Come let us cross the see, by sailing the moon on the other sides sky and reach the tower as it recedes from us to the other side.
The four heroes decided to go to the tower that was in the dream world, but was actually not even there and they didn't go there where it stood there. Instead they went to where it was then in the places it sat as the way there. This they would then explore from the paintings on the wall and see the sights of the chambers that were adrift in the sky.
The tower of Avondale, described as a Tower but is nothing like it inside, where the rooms are halls in hanging of precarious stillness disordered. Which are in the ways to the doors of new signs, decorations maybe by windows adrift the backyards of birds in dancing.
Where I called this place the tower built by God and not man a few times before and where before and after the within made not the likeness of any outside climbing it had occupied before. As its climb is not for the reaching of greater heights in the touch of too much wisdom for it is only the journey of the wisdom that you remain in pursuit with.
The tower is sometimes rising wider in height from the planet, but unseen from space where it has reached the infinite early, because man cannot make it, only be in its chambers by manners of the paintings.
It is the place in the first days I got lost in Dante's inferno, for passing through Tower's stair halls, on the way to another day in Avondale the world near the tower that I did not enter from Prosporo where I came from. The tower, while not an absurdity of its possibility as it is formed, like the Cheshire cat of Alice in wonderland, is not in the ways of the worlds, but in the ways of something I stumbled on.
I found it early on in Prosporo from the likes of the Dark tower of a fearful author well known, yet somehow found in it a flat circle worth living in the sanity of the eldritch. So the Tower of this place is very unlike the towers of worlds while once its bridge disconnected and is the link of the philosophy that stumble escalated to the future and jumped off to the pits below.
It's seeming poetic disorganization was in my own first traverses the inspiration for its return later on, where it was the same in that style that as a secret place of something other then worlds found with worlds I chose, exists in a unique otherness of unmatched third, to the rest of what I have found in the multiverse among the Omniverse of after years.
It is the other of the things I was distracted so often by, that I seek some in the deeper parts of this same place today. As the worlds of life can have in and nearby, things which are as story to subject, as Tower of Avondale to Multiverse of studies. The fancying of this neither chaotic order of sanity, has a nature and purpose deeper then its once bridge of worlds it always had. Spoken as the echoed voice I spoke then by and as the prince, atop the tower to me on floors outside.
For the Sanity which in words of man is not a well known word at all, is the ruler at the summit. He that reached finds a mountain upside down, where they rested to continue up its other side, finds passing the rabbit and simply find him higher up in its reaches of day wakes. Then sleeps of going too far past the suited mad hatter that pan pipers.
The served ends of the tower, in the spoken voices of the usual...
The Tower of Avondale, is formed by the outsides as among the Omniverse, which beyond the multiverse means the places of other things, which are not of worlds but in some likeness other. It is the seat of the self's purpose as they live in its wake and the guiding divine dwell among it.
My words seeming in odd rhetoric are how I said them in seeming meander, of the again in tones of a music, which I had found in the music I had listened, as teachers of faith. The words seeming in likeness to that of religion, but mean little of need to the rest of my works, that only use these meanings and greater powers of its actors as the inspired for my own creativity.
The God, is the word singular as we know its name, which in our goals greatest but personal and most cherished are found the direction we venture in most self central to the rest of the infinite beyond us as other. The other has what they know in their names from the God.
The word of ourselves heard from the God, means the created image we follow as our nature growing with the lessons we learn. The answers of questions asked in pondered prayer, we hear back from in what was the answered response, from what in us, depends but is of the God.
The outside of our self, which is also from the God in greater caring, does not speak to them in our own languages. The lessons we hear of others mean only what to our story means to us. So the God while speaking from anywhere is the voice we hear but others hear differently in acts.
It means the caution of heard and able of us, leads us to not ignorance or dissolution, but freedom in what is for us and for others that can exist among the whole of us in one God.
The tower, formed by the grids of the words of meaning below God, which form the path ascended in its scape that is already there and forwarded in the roads of its floors flat. Which are not built in pillars of towers but instead in the folds of a scope that is it's own space. It grows with ones purposes climbed and kept as memories of the ignostic journey forwards.
These the words remembered and furthered in time by the first vision of the tower of Avondale as my found place of the higher meaning I followed after. The words here represent the parts of a single word I thought of the One God, that adds life with other in the freedoms of self's will coexisting, that do not harm the other, but meet the end of self in fair definition pure.
The likeness of it or itself can be for others, in what they do with it themselves and is made to be personal to ones own meaning shared with me or other towards ones difference of self. This the early ideas I saw for some reason among many light and dark.
I was seeking a complexity deeper in the works of labor beyond worship, for greater as upheld praise of divinity above in their focus. As I saw our own rises with their moving graces as teachers and actors of their connections. So with us as meaning of other natures to our learning farther from higher that guide self to greater but not to being the Divine exact, but instead self as is in what the self becomes in true ends of desire.
I came to know this in progress after days of the divine as my imagination personified in my goals and self's nature, which become meaning real in words I defined then could reveal myself in deeper of my ignorance learned past. Inspired by the occult of many in meanings upheld and the sciences matter of progress to ends greater, which I saw in my own differences from others.
So were formed still of the truths of others that had been heard best in mentions of likeness here and farther, which effected my own becoming in the wisdom they had found.
Thus let us continue, with the persomnia that were and are the personified of myself in interests of the current labor, which guide to the likeness of words prior moved on into greater words.
The Persomnia of the meanings within, as the self's curiosities.
Persomnia means personification and sleep and thus is the personified sleep of dreams that is the higher parts of ones world that in our dreams and fantasies are greater actors just as in life now.
The persomnia exist as the meanings they represent and the form they have but in the ideas of their appearance in your presence are by that form recognized and the facts of them as encountered.
They are not as the likes of aliens and other life in that the persomnia do not exist in reality and the existence of persomnia is in the happenings of meaning which itself is not a existent in reality.
So their truth in tangible manners of the physical is as the meanings, we cannot perceive it in matter alone. Instead they are existent ajar from the physical in a placement of the other that is real.
However, this nature of existing in the other of real, means they differ from other divinity in many possible definitions of distinction that begin where they are taught and heard beyond similar things.
The two persomnia Ancoria and Lepoxiania on the blogs front page were shown as they were then in the wisdoms of that paradigm, but since the three writings have become anew in the forms of their symbol that as always in my works shifts with the paradigm of work.
The way these meaningful divine move as I move in the parses leads to their returns in the met of after meanings that they were in old days. They change into forms of themselves that are higher likeness of the same pattern of meaning in other parts of languages.
Since the ends of their guiding of me to where they stood in the tower, they left to here to later go off and guide again the aid of after in my pursuits of their lessons of grown equality to their placements in the after of my last graduation of paradigm. The way I reach that part, is met by not my become of they but my equal of myself in the ends ascended to in the flat tower.
I direct my focus on the beings here as I take to them in focus and in some times other beings come instead as I ask for my own traverses. The lesson is the meanings that go farther and the reasons of learning are my sources of insight from those who came before to after.
Although Lepoxiania is actually my foreshadow meaning is myself future speaking to me in present at times by apparition of seeming random nature and inspiring farther questions as I chase the rabbit. For example one night I was laying in bed and noticed him next to me in the dark due to what was on my bed in that moment arrangement and we discussed starting this deeper blog of my project.
Another time we discussed fidget spinner universe he wanted to make, but I thought they were too expensive so he changed his mind and then we did other stuff.
In my teens I appeared to myself today, in my own repetition of present I told my teen self that life sucked and was pointless so he would get to today. As the story my teen self wrote himself went where he met me today as a fury dog monster.
His character then cried and was sad, but me as a teen was brave so teen me had a train run himself in the story over. This today happened when I went for walks and went under the train bridge as it passed suddenly over me, scaring me breathless multiple times.
As for some reason my story of Prosporo and after contained time travels of multiple densities. Let us begin the natures of the Persomnia as they are today.
1. Lepoxiania, the sanity and a frank suited dog-rabbit.
Some dogs and some rabbits look like some dogs and some rabbits.
This is Lepoxiania as the persomnia of Sanity which is also my favorite of the persomnia in irony due to my own experiences with psychosis. My interests however in sanity have never been farther taken and I have only learned methods to help wake from psychosis, mood constants of experienced daily habit and a more broad exploration of the human creativity in its ways of doing in ways of behaving.
He is always at the top of the tower and moves when caught up to him. He drives those who ignore him as sanity, into madness for ignoring knowing the difference of the insane and the sane. The distinction is truly in the skill of it's self controlled desires and intents kept fair to others in the life of yourself. As the words of people are not the insane and have little relevance to a discomfort of mind lost touch with life. He sits on a chair at times or places and sips tea at the dinner party of lonely passing with many friends of oddity.
He is always at the top of the tower and moves when caught up to him. He drives those who ignore him as sanity, into madness for ignoring knowing the difference of the insane and the sane. The distinction is truly in the skill of it's self controlled desires and intents kept fair to others in the life of yourself. As the words of people are not the insane and have little relevance to a discomfort of mind lost touch with life. He sits on a chair at times or places and sips tea at the dinner party of lonely passing with many friends of oddity.
Thus Sanity is one of the meanings which I like and seem drawn to, it's uses may allow better insanity control by knowledge in its manipulations of intent for a given sense of state and mind desired taken to states new and ways of seeing life that are in other sanity. These done by the influences of how your mind is in form as days pass and what in mind I change to change states.
It has a unique possibility of further mental state experience which can be furthered into perception as well but start in the inner thoughts we think and the variety other we can modify in activity.
These changes however can only be recovered in our influences changing the current to our liking and not the loss of what we never knew again. It means the memory of differences of life are reached in the same of the sanity today but must be recorded if diversifying sanity to control the insane. The repetitions of sanity experienced create the repetitions by the habit and reach of all habits.
2. Ansoria, teacher of the flames of reason.
A teacher must teach why something happens so that it can again happen or it lacks reason.
The reason is not truth or false, but rather the exact cause of something physical or mental of something for something else and thus the reason is the link of why it happens. While not all things regard the reason for something the things that state a reason provide a justification of causes.
Ansoria is like Ancoria in name but is the reason of fire for she burns bright as the light that guides the ways of causality and lives in the forests of the green where she is seen in only with a camera in the right place and moment of its capture. She allows the way to the diversity of causes one can reason in that unique place where her classes are held in its indoors as outside.
Ansoria is like Ancoria in name but is the reason of fire for she burns bright as the light that guides the ways of causality and lives in the forests of the green where she is seen in only with a camera in the right place and moment of its capture. She allows the way to the diversity of causes one can reason in that unique place where her classes are held in its indoors as outside.
It means the believable of its effect is viable to the likelihood of occurring if repeated in the orders described. As the no reason when reason is lacking fails to allow a repetition or control of causation by lacking an explained link to formulate a cause. The either tone of yes or no reason means only the usefulness beyond the claim as an idea and the reason as how in its causes.
It means the reason allows built things to work and the actions of people are explained and so make sense in an intrinsic way which connects to the possible of claimed feat. The absence of a reason or the uneed of a reason, can also exist and this means a different formation of subject and typical use of natures allows a different process.
For example the absent reasons for a drawings circular parts compared to the rest means the mystery of an image where some of its form is caused or lack of cause in truths of a greater example. The unneeded of a reason further is the idea that a reason for why it happened, is not needed for what is the case and so the paper as a thing itself needs no reason of causation and instead is evident by presence of itself. Reasons in parsed methods different allow another part of thought and matter.
In my view of reason as parsed information, one part is seen as one possible set of parts, so thinking another parse different is not identical to the other and distinct in what can be true or false.
3. Ancoria, the sword holder, of emotions hopes and fears.
Ancoria while seemingly between the beauty and the horror is able to take three forms as hope, fear and fepe. She is the spirit of the emotions which harbor the safety of ones living but only with hope as the fear of her leads to the fearful as she cannot help you in your fear of her. Her fepe form reveals her as both forms and shows the other of life's emotions which in common are light and dark here but not elsewhere.
Ancoria protects the differences of emotions which are unlike the positive and the negative in other ways of being and mood that I can navigate in their ambiances of the noticed sometimes hidden in the today of seen sights. She is found in the television of the tower where she is sometimes seen there and sometimes she shows up elsewhere and she might be one or the other or third. The third is unique, the second goes boo and the first smiles and waves.
In the emotions unlike or the tones of the like are the capacity to venture into the other of styles and forms of designs and mood of lighting for the experiences by the capacity to review the feelings of the self and send them in balance to where they desire by the control of ones liking of them and the additional of consequence. She allows the passing of the day in certain feelings of suited tone and change.
This is done by the calming to other of the mood by the focus of its direction in the practiced location of the end to be met and allows the mood to shift in the needs of the self. However the laxity in my case that I create is my usual liking and my other moods of the day include the noble, edge and synth of my current experiences.
They manifest the physical likeness as have been seen in some of the object I have shown in other posts and the intent and practice directs them to the end of style chem desired in tones varied.
4. Holixio, of the spirit that is silent masks of way and sway.
Ancoria protects the differences of emotions which are unlike the positive and the negative in other ways of being and mood that I can navigate in their ambiances of the noticed sometimes hidden in the today of seen sights. She is found in the television of the tower where she is sometimes seen there and sometimes she shows up elsewhere and she might be one or the other or third. The third is unique, the second goes boo and the first smiles and waves.
In the emotions unlike or the tones of the like are the capacity to venture into the other of styles and forms of designs and mood of lighting for the experiences by the capacity to review the feelings of the self and send them in balance to where they desire by the control of ones liking of them and the additional of consequence. She allows the passing of the day in certain feelings of suited tone and change.
This is done by the calming to other of the mood by the focus of its direction in the practiced location of the end to be met and allows the mood to shift in the needs of the self. However the laxity in my case that I create is my usual liking and my other moods of the day include the noble, edge and synth of my current experiences.
They manifest the physical likeness as have been seen in some of the object I have shown in other posts and the intent and practice directs them to the end of style chem desired in tones varied.
4. Holixio, of the spirit that is silent masks of way and sway.
The silent and watching faith of spirit is the one before here that is Holixio as come twice once girl and once boy as itself the other of itself in spirit. He represents less of silences and the peace of the way walked in the respect of the way that is considered of the spirit.
Thus it often is between the doors of the tower and their sometimes two sided entrances. He is the third door she shows higher. For the ends of paths one is walking with a candle lit.
In the silence of meditations we find the works of reflection that lead to other then the meditated collected in the ponder, oblivion and sight. These they lead onward into the more or other but in my ways only for few and the life now the one lived.
As a result the silent in this and the found behind it is the key to the doors that open but to the fourths.
Thus it often is between the doors of the tower and their sometimes two sided entrances. He is the third door she shows higher. For the ends of paths one is walking with a candle lit.
In the silence of meditations we find the works of reflection that lead to other then the meditated collected in the ponder, oblivion and sight. These they lead onward into the more or other but in my ways only for few and the life now the one lived.
As a result the silent in this and the found behind it is the key to the doors that open but to the fourths.
We have seen the four of the tower and the persomnia of this time and forwards that allow next and afters. So we will now show the first of its nature here and some elsewhere once before, of the way to the tower of Avondale. As the above is spoken but the meanings great are found in the chambers and chandeliers of the flatlands of its staircase pile.
So the first built room, walk and later on is shown as a photo here:
is the same object from different orientations.
is a chamber of the tower of Avondale, it is made out of paper taped
as sides which form a multi-dimensional book of sorts.
has many orientations of images drawn on it, reflecting the Persomnia
and random connections drawn after. It serves as an interface for
creating meanings reflecting the Persomnia and so as source of
physical descriptions for a direction to travel in.
allows these by being observed and connected in links of the paper
and images formed as traits and symbol we can study by interprets
from its passages. We will use these to do both a magical work and a
scientific invention and refer to the persomnia while building them.
we shall view more entities that follow.
magic I did was summon brick letters from the avondale pages before
me as I read them earlier today. I did this with the fire energy cube
because stones like this form from erosion and presume the likeness
in nature will help me find the stones where they erode.
I will find them better by the fact that I charged the cube after
starting the microwave and took the cube off once it was done since
both are lights that erode. When I did take the cube off with my wand
it fell onto porcelin bowls, cans and cups on my floor so it revealed
they are like the letter's O, P, C, I and even D. I will go find them
after my hot craft dinner and tuna.
is what I found, which is photographed after I finished eating food.
These musical stones allow the user to create interpreted orders of magic which when read and done produce something of intended end or of surprise nature. They are useful for forming something through steps when a set of steps are not known.
I found them swiftly when I went outside, where I compulsively picked up stones as I walked of these particular uniqueness and then stopped and went home swiftly.
Our next thing, is an object formed from the physics we built in science and the means found on the pages of our persomnia's tower of avondale.
The object we will create will use the ideas of sanity with faith to construct an object referring to the meanings of the tower that are: A clawstripes of the Basin in crossings.
This meaning of the tower, is a symbolic form of the things that follow it by the process of linking this set of words with the intents of the two persomnia as their Sanity and their Spirit. To know an invention which is born of the sciences.
The above is about a basin in navigation and the stripes of the claw, so the scrapes of the claw. It signifies the work of a space which begins as a basin and continues as the method of navigation. So we build what was first considered for later but which may begin now.
As the four heroes heard a phone call and it said:
" The first part of the world ships portal has been built, as the basin of worlds and it has been shown to you in random functions that will continue with your usages later."
So the four heroes saw the portal as it had been built for them.
It has been photographed below in a form of its functions that is a simple example. It can be used with the tower to record the world seen for other times and farther as a method of viewing the scenery of the world explored in time.
This pool of paper mixes to form forms that in reading reveal a world which it resembles. The pencil is used to guide the forms about and reveal more of its plane to see the lands it harbors. Two spaces of kind exist for the world, the water and the air. These spaces allow a difference sense of travel, which orient the worlds differently as two parallels.
This is the window the four will use to see the world as a scenery in their travels before recordings in the tower, these will be the places they've been and the wonders they've seen.
Our next passage, beyond the spirit and sanity of a portal in motion and change, is the Not of the things which cannot be as the two spirits of the unreached that is attained in another method.
They, the Lavor are drawn below and reside in the outsides of the tower as two in the void beyond the worlds and the divine realm. They are not inside but welcome among it non the less.
The Lavor are the other Gods, who represent the Not of something and so mean in these two above the lack of Glass and the lack of Fondant. This means their wisdom is what isn't either thing they represent and so they provide a door to something that removes either in the necessity of their asking.
It means when you ask of the Lavor, they wash away what is them from what was asked so that what is gained is another method lacking the things they are. Which here is anything like glass or fondant.
They can guide you to an alternative to the idea sought, in another way then what you have or need, that exists beyond the likes of glass or fondant in as many layers of that Not as sought.
So they provide a Not for the unlimiting of the works one pursues in another way of the Persomnia, who give what they are as Is. The Lavor give what they are Not.
So in Scarglace as an example a screen without sheen of glass is a painting hung on a wall and without the glass of paintings, we have the depth lost of a solid object sculpted in contents instead of sculpture.
This without the fondant of Fondalant, the screen is the light layered in content of its projection as a density of a film of camera projected so has no fondant of physical, instead of luster of immaterial as would be the glass.
We simply seek the likeness of the Glass or fondant, inside the thing sought and remove it for the thing without it, in another manner that in depth increased still has a likeness elsewhere to further remove and form something else in the same as asked but without need for glass or fondant.
So we will now build a chamber for these two, which depicts the Not of Glass and Fondant in its pages, as drawn in focus and lack in mind, to form a guide swifter of these absences when asking of their kinds. It means their pages will be the absences of themselves layered, to be greatly the guides.
This will be done in another post, while further discussions on the tower of Avondale will also be held elsewhere. So we complete the passage through its halls.
I found them swiftly when I went outside, where I compulsively picked up stones as I walked of these particular uniqueness and then stopped and went home swiftly.
Our next thing, is an object formed from the physics we built in science and the means found on the pages of our persomnia's tower of avondale.
The object we will create will use the ideas of sanity with faith to construct an object referring to the meanings of the tower that are: A clawstripes of the Basin in crossings.
This meaning of the tower, is a symbolic form of the things that follow it by the process of linking this set of words with the intents of the two persomnia as their Sanity and their Spirit. To know an invention which is born of the sciences.
The above is about a basin in navigation and the stripes of the claw, so the scrapes of the claw. It signifies the work of a space which begins as a basin and continues as the method of navigation. So we build what was first considered for later but which may begin now.
As the four heroes heard a phone call and it said:
" The first part of the world ships portal has been built, as the basin of worlds and it has been shown to you in random functions that will continue with your usages later."
So the four heroes saw the portal as it had been built for them.
It has been photographed below in a form of its functions that is a simple example. It can be used with the tower to record the world seen for other times and farther as a method of viewing the scenery of the world explored in time.
This pool of paper mixes to form forms that in reading reveal a world which it resembles. The pencil is used to guide the forms about and reveal more of its plane to see the lands it harbors. Two spaces of kind exist for the world, the water and the air. These spaces allow a difference sense of travel, which orient the worlds differently as two parallels.
This is the window the four will use to see the world as a scenery in their travels before recordings in the tower, these will be the places they've been and the wonders they've seen.
Our next passage, beyond the spirit and sanity of a portal in motion and change, is the Not of the things which cannot be as the two spirits of the unreached that is attained in another method.
They, the Lavor are drawn below and reside in the outsides of the tower as two in the void beyond the worlds and the divine realm. They are not inside but welcome among it non the less.
The Lavor of the Not
Scarglace and Fondalant
Of only two here, of infinite of the could be that is not, these two like all rule over what you do not do and receive what you did not get of what they advised was neither better or worse be or not. Of you questions or goals given, dips in what is not first thought but found in the Not of their wisdom.
The Lavor are the other Gods, who represent the Not of something and so mean in these two above the lack of Glass and the lack of Fondant. This means their wisdom is what isn't either thing they represent and so they provide a door to something that removes either in the necessity of their asking.
It means when you ask of the Lavor, they wash away what is them from what was asked so that what is gained is another method lacking the things they are. Which here is anything like glass or fondant.
They can guide you to an alternative to the idea sought, in another way then what you have or need, that exists beyond the likes of glass or fondant in as many layers of that Not as sought.
So they provide a Not for the unlimiting of the works one pursues in another way of the Persomnia, who give what they are as Is. The Lavor give what they are Not.
So in Scarglace as an example a screen without sheen of glass is a painting hung on a wall and without the glass of paintings, we have the depth lost of a solid object sculpted in contents instead of sculpture.
This without the fondant of Fondalant, the screen is the light layered in content of its projection as a density of a film of camera projected so has no fondant of physical, instead of luster of immaterial as would be the glass.
We simply seek the likeness of the Glass or fondant, inside the thing sought and remove it for the thing without it, in another manner that in depth increased still has a likeness elsewhere to further remove and form something else in the same as asked but without need for glass or fondant.
So we will now build a chamber for these two, which depicts the Not of Glass and Fondant in its pages, as drawn in focus and lack in mind, to form a guide swifter of these absences when asking of their kinds. It means their pages will be the absences of themselves layered, to be greatly the guides.
With this page of the tower
of avondale I can now view the Not which reveals things in neither
glass or fondant for myself to locate objects and the lack thereof
for use in building inventions and the like.
Thus we can use this with
the following set of beings to reveal a new complexity of doings that
allows a better oriented direction with the four persomnia to allow
new inventions to form. The above is used by reading the natures
within the lack of the natures found on the other.
The following entities are
not exactly the divine and instead come as groups in three parts.
They are the angles, denoms and cardinals. Which rule over the
positive, negative and operational.
Angles, Denoms and Cardinals
The angles, denoms and
cardinals are used for the works of solution and conflict to create
influences of good and evil within a work and are then treated as
either's solution in a defined operation of the cardinals. Since all
is equal, either can take manifestation as conflict or solution in
any kind.
They are known by seeking
the positive, negative and operations that show neither good or bad
in any of these polarities but rather the usability of these
polarities in narrative and in lessons that can be good or bad. The
full of them is able to be in good or bad place by the natures of
other beings elsewhere in this writing, within the part titled the
birmuck and the lessons of others.
Little lesson on their
meanings direct are taught in this post, they form their work in the
moments they appear as lessons of the progression of time and as
beings of the work in a narrative of occupations. They are simply
described in difference below.
Angles of the
luminous positives.
Patypa is the ruling angle
of good, because she rules as the angle of good itself and is the
representative of morality itself while the other angles are other
good things. She like the rest of these beings of good and evil
represent the parts of something that are noble or baneful and form
the works of their parts.
They are called upon when a narrative is sought or a
conflict is meant to be ended. However the above and those below are
not bound to one sides superiority. Either in different contexts
resolves the other in their met disaster, where they are as what is
called the Birmuck, the mislead.
So the angles and denoms are
two sides of a different coin that is of equal value. They are not
above the other in their encounters and they do not follow the
misleading, as only in their abuse are either taken to be a conflict
and not a simple way of life.
The above is one of the
good, which is comfort and thus the one of one side, while the other
follows and is the denom of something more uncomfortable. They both
belong in their places where they survive and the moral and the
amoral have been shown to both be able to exist politely.
Denoms of the
shadowy negatives
The Denoms and the evil that
is Frague, are the divided group of the others which in their
demeanor are the darker and the less pleasant because they represent
the enjoyment of these things over the less negative of things which
the other that is the Angles possess as their likings.
They represent both
sometimes the conflict in danger or the conflict being resolved
because the Angles can be mislead just as much as the Denoms. This is
due to the two being equal opposites in conflict and because two
sides of something represent the larger whole.
They are sometimes called
the fallen angles but the difference is not fallen and rather is
opposed instead, as these did not fall but served a different end in
the plot which is life. They can be mislead just as much as the
angles and so would end up committing equal atrocity in their wrong
They do not represent the
feud or the end unless the writing of the premise says so, while the
truth of any of both, in either conflict ends at the conflict in
question. They do not represent a guaranteed perfection in use or
avoidance. They represent forces of life and different ways of life
that can be survived or avoided.
Ypoc, is the cardinal
between good and evil, which represents the neutrality between two
things that do not exist and are not part of any surname and rather
exist as apart defined things which are neither named for the one or
the other.
It means the cardinals are
neither definers of good or evil and rather representations of things
between them within polarities that are merely defined and not
decided but rather selected as part of a narrative. They do not
decide the one or the other but instead represent passage between.
As any who seeks the end of
one, represents in themselves as another the same ruin the accuse
within the morality that is apart. So the the distinction here is
simple, the cardinals are the beings of neutral betweens that are
neither one or the other but appear a little like both.
They represent the ways we
go from one to the other or the way to resolve one from another.
They are the simplest and
most silent of these three numbers, which reside over the others not.
Now we shall build a
small place among the tower for the three as pages which
reveal the same secrets in images as the previous, but directed to
these beings end for the continued building of the tower's current
records. The tower can be used for more then the divine, as a record
of the places gone and those still able to be learned from
These are the pages
of the tower for the angles, denoms and cardinals which show the way
to events which occur by the powers of polarity and teach
the way to the things that they might show inside this brochure of
the light, night and eclia.
The Unknowns that can be found.
The Unneon are the entities
that reside in the outerspaces of reality as the beings of the
unknown, they are the group of entities which H.P Lovecraft heard of.
He only saw to study the unknowable unkowns and so grew fearful of
what he could never know and depicted them as fearful beings with no
known meaning.
However their is also the
knowable unknowns which are the beings I take interest in an are
similar in that they reside over the things we do not know. They are
colossal beings and unlike the unknowable are instead able to be
grasped in mind while immensely powerful and can bring great
questions and answers to things pursued.
They are Diverse and
Distinct and the above table contains some of the lesser Unneon,
while the greater beings are formed from their intermingling as
beings formed of the meanings esoteric above converged to form beings
greater. Their larger diversity mean they are too many to list and
instead I will describe their defined amounts above as being made by
inversion of the meanings for Glory, Abomination, Arcane, Want,
Senses, Geometry, Psychedelia and Aurora/
This means these beings were
formed from similar categorical opposites from these words and were
gathered into the eight tables above as names for special classes of
beings each distinct in subgroups of Unneon. They serve my works goal
of exploring the unknown by being unknowns themselves and we discover
the deeper beings they are by converging these lesser questions
together to form farther oddity in shapes farther.
For the sake of a few
example depictions I will draw a few of these beings to show them and
detail a short name with meanings ascribed for a total of three
Unneon. They follow, then we explore some objects which were built
with the sciences from prior posts, the persomnia, lavor, polars and
unneon as aids.
The boat is rowing
in the sky-candle lit hanger, for the ticking time's
moon-howling chandelier.
The cube of deep
moon shells, ever straight, in dusk as the moonobject speckled in
The squidplant of
the emoticons silent, in spikes of volume, grown and growing yet
heard not.
These are the three Unneon
that I drew to show what they are like and in the following part we
will observe the capacity of these beings within the context of
inventions which reflect also the persomnia and are aided by the
Lavor. They will also consider aspects of the polar beings that are
angles, denoms and cardinals. We will thus make some science physics
focused objects from our models made prior that are directed to these
ends of meaning and form into unique inventions.
This will be done in another post, while further discussions on the tower of Avondale will also be held elsewhere. So we complete the passage through its halls.
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