similar sheens.

Thus with this final alchemical art shown, we draw yet another magical and symbolic image, which will contain the motions of a thing, the symbols of some alchemies and the natures of a technos. 

A technos is a work of philosophical object which is an object built by the pondering on forms visual and other that we consider deep and thoughtful, these are worked together as physical structure and given shape as a thing that does something quite insightful. Thus this object is meant to be of great insight and human creativity, forming an effect of useful and deep nature.

After the image, the object is built and photographed for viewing, then explained as prior.

This has the nature of symbols and glyphs, with the icestormed silverplant between them standing on the silver beyond the bars of the stone of stones which forward the same in what we learn from it.

As the glyphs and language represent the words we write upon the objects for meanings of magical powers, while the plant itself represents the cascades of great strength upon a frail but still standing structure that is the chances unlikely. 

Yet but formed still by great strength and lucks as silver and transmuted by the rear background which shows the way to gold, in the chances unlikely that happen all the time differently.

It means our enchanted object of the ice and snow will have the powers of an event recurring in the unlikelihood of the day as a different likeness each time, it will create an event that seems poetic and unlikely to recur through usual events by repeating as activated in what is different like a snow flake each day.

It will be made by building an object, which reflects here Ice and snow, but represents another thing still farther which is its first recurrence, that spawns poetry of the same in the day as the same words of alchemical nature that while not resembling the last will be the same in another way.

Thus the example object is best for clarity, by showing what will happen different but the same with each use of its powers. It will share likeness to the last image, but carry a farther poetry of words after. The magic makes a vision recurred each usage differently in the passage of the day as the same imagery but in other symbols. We will learn too how to activate it.

While the camera fails to easily capture the bright green symbols in this lighting I assure you the Snowangle has symbols in each white space of its shape.

Above depicts a Snowangle, this is an object which is made by first cutting a paper into a square or other shape and folding it in many random ways, then unfolding it and drawing on all the creases.

Then one adds random symbols that do not mean anything and begin folding the paper so it resembles a 3 dimensional ball of a unique shape. One tapes the shape tight and ensures to add paper balls diverse shape and size inside it.

The paper balls inside cause the larger Snowangle to only sit on certain angles revealing certain symbols by side and orientation. It is then used by observing symbols on its body as meaning and forms and reading an imagery on it with those symbols selected. 

One either says the sentence created outloud or draws its likeness with the wand to cause the event to occure around you in time as a set of peculiar events of the moment nearby or passage of time that follows. 

Because of its diverse and unique possibility, it allows strange and poetic events to unfurl, that can resemble signs for ones purpose or insperation for magic practiced and learned after. As the chances that occure are then known by yourself and subconscious and can help inspire similar magic later on as it teaches you of its existence.

Thus this specialized magical object allows a diverse and unique set of possible manifestations in the day which can teach and inspire another days work. It is unique as a snowflake because the folds of a paper, the shape of the paper, the symbols drawn are all done randomly or with special intent. This to create an object that allows a manifestation unique by the uniqueness of its creation.

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