The Ramble of forcing predictions that work and failing until you succeed.
The events seemingly coincidental are formed by habits and while they are chances even scientists will go with a hunch and clue when it comes to theory. My habit is directing the output of information generators I make so they meet my desires. Information generators like the bowl's Icon words is a tool to produce information bits in use that represent something of use afterwards.
So the seemingly always helpful chances happening constantly on my blogs are the result of thoughts I having in passing that later link into the located patterns as parts of their use. I had been hoping for a lighting related pattern to occur before hand and this influences me naturally to then encounter the like or make it relevant somehow by finding a way to make the above relevant.
It influences where and what I think subconsciously and sometimes produces my own impulsive actions that led to better then expected results.
Idea generators object or other can be a form of measurement, which describes the change occurred by their generation process. Yet in this case they simply measured a random then forced prediction I then guaranteed through the use of meeting the definition with nearby patterns.
Most people wouldn't even try to force a prediction they guessed as the claim of forced predictions sounds fantastical, yet my own experience says it actually works every time I do the work to meet its demand of prediction.
I noticed a long time ago that in mind and matter, visual reality and visual ideas look the same as visuals. So my visualized models of something that I imagine, just have to be recognized by myself in reality. So most things I imagine and think of or generate as ideas for objects I think I know how to do and build them.
If something I visualized in mind doesn't do what it does in reality then something missing from the visualization in mind in its hidden details and is needed to reach the possibility so I just have to find it in imagination.
You can find it since the mind is a part of material reality as being the brain and is following the same laws of physics as reality so does not defy nature, those visual imaginations in mind work by some process I have to locate to explain it in mind or matter and so do the same in reality.
What I do is imagine new physical behaviors or even generate them randomly then instantly have access to the physics by reconstruction the imagined behavior as it appears in mind. Its only limit is when the feature of reality cannot be found in reach of experience or is an uncertainty of thought.
So if I cannot know for certain my idea for inventing something does exist as I imagined, I test the viability of the idea by trying to do it anyways. In doing so learn what does happen irrelevant of whether my expectation worked out or not.
What I gain from a failure I usually just use as the answer to achieve what I was trying to do. Sometimes this means I waste my materials on first attempts that I do my best to recycle for the next where it was not to my liking and expected result.
I was an artist before I got bored and interested in the multiverse so I tried to do science with what I knew and kept at it often until today cause I got better at it and figured out what I figured out.
This method of assuming, trying and failing until you succeed is among my usual philosophy for doing anything I want to do. It means I just think I can do it to begin and even when failing and after until I figure it out. In fact the tools I just used for this measurement and lighting idea, originally had no purpose when I finished modelling the shapes and even after building it.
So I forced myself in frustration while building it, to find a new idea and a use that worked and was interesting with it and that I liked. The next morning after finishing it and going to sleep still unsure what it would do, I ended up with this use of spatial objects and their effects and that I find interesting. I failed at finding a good idea for, until I found the thing I wanted after the time spent navigating the less useful.
I will try, fail then manage progressively the things I want to do, until I am dead. Because what is the point of giving up when I was wrong about something. Failure not ignored might have just have been a lesson of the day, if ignored I can't do what I wanted and what I learned as I failed gave me keys to things I then did after that in least of that day let me have fun and one day time after grew farther.
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