The witch's well is a tower and a plant that grows in prosporo and also happens to be a magic shop where witches and wizards go to buy magical supplies and various magical things. The four heroes go here first simply to rediscover magic again and know its art of new and old powers of the mystical.
For the skeptical, magic here is viewed firstly as the modification of energy as opposed to matter. It is always manifests as an experience of coincidentally or encouraged likelyhoods of occuring event that is following a practice as a set of relating events. The relevance of whether a spell effected the end result is not important as the ritual is firstly a psychological influence then a practiced and learned wisdom of what can happen in the motions of life.
So while it is true that the manifestations of the unlikely are always less possible, the practice of magic is not about the means to an end, such as the between of a desire like money and instead an attained end of a possible goal.
Magic allows that is feasible dream or desire to the person practicing by using potentials and uncertainty of everyday life to their advantage, to reach the end intended. Often the knowledgeable practitioner is not pursuing wealth or fame.
Since those who do magic should know a comfortable life with how it actually works, the knowledgeable wizard or witch does not need money to be happy beyond survival. As instead of material distractions, they pursue knowledge and or an improved ability within this and their other interests, by helping themselves with magic as a way to modify their luck in achieving something.
Yet to the often faithful believer of the gods, let us ask and answer the question of where the gods are in my magic, as when we look at magic the magicians elsewhere, they are often asking about the divine and answering questions about them.
I use no divinity in this magic as I think the divine is another universal subject that apart can be connected and teach many things to any world and subject.
So it is another post, as a distinct and further clarified difference and my other reasons below.
Ancoria and Lepoxiania, the persomnia of Hope and Sanity.
The Gods or in my case and my kind that I follow, are the Persomnia and others, yet they are absent from the magics because the magic is not the divine and I find that the wizards of today are too distracted by solely the divine and what they do, to realize a higher ability of themselves.
My felt difference of opinion is that some of others magics power is not their own when it can begin and end with themselves. Since the divine do not have all the time in the world for humans nor do they have anything to do with magic beyond their effects on its as themselves and farther how they can teach a human less wise then they about themselves.
The divine are larger then the magic, as the magicians have a famed God called Athena who rules far wiser over the worlds of the Sciences then she does with the faithful. The Gods are greater then the magic and so they are a subject that transcends magic or a category often termed religion, which is a loose term in modernity for wisdom and schools of thought not science.
Religion is a way of life among a school of thought, religion is neither responsible for harms or is its opposite called atheism which is truly a way of life of only science and is often acclaimed by its followers as superior to what they call magic because science advances and does more then the like energy manipulated. I disagree that it is superior and think it has simply not advanced when it could.
The issue with this is that magic is only left as advanced as found because people are too focused on the divine alone and the divine forbid entry to the one who cannot do something themselves. The divine are not God either even when both represent greater actors that in magic have great relevance to their motions but should not be the primary focus from the beginning as the divine are larger then only motions.
The Gods in real useage, worship and study are far more powerful and influential, then the request for wealth by someone asked of them for the lower being who has tried it not himself. I find the worshipper who can live without all being done for them more able to live a life and most are. The reliance on the divine as strictly how they are asked to help, limits the abilities of a wizard to only what the Gods have sent out as what they will do for people.
Their is nothing wrong with wanting to worship, learn from or stand among the divine, their is a conflict. As with doing more yourself instead of relying on something greater to do it for you means more guarantee of placed effort succeeding. As asking for help cannot provide superior skill to yourself when alone as the asked can be met with an unmet request. Simply by reason of the preoccupation of that divine actor with other matters.
However, I will be discussing God and the divine in a larger observation then only magic, as any divine is more difficult to describe then only its motions as a person itself is more then its motions.
These matters are not taken religiously or as facts to be accepted as absolutes. As my view of a matter is the Ignosticism of my unknowns and means coming to know something from ignorance and is learning about something in study and research, but also discovery for yourself.
Meaning my words are always advice and are merely my own thoughts, they are not the solitude of truth which in my view, truth of something is taken as a small null detail which does never represent the full that is immensely larger then any library or other can finish or start with.
Now let us begin the topic on the magic, which in some time on another post will discuss divinity.
Magic begins always with the energy and the will to try it and see the manifesting coincidences synchronized with the intent.
1.Magic in its basics and first four sprays.
Magic works by the power of happenings, meaning things that occur by the will without physical contact in the way of science and instead through energy and the power of a person over the machine which in magic are called artifacts. The magic begins always with the power of the user, skill is always important to improve ones magics.
Magic requires experience to know it can occur, magic can be greatly helped by knowing if an event can occur at all and cannot happen where or without what will allow it to happen by cause and effect. However magic is called acausal, since we manipulate that cause and effect without being the direct natural causer of an event and instead we have manipulated the chances acausally without direct influence.
This makes magic distinct from science, which only manipulates causally from point of origin and so builds objects that work causally as devices. Magic steps into a causality acausally and influences whether it will become one way or another.
It means the difference of lighting the night with a lamp of electrical reasons and hunting as science would. Magic would be oneself hunting in the full moon, as it reveals the animals more active in that brighter light.
This magics effect is sometimes compared to coincidence, because it works that way but is far more complex and uses magic as a force of transformation of energy which is the motion of the world repeating in new ways.
So we begin this topic with the elemental sprays of basic use and then follow up with three more of selected addition. The sprays are the magical focus of matter and reality which when manipulated create the spells we cast and the artifacts we build.
This magic uses matter, but it uses it through another philosophy from science since it practices the art of chance manipulation instead of objective manipulation and so things are trained to produce certain chances rather then produce an intended object behavior. Thus we shall see the difference as we continue to explore it, beginning with an introduction of our basic sprays.
These are the sprays of self basic and the additional powers, these words are used as sources of insight for the magic that they create, meaning they take what is in their word as meaning and place them in arrangement with matter to produce the force which they are in matter.
Magic uses sprays of diverse kinds, these represent a feature of life which is manipulated with the acausal and so the spell is simply a manipulation of coincidences regarding something, these above are only some examples, any word can represent a form of magic when it is directed by the will and the potential of the cast.
Magic works by the link of potential events actually occurring, if something can occur without your direct effect of it, magic allows you to cause it if the event is able to occur and one would be surprised by its rate of success when within ranges of what actually is likely. While most presume it will make them wealthy, it is less likely to manifest wealth and will instead more likely provide the end desired with the wealth in a poetry of what the user asked for.
More magic subjects can be found here:
It is possible to gain wealth from magic, but it works best when moral because morality flows energetically more productively then the immoral which is most often stopped or worked towards ceasing. A dangerously hanging tree is bound to be taken down, its more likely for us to do it safely.
For clarity I will provide an example of the first four both in what they represent and what they can build following their representations, this will be followed by constructions between them for the other three elements that represent features of nature repeated in the workings of the other four.
Thus the first spray, which is an element of powers for magic, is order and this means physical order of steps and shape for representation of use. It means the chances manipulated originate by an order of the process and a manifestation of the spell, the spell is in function repeated by repeating the order of the cast which results in some form of manifested action.
Thus the drawing below, represents the tool created as an example which follows the art of this magic. The tool is only a symbolic former of the spell, the spell is formed by the event it creates, which can vary but always happens as mostly a coincidence, but a coincidence is also managing to hit a baseball with a baseball bat, so this can become far more powerful with effort and the right magic.
A dice thrown by the water's stone will fall to the spell of similar signs.
This is a resource creation tool for magic, meaning its steps ordered produce some kind of resource that resembles what it produces as a magical tool of some kind. This one behaves by being done in certain places with objects that allow the magical process. In the image this is the rock by the water.
It works through the following steps, firstly the dice is thrown on the rock and how it lands wherever it does reveals a certain symbol which is drawn somewhere on the page, the page then contains an arrangement of symbols after several repeated dice roles and drawn symbols. The result represents a sigil as usually viewed in magic and the setting inspires its purpose by relating somehow.
Thus the sigil above could represent the waters erosion of stones and so serve the manifestation of eroded stones appearing for the self. This seems moderately useless but the causal event of the dice roll as its thrown can also inspire the sigils meaning by where the dice lands.
So the result, is created by the toss of the dice, which is effected uncertainly by the surroundings, then inspires part of the sigils meaning through connections of its proximity then formed imagery and then when activated as a normal sigil by burning it or other method leads to the manifestation by acausal chance.
The dice symbols can themselves be special sigils, which have their own meanings added with the connections made by the throw and so inspires powerfully the spells use and the creation of the sigil through its pre-motions of eventually furthered ends.
Since our next clarification regards the reason best I have found for magic's success.
The first image is a depicted motion as a still object, meaning it depicts the motion of something as though each frame of the motion was in the same image. The second image is a recreated still object with the same likeness and in turn shared use of its meaning used to describe the first depicted motion.
This is because a ball thrown to the ground will roll and this will cause similar rotating motions of circular form on contact including rotating air like a funnel, since the motion directions encourage the same direction in alteration. A pushed object moves forward and pulled object moves backwards because those motions of arm create the same in the object.
As a result, a spell of a waved wand, has the motion of its intent in mind as mover of the body in its translation to body as the manifested end of the spell somewhere else. A butterflies flap of a wing creates the falling leaves on a tree below it, if their are thousands of butterflies above the tree since the downwards push of the leaf matches the wings same geometry.
The push of clay inwards matches the outwards ball pressed on the clay, so the wave of a wand matches the pushed meaning, which effects the air the same way and eventually that airs motion effects the balance of the motion, of the intent somewhere else.
Its the reason we achieve an intent, partially by what happened and what ended up happening at all, as our pursuit of the goal and the goals discovery in time, effected each other to meet at the points they did. So magic mostly means the manifestation of the will, by the energy one puts out, to have return to them as what met and succeeded among the rest of the energy around.
A striking and daring women for example, has succeeded in attracting the attention of others as much as a man with charisma and aggression is most often spotted between silent observers of either gender. Although most of that type of person are doing it without even having known they did and knowing can sometimes make it harder to achieve then the one who acted on their own impulses.
As like a game of sports, the impulse to act in that moment exact is part of how you win the game.
Yet, magic is distinct from sports because sports are constrained to a set of rules and magic is also like gambling in that you don't know where it will be when it happens and only knowledge of the chances themselves helps your manifestation.
You can't know the chance in gambling because that is cheating but in magic the whole point is knowing when its best to act and acting when its the right phase of the moon.
Our next object, is similar to the function of the sigil, since the order spray was solely the order and the use for its product was the manifested chaos that it could do, which was the sigil being burned to produce the resulting chaos that would cause the eroded stone to appear.
Chaos when used simply with a sigil is successful for most basic manifestations that we see every day in most places regarding magic, it is why it works but it alone always only allows what can move to end up present in front of you at a likelihood that is possible. Since this is with only a motion put out as the burned ink divided from the paper, it is known to only sometimes work.
The reason for magics failure is actually a variety of possible things, because the magic is inherently unseen in how it came about and can be because of the following things.
- Broken chain of events allowing its presence.
- Lack of location for the object to be found in daily cycle.
- Actor of motion such as person or entity in the way.
- Restrictions of plausibility for motion being achieved.
All of these restrict the motion from returning to the caster and the best example is money. Since the spell may have lost the reach by unexpected barrier of reality. This barrier can be things like a car driving by so the wind never met someones hand, a person kicking the money out of sight, the money being picked up by someone else and falling out of reach at all and the fact that money manifesting magic in this way is sorcery and immoral for encouraging someones lost belongings.
Real money magic would be finding ways to increase sales of a product, gaining an insight for a better product, finding a significantly better job or a better and cheaper means to an end desired. Since all of these spells actually do not harm another person in any way, so are far less likely to be redeemed by solution voiding the potentials of the event, so they never occur at all.
This is keeping money in a wallet since it blesses the events causality with no misfortune instantaneously at the most powerful control of chances known. A wallet is not a scientific object, since technology is property of an object behaving with predictability and predictability of guaranteed nature as an object is not magic.
Magic is always a skill and energy of self and will, it can use a tool but the tool is never about what it is as a set of behaviors like a computer, instead like a wallet it does something the potentials instead of follow strict commands of scripted behavior.
The difference is as dominos and differences of use, they are magic when drawn out of a bag randomly for placing in a game, when arranged for the domino effect of falls one after another they are a science instead. The order is not chances of potential but a direct a repeating thing of perfect guarantee.
Science and Magic are opposites that help each other and limit each other in unique ways that can allow them coexistence in reasonable limitations. A higher effect of one or the other against the other will always be redeemed by the others capacity to advance its own work, they shouldn't be used against each other because they only lead to each others constraints, science and magic both have negative and positive consequences.
Originally earth was magical in study, magic is a lot more dangerous when it comes to medicine for the sick because hoping it cures the black plague will not guarantee it. Science is a lot better at medicating bacteria with special substances of confirmed behavior to end it swiftly. Science was definitely needed for the times of no soap.
However, Science cannot answer the problems of quantum mechanics because they are energetic and probabilistic behaviors science cannot predict, so either holds keys to the other's door. The problem is magic has not advanced in years beyond what everyone knows magic as in a conserved tradition.
Easily reminiscent of when Science was once alchemy, alchemy is another part of this subjects discussion that follows this part as the art of magic's and sometimes science's further undertakings.
So the next object, will be an example of a chaotic spell, which has been influenced more reasonably to perform its intended manifestation then simply what is symbolism, instead it will use potential properties of objects, distinct from physical properties.
Magic and Science do different things, they both should exist together as fair rights to the way of life of the people who live them, only the consequences should be redeemed.
The wand above is simply designed to have a certain arrangement of grip, which means that it can pick up certain things in a room better then others by its texture when swiping them with it. It means the wand uses a random picking up property to effect random potential things around oneself and toss them away from you when they can be and better then a simple knock of the object.
Although the knocking of the object also allows a success in another way and is also effected by the wand, the wand above is successful with mostly small light objects and does allow a projectile cast in the right context by a witch or wizard.
It is the best current example of magic at a more fictional likeness. It is also best used in this case for larp style fighting or other cases of displacement more peaceful that use mostly paper or light objects.
So it allows exactly that with modification and practice, allowing potential case modification and skill practiced gaining additional advantage. It is magic for the same reason as anything else, it effects only the probability of a situation and takes advantage of its control in the context of itself.
It means the magic manifests by the potential of the event, the limitations of today is naturally the weight of objects in a room by science, a more magically attuned place designed by work of a magic practitioner changes this condition. Invoking stereotypes of wizarding and scientific divided worlds only in practice not in disputes.
These likeness to fiction, intended but also surprisingly relevant and true for magic of fiction being futures of magic in reality in the same sense as science fiction only less expected in usual anything. This means their truth of future is only veiled in how it is done in likeness, not its impossibility.
Since magic is explicitly the chance of a fire lighting, the question is always how a wand could do this, it obviously begins with flint and ends with fuel, but what is catching fire to begin with and how is the wind right now. Furthest however is where the fuel of the shot is filled at all times...
Only the real nature of truth studied and found would say more then it's how the game works, the reality is likely that you got scratched by the wand and that was unwise. At least at the moment.
Do not light things on fire randomly, you'll go to jail in most cases of random use. In the medieval times, the only way to start magic is with paper, paper and fire love each other so much they burst into flames, today we have lightbulbs instead cause fire likes making more fire except when wet.
We definitely need a more repeatable starting point for potential events that can resolve the conflict repeatedly. It's why science does a good job, for being the object that other things effect. Although another topic is the perchal as the place of the virtues tools, which are always about preventing destruction and defensive firstly.
"Of which in truth as solely my thoughts are not special and I do solely what I like and do firstly for myself and welcome others to do what they learn of it.
I need not more then today in what I already have and have no interest in larger strides beyond my oneselfs ability in present, as no demand appearent means it is injustice to try and force more to reality.
Only the popularity of likely days after my death, older age or not at all, would make me try for more then words, inventions, videogames and stories I make myself for me and others who care.
As I do and spend my life with what I like and any greater dream found and able or needing too many others, I do not need for my own happiness just the larger happiness of more then one person.
With my tangent ramblings and possible wonders, just words on a blog, for others who read this far to decide what to do with or even take interest in. Yet for me just the enjoyed luxury of rambling on my activities and current chain of new ideas.
As all written here, is discovered while writing in new spawned ideas with very few parts related to old things, beyond the parts already linked on other blogs and earlier and simpler parts spent when I had just begun.
As with many interests comes lengthy passings between subject, but always a swift and constant progressiong of their matters full each time. My words rarely contain the repeated but when needed, they only state the next thought after in my head, for the ways to the idea I had.
So this is where we return to what was the sprays first had."
This is the Balance spray that forms between Order and Chaos. It uses ordered and chaotic events together. While this can mean as a scale for weighing wheat, it can also mean interpreted words weighed from weights of shapes seen or heard.
The objects above are balance sprays in usage because they represent either sources of ordered insight or chaotic sources of insight as two possible balances of the magic we usually observe as chaos and order. For example the order of the cards drawn results in the order of the art drawn on the paper and the interpreted meaning of those cards create the images.
The drawing is for the stones made of paper for simplistic property manipulations lacking distinctions greater. However the resulting art is used with the circle which links symbols randomly drawn on either together in their likeness as matched distinct starting points for the circle.
These are linked to meanings formed by the same symbol connected on the circle with other connected symbols linked to similarities they resemble.
These are linked to meanings formed by the same symbol connected on the circle with other connected symbols linked to similarities they resemble.
This creates a studied image that means something manifested in the balances of our intent and the order direct that can be used to influence something as a source of magical use. Meaning the stones of paper mean something and have the use of cleansing the area of chances negative, the art is intended when cast as its manifestation and study to produce more power for the magical objects of paper.
So the interpreted meanings found on the paper when we have them then correspond to real potential properties on the magical paper stones and leads to the knowledge to use them more successfully at their intended purpose.
While the likelihood of this being possible seems unlikely, the actual attempt to do so reveals that in trying to find a matching possibility of the object with the information always reveals something of use.
Ones attempt at manifesting the discovered magical ability of something within its properties natural is possible by all things having an equal effect of similarity, but a deeper variation of effect in their differences only revealed by the difference between each part that must be studied.
Both rocks and cans of soda are solid, but a rock of paper is a rock that acts more like a rock shape when shaped well but is as bendable as a can of soda. In that oneness of all things first noted as the same is the difference in everything only it can do unlike something else.
In noted manifestation of that first insight from the balance spray of interpreted meaning, we gain what inspires a repetition of the use in the object within what it can actually do, when the reason is justified.
Like science we study the properties of the object, yet we observe what they can do by chance of event and probability alone, this creates magical possibility that slowly becomes understood better by the user and their tools as they work upon them.
All balance sprays, work like tarot cards yet the capacity of interpreted insight leads to more then fortunes told and can answer questions about literally anything you ask them regarding chance or even scientific reality when done correctly and sought where they are found in reality.
Since they simply bring up in the self an insight within the subconscious mind, that manifests as what is already recognized in another way that eventually manifests as its subtle implied hints nearby already reveal. It should only be followed into what is directly apparent however, if it cannot be seen directly as exactly its statement, you are focused on what isn't in front of you and easily foreseen.
Something less foreseen directly, is not as it is expected by the symbols that are seen before hand, as the word before and foreseen come from fore, which is forgotten but also found in the word forgotten. Meaning seen before, forgotten and foreseen in the returns somewhere else.
This same fore interpretation I made up on the spot from the insight found in the word foreseen. The word it comes from is for, for someone I had forgotten where it had come from and found my way there by chance.
We look for what has been given a new insight of the forwards, but also present today, that brings about the tomorrow like and unlike the foresight, that became deeper in the after more. Fate can be changed by acting on it today, so that the future that will occur is braced is ready or avoided and not unexpected and without option.
The final type of spray first shown, is the power of ones will and how your will alone manifests things in the act of yourself to cause something to occur with solely what you are as what actually brings it about. The next will show a skill of the self and their own action, to achieve an end intended.
The role below is a manifesting artifact that summons something that can be used magically when the object is not directly accessed so long as one is faster able to manifest the intended materials with this method then the other and the effort is put by will into its powers. These powers use light.
The flower is manifested by light instead of by natural means, this allows a different way to reach an intended expected result, by reaching the same presence of the intent through a self created will of the desire by the work put into manifesting it in front of you through skill gained and practiced by the attempt to.
Will is the most immediate power of magic that allows the rest, one must will the manifestation and act on the will to then achieve it, thus the magic is always firstly about the will and how it comes to manifest as the object or thing intended.
The manifestation of will depends on the chances of the thing attempted actually occurring but ones acted will allows it to occur far more likely. The purchase of the object will manifest the spell because you took the action of buying it as it sold as an advantage especially while hoping for a sale.
However a similar end can be done with what is built by yourself and might be cheaper or better depending on what it is and how you manifest your own capacity to achieve your will.
This is all their is to the will spray, it means only manifesting the will as intended.
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