Now we will be looking into the natures of the subjects I have mentioned already and those mentioned in less detail. These subjects represent the space and object of matter and the things that modify the events of causality natural in view, hyperspace or our repetitions of their forms.
These include the four mentioned matters that produce a kind of presence. Presence as a source of vibration contact or tipping balance. As a result the following physical depiction shows those four states of presence in basic behaviors. Basics that we will then further study as a whole group with the rest using memetic math for a more in depth modelling of their components and links between.
These listed four sources of the change of physical and material reality allow distinctive uses for each, which have a variety of possible modifications that can further modify or effect each other and the rest of reality.
These allow the navigation, displacement, current and cascade of the usually seen space and objects and create the distinctions smaller in the hyperspace.
These are to be studied with the previously shown particles, polygons and strings within the material context of both the space and objects we observe. The learned information as modeled math will be used with paper and other resources to manipulate them at farther extents then they occur naturally.
The math shown below is explained in simple of its complexity afterwards with the following work. The features it will show and discover hope to better understand the nature of these physicality in their finer details between.
It will go into detail on the subtle spatial forms mentioned in the result of our last invention. It will also then explore constructing these physical natures ourselves, through reconstruction, using Looporients as a source of scale free accessing of scale locked natures.
The amount of simple equations which detail the subcomponents of the things we have discussed prior are above as the first majority. In its last portion it explores additional concepts which were calculated or modeled as additional features. These connecting to other parts greater of the reality that this science describes in some small details.
The like of these natures are to be constructed into physical models of these described properties, that form models of these whole features, as they exist in their own locations of size and scale across reality.
However these models made of matter are built to a larger scale for our own reference purposes. We use them as references as similar can be used (as or in scales varied) for the same purposes they model in contexts of invention. Since the goal is to reproduce the behaviors of other scales in this one and so produce the same effects at other scales and levels of complexity to the naturally found forms.
As such the models of physical reality we build will be visible forms of the substances that effect and cause the observed physical phenomena as we model them in their likeness known. These will behave the same way the real ones do, but within limits of other sizes.
So these will allow smaller complexity of size limitation for our own personalized manipulation in a different context then natural and serve the same capacities. We will use mostly paper for the reconstruction of the models above in their functions. As these scaled reconstructions are as they would work in a paper based design. Meant for reference of repeated models used for objects that use those functions.
As such let us begin with the images of each component part of objects, with their functions of behavior described afterwards. Followed by space presence, effects of hyperspace and the last physical extras.
1. Particles
The particle as a resource of construction is useful for creating a density of shape that is full in nature and in varied scales provides different variety of its overall structure. It must be bonded together to form these densities which in our case with paper balls of diverse shape can be done with water, glue or tape for different exact forms of shape.
This bonding of particulate paper is called papermistry as a parallel single substance type chemistry, which is manipulated in its single substance's variety to form farther variety of smaller details for a density. It allows a safer chemistry for general geometry and capacity of the substance and in use here allows diverse forms of variety by the paper's color and exact steps of formation.
These smaller particulate build ups to a larger particle object is manipulated in its basic variables of formation by distance of bonds entered, coordinated locations of the bonds positions, the spaces between and forming out of the shape of positioned bonds and the the change of positions in time by larger extents created by different types of connection between particles.
It allows a diverse fluctuation of possible solidity for an object which can be left as the shape exact or then covered by a polygon. These to form an object with paper that is heavier and occupies more stability and space. Further because the bonds are made of paper, one can color the exact shapes of the paper at different steps of the process for varied differences.
This color can allow an object to have a color only elemental nature that contains color point details which are especially useful for static features and notations or decoration of the shape. Yet more can be said of this when we discuss strings.
The polygons of usual life form as the overall viewed shape of an object and so the nature of polygons is the explicit seen parts of some shape and the possibility for it to change. The methods that are best done for allowing a polygon effect with paper is folding the paper to shapes.
It can also be done by creating special folds by taping two papers together. The difference is both the way the fold behaves by distinct substance and the tapes capacity to limit the fold to an area of a cut between two papers.
A final possibility is water bonds by pressure sticking the papers together which while more delicate in some cases allows a far more seamless merge of polygons that provides additional possibility for geometry.
All of these formatting of paper are adjustable in influences of each others orders as built and can then be linked to particles to allow even more variety of shape and form. These particles that can be denser in points and have variety of shape or internal parts allow the two parts to work together for specified necessity.
The whole possibilities I can currently think for polygons are its capacity for tensions and modifying shape form by its placement and folds in certain cases and effected changes. Yet also the opening of a visible point by changing the fold arrangement of the polygon as it is.
Further the angular visibility of an angled line or the under and over of parts serve possible form variance. While the intended complexity of shapes inside or outside allow a dinger to form as a behavior.
As such while the density of a particle allows a initial shape and weight for an object, the polygon while only what we see can also allow flexibility of change for what we do or do not and so gives farther possibility of changes for the objects we build.
Often we can also color these shapes of paper before hand while planning their result or randomly to produce possibilities of viewed information that can be in change or farther meanings of use.The shapes built can provide a variety of physical variance serving basic physical possibility of its kind.
Strings are especially useful as the smaller details of an object which in their smaller variations of details mean and do smaller component visual parts of the whole viewed object. The ways they are best made is with a drawing tool of some kind. Since beyond the natural string as the outside of the object, the smaller strings inside it can simply be added by drawn details to the paper used.
This smaller detail however has several additional options as it can also be formed from the other two shown parts of physics, as the particles added can add a far more forward detail of small nature yet the polygons can add an emboss of flat surface which highlights the area more then another.
These coloration by drawing tool are effected by the color of the paper used and this means that while a red looks a certain way on white paper it has a different tone on a blue paper and this is further modified by the overlaying colors and ways colors are blended by both paper and ink.
Its purpose is especially differentiation and information visibility which with the other physical parts allows them to change by behaviors and the like. Yet the strings themselves and their meanings are farther influenced by their own sub-functions that are below.
The coded splice of the information and the shapes of seen form as the ink are what defines the explicit form that is created and so the code of the meaning which is represented is identical in every case even while its depiction is potentially unique to the needed case. The code of shapes as points displayed when matched to the meanings assigned share the same patterns further modified.
The overall scenery forms what the object looks like and defines its different parts, this means an object is best helped in designing its coloration to be pleasing and organized to reveal a common thematic and scenery of object as designed which highlights and narrows appearances.
The sub component information of higher information can be organized by the smaller details changed in reference to larger more apparent features. This in congruence of grouped connection forms displays of variance and higher differences of coded seeming states.
Finally the change of a given appearance detail on an object is manipulated by the paper's focused point shifting places, by the displacement of some orientation. Which in correct use shows a passing slide of visual options in selected and designed changed focus.
These allow the strings of forms recognized to display details as insights of information linked to other things regarding the designed objects of intended purposes.
The space surrounding the objects is unique as a concept because it exists as its own substance since the air is our usual space and the waters are also unique in differences of space. Further the outerspace of our planet is the same but distinct in being composed of only effects of gravity.
We define the space here as more then the absent leg room of motion and instead the room itself where the farthest borders seen represent the sky and the objects in front of it are the space's lesser parts which in their extents of divide and reveal between, form a whole geometry with a border that allows certain things.
The space we modify is done in two ways as the size of the space most often ventured matters in how we change it, thus the object extent space and the largescene of the rest around it create the space of their interacted shape.
We modify the larger by modifying the smaller in its shape, position and backgrounds and then farther change the larger through the attractions of places within and the lighting of the area that form the directions most traveled and the ambiance of space.
Yet in deeper natures, the space of something can be greater controlled by acting on it from a different angle then the exact situation of space as it is and so allows the extending of spaces not in this direction of being we use most often. This means we modify space from it's likeness in objects of other angles then the immediate space of a room.
For example as mentioned the substance as the contents of a space's background and internal fill effects how things inside it move about as objects. The viewing window of the space which in minimal nature, means what we see by our eyes alone.
So the viewing window can be focused to points in space that extend into complexity different then the one of the rest like a screen on a computer while playing a game.
The like of a defined space other then the typical can be modified with transparent layers between objects, as they can exist in that focused window in the likes of real layers of space and matter. Only in the contacts between objects as they occur in that layering is needed for manipulation.
While the exit of a viewing window allows the space to change by what leaves or enters in the changes so further in manipulations allows the viewing window to be navigated in distances that do not extend outside it but only within.
It means when well worked on in some manner of view point, interaction layers and change navigated, the construction of new space subsections with their own orientations of distance can be made. It allows an area to be extended in scale of curved spaces into more directions then 3.
The presence as the source of motions balance and vibration are best begun with the shape of necessity needed. Which in its still placement allows either the balance to shift on its own as designed, or the control of the self on it to cause the shifts to occur.
While simpler in basic requirements of cause and effect by strength of motion, the difficulty is ensuring the motion is transferred in interactions and this is better done with vibration because we push the object in that case.
The balance sets in followed motions more events, but a requirement of this needed conduit continued is that it can be easily reset after. A fall of balance with gravity is especially useful when needed as it allows a returning battery which in the next use can simply be done again by drop into the passage of falling motions. This same weight can be used to reset the mechanism on retrieval.
The ways important for these natures of presence modified in balance are the point sharper and flat equal of a shape effecting the balances lost or met of another, but further the flux of a balance returning in directions as a pendulum with its attachments in position.
The vibrations are controlled by the point of contact for the pushed energy allowing location of force applied and the following contacts met in travel after effect further motions in its path, with continued application allowing the same in motion.
It allows some of what is needed for better modelling the motions and changes that can be used for changing and restructuring an object as it continues to be set, effected or used. As the benefit of these manners for motions is that they are user activated as source of power and do not require charging, while instead needing success at resetting the process effectively.
Thus these manners of motion, which do not use a charged battery but rather a human touch, allow diverse things in their manners of allowing changes to occur as designed in what allows the change.
These following four functions of physics described allow additional complexity to the presence and its methods of change above. Even the scalien of a situation as its out shape effects motion.
As the whole possibility of the motions used is highly varied by context and possibility so the designed motions must be modeled effectively and correctly built.
This nature of limitation to the possibility of the object, limits the process of the invention to firstly a method to allow a set of behaviors which must be first defined then located in design.
It means a certain degree of trial and error and farther considerations to allow the invention success as this diversity of possible behaviors while made of paper is still engineering.
The scalien geometry of a space and object form how it is viewed in its features of depth, that allow the object to be manipulated in motion or in its possibility of viewed scale and direction. It allows the shape to represent a different space of possibility as a scale of direction and position alien. Which is manipulated by the options of viable additions with the scalien parts in question.
The necessity of the scalien as the source of both our experience of depth and distance is in the variation of how what we call depth is defined first and viewed after in uniqueness. The scale comparisons of an object is the folds first built with tape for unique fold strength. This functions as the scope of the object in its extents, which are then modeled from folded first parts, into geometry also taped and forms depths uniquely tuned to a situation of oddity.
It allows the depth created to resemble a distinct connected area of distances or outwards extent that from its referenced position of viewing allows a unique tunnel of distance scene which can be manipulated. These depths of form can be achieved in four ways including but beyond the real as the artfully drawn lines, colors without lines and light as curved depths of fade.
These allow in their use as additional directions of depth with the real a additional set of geometries and can be directed to any 2 dimensional direction desired while also allowing curves, rotation, flats and points as additional details of depth varied. These are then modified with further assets of scalien subparts.
Geometry as the points of a shape that vary its features in their distinctions as different codes of arranged connection and point allow the shapes inside the scalien and the scalien to become distinct and farther provide the created space of distance a unique alien form.
The direction which this scalien displays as an angle of space can further be modified by linking that direction and potential changes within it to a represented possibility that references another position unseen as a curved navigation to an extent beyond the apparent or as a new root to some area. This typeface of what the scale is as a approached and distanced location of view is thus termed in details.
A geometry beyond the angle and curves we usually see as the norms of pattern can be farther distinguished while building a strange scalien space by modifying the ruler of straight lines as a basic line of definition. It means instead of drawing straight lines as a side one draws another line pattern for the straight line and this with variety creates polygons then cut that in their folds have scaliens different from norms more expected.
Finally the same depth that is seen as inwards in shape can represent an outwards shape but this outwards shape of depth has a different creator formed or found geometry from the norms of an object we know because when viewed as outwards behaves as inwards instead in differences of the less encountered scalien outwards shape.
This difference of outwards and inwards scalien provides the geometry created a distinct shape which effects things like motion and viewed form for both as features of the object or space and allow a unique form of extended navigation of space.
They imply the larger extension of reality to forms of experience unlike the norm first seen, as forms of reality in other collapsed states of possibility that in their distinctions allow other possible effects or can be used here with the norms for behaviors more expected and desired.
Motion is driven by the user in this form of science on Prosporo and thus the objects built begin with the hand of the user which activates the changes of the settings for an object or thing in an intended possibility of its orders. These motion starting forms can be button like vibrations or other methods of using the hand to cause a first change or input to the object that after effects the result.
They are modified by the processes of its subparts which here are the motion blue of the experience which can help judge the speed of the object by its appearance when observed or acted in initiation.
This is further helped in its rotations by the orbit of the parts on the shape as it moves forward in rolling or flying manner. These two blur and orbit define distinct contact transfers and contact formers that allow the object to effect the next thing in the causality.
The angles of contact decide the direction of bounce for the object in contact can be mapped, the same memory of past events in the motions origin as noted parts records the positions, while the same can be done with the expected end of the motion as basic methods of mapping the needed motion.
Yet in interesting possibility the same process of expectation, memory and negatives of observing motion in change can be modified by changing them in mind while observing the change and this allows strange experiences with the motion such as the observation of motion blur after it has past and memory of the position started being where it ended.
These mental modifications of the expected in the static repeating motion as always is to another, allow a rewiring of the experience to another type of motion which is not normally experienced and so provides a method to farther extents of the experienced use as seen movement in an object to natures that provide other insight.
It means the same as seeing a motion forward as moving backwards because the judgement of the motion is based of a memory one can ignore for reverse input and view a motion identical as something that it is not.
Since the expected in denial of what is actually happening creates a surprising illusion of the expected direction it moves, when taken farther into the tones of this illusion can create motions that defy the way we know reality.
The most common example most have seen of this illusion is the ballerina that can spin in both directions and can be found on the internet. This illusion applied outside that context in usual life or in designs allows motions of new kinds. Those motions then create informants different and physics unlike to those of the normally seen.
The last two functions of the first mention physics we modeled before the extra are unique for the fact that while describing light and sound are also linked in the same breath to balance and vibration as both in order of their comparison work the same. Balance and Light react the same to the same features and sound and vibration are similarly identical.
This is because balance while seemingly unrelated to the magnetic is likely another form of magnetism that has not been studied in the same breath because the behavior of its attractions are not in the same extremes as typical magnets.
They exist in another variety found solely in that object. It means the objects connected attraction to the rest is based on a different set of polarities that are sometimes more in number then the two of a magnet. The reason for why this is the case is mostly the result of the way motion works in intrinsic variety.
These multi-polar objects have a static attraction in other ways to those of magnets which work mostly as observed and are more heavily attracted to the planet beneath them while the things above them that meet the equal bond of the shape, Is permitted with a matching or larger space that allows the connection of the shape to remain.
The difference however is the above displaced weight by that connected point of surface which in some cases forbids its attachment and propels the object in the same way as a magnet at a different scope of motion. An non balancing object cannot remain there by force of release.
Exactly like a magnet except in a magnets case the release of contact for balance is above the magnet itself and so it must be weighed, to allow contact on one side of the magnet with another, for a limited or constant amount of time.
It likely means anything can be magnetized in a distinct way different from magnets, but this possibility is unknown to me in current for not knowing how electricity works to begin with as my own assumptions and theories of reality are different.
They base models of effects in reality on presence, rather then the atom. Only because it views the object as identical to the atom in behaviors and all effects are varied in scales of order by the object exact of its kinds.
This means the object of another kind has another order of the same patterns in variety of pattern distinct, seen visually and is the same essence at any other point. We simply do not notice the full pattern of reality for its vastness extending into and as the seen, in all points of focus current or in time of memory.
It means the chaotic pattern itself as the random infinite are always partially in view, but never fully detectable from data overfill of information collapsing into a subset as the seen, yet selected in divide by the case of focused recognition and comprehension ever partially null to its own specific contextual hairsplitting.
The light as the balance of another nature in it's form of matter are the same in manipulation. In that while not outwards in motions of change as light is an extent of illumination still traversing objects around it in the same way as a balanced objects fall through them. This likeness is in a different format of behaviors in distinctions of likeness. So while both don't produce the same exact effect with the same shapes, they do meet the same shaping of themselves by other shapes.
As a result the first part to modify is the toothtoe of the shapes around the light that sculpts its trajectory into a new position of extent. The toothtoe is best compared in lights example as it represents a space and opening that extends outwards from the source in what passes through it.
It was named for the shape of the original observation of it I found in my lamp on my table which in view direct extends as the above image of the toothtoe and looks like that same idea.
However the drawing is a 2 dimensional slice of a 3 dimensional light and the image above added another opening in forward view which with light would mean a shaped and directed beam of more light directly at your face.
Which much like an object balanced on the wall falling on your face as it slides off and down the wall would hurt means that the same is true of light in brightness and direct view by the eye.
Thus protective eye wear and even caution should be done when the light used is especially constant and directly in your face. As its brightness can definitely hurt your eyes and overstimulate them into leaving a trace visibility in your vision after a viewing immediate beam, this in worse cases leads to blindness.
As matter can sometimes effect matter in ways that change its structure and as a body, you're own structure can change in unique ways based on the same premise, both in body and perception.
The two extents of balance and light form in the source of fuel as the initial source of its extending changes which in their formation define the sight seen and the effect in the other case. The proximity of the balance and the light decide the force of effect and so smaller distances means greater force and longer ones mean less. The barrier of light and balance decides its continued travel across it as the viewed surface flat in motions of either.
The temperature of the light or balance, in balances case meaning its motion of patterns and geometry is based of the time that passes and the changes in that time that lead to the farther extents in decrease of heat larger into cooler locations by its displacement into smaller extents that regather in other areas.
For example the rolling ball effects the pressure of air in the room and this in cases of the right distance add into the winds of today. As motion can move far more effectively and distinctly through certain arrangements compared to others.
Lastly the light can be colored by the cut of the lens designed in diverse ways of curvature and coloration which create distinct links of shape and strength that cause other effects in its case especially heat displacement.
In balance the likeness is its form of shape and color which in tandem form both the overall points of affection from the source and the potentially observed result as the viewed colors of its output. It means the two unlike things follow a likeness of comparison because they both work as one half of a presence.
Presence is taken as literally as it is and means the presence of something as what it is but unlike a part as a model of something means an effect of presence on a part that changes it in some details observed.
Balance is unlike vibration as previously stated for being the following effect and not the source of begun initiations for a causation. It means that light is formed firstly of sound in the same way science compares both to frequency like electricity also behaves.
It means that the nature of a frequency is especially its voice of effect.
In similar senses, the sound that follows is like light and balance in being also like vibration. Although in usual science they view vibration as sound itself and I think sound is technically a form of perceptual qualia and not the echoes of presence. Thus the next is compared to music as vibration effects, in that they play notes and so forms inputs like an instrument.
The sound of a vibration as the shift of an object into the contact of another object that further echoes as a cascade into the met possibility of something else, means the sound is an order of links of met encounter allowing a further distance of transfer by the decreasing distance of farther effect.
It means that in the cause and effect that begins with this vibration. Yet the possibility of the next encounter to continue in the farther reaches by the previously explained balance and light is only feasible at a distance greater then the applied because the tipped balances extend the distance in their own energy produced farther then the first influence.
With this in mind it means the balances we shift by first input must change in especially a downwards direction because balance's natural pull of gravity to the floor. As a result while the encoded pattern of change can be mapped, this downwards attraction must be taken into account.
The order of the note which is the next change defines the current effect that follows as its effect, with the beat of the space designed then allows the grown pattern of change which in theory should be modifiable outside the initiations to cause the effect mapped, so as to vary in some larger then view able complexity.
This modified change and the succeeding wave of caused changes then results in the pattern of finished end that is designed and must then be reset so the exact requirement is rather complex in its needs to meet the typical subject of computations greater then efficient for ourselves.
This whole nature of case specific requirements for continued actions, changed setting and reset default means the basis for the variety is the type of shape in question and its matching to the equation defined in its operations of the settings, resulting in the responses viable for its kind.
The distance of change which is needed for the right change must most importantly be considered, Which within this alternative to electricity that is less imidiately harmful, means a complex set of varied case options of more clearly evident effects. It's use as motion with and for the use of paper and further possibility of its energy efficiency is why I have a higher focus on it.
This form of motion cause and effect specific I have found and focused on for it is complex but freeing in its fall recharges as my current alternative to my limits in scientific knowledge. As when compared to those motion causes less understood by myself like electricity, this seems to provide and instantly or evidently accessible range as the balance of objects so commonly encountered.
Yet its simplicity of measured directives by each important part limits design shape exteriors, the exact designed pattern needed must be designed at very precise and specific case to each exact equation.
Its weak point is needed mass diversity of sorted causes for the exact case of motion forms required for the calculations. These calculation begin as a computer code in each line, being treated as a set of objects case specific by results, so the desire to make the depth scale is required with the effort.
As the only equal method of conduction I can access for the like of calculations like computers. It means the usually bit charged information in a chip is instead object fall set by larger code specific computers for tasks as smaller programs made physically instead of virtually.
These complexities only increasing in scale by feasibility of needed complexity resets and divided by my ability to decrease size of parts. Its very much user designed in the depth progressed by user directions and grown information and practice.
The real difference is mostly it's lack of knowledge in processes that are known in electricity but are here used with balance so in any persons lack of research both in computing and balance motions means some time needed for improved capacity. I know computer coding but lack much understanding of hardware, beyond assuming it works somehow to cause the onscreen calculations.
It's benefit in variety of program objects, is as an alternative to electrical computing best for world travel or personal desires less populace to groups larger, as personal computer tech for ones own easier accessed reach means easier personally designed devices.
They do not allow the lighting capacity of the electrical and would be far more dangerous if they did, but lights can be added as purchased. The most useful capacity is it's freedom of energy that the modern worlds electrical usage already struggles to upkeep in costs.
Yet this method of balance based energy both with a battery for stored energy and distinct uses means a far more effective method of repetitive energy production thus reducing costs and pollution to only the explicit desire for that energy type, in things more like cars and televisions as we already use them.
As my own projects tend to be more diverse and personal choices of taste that are more freed in possibility by balance energy and renders it a fair feasibility for the amount of possibilities already observed in past theories and forms of subject explore.
These personal techs are limited to paper or other chosen resource and the more costly is evidently also more unique and means more usefulness even in mass production as optional additions to products. So the idea of focusing on balance based motion through presence is a useful benefit for most needs of modern desires limited by the electrical costs firstly.
I noted this balance force of motion by experiments with the ideas of quantum mechanics and then further noted properties as I progressed alone in my own interests. I eventually realized that its distinction as a type of motion meant that it served a potential first tried and failed, to create their own effects of the like to modernistic motions use of encoding, in the effort to further know how to use them.
So I have been trying to understand the exact natures needed for some time and finally found something of fruit in how to organize my thinking, within general areas of my attempts to find my own alternatives to the costly possibilities of scientific materials.
As I could never afford those needed amounts often for testing and experiments, while having interesting ideas easily self produced, by memetic math's modelling of human thinking, with emulated causality of effects in the words meant that equals the like of a code of geometry.
Generally scientific progress is inhibited by the cost of the materials used to make even first strides into new possibilities doubted by lack of proven objects not in reach anyways by cost of the person's limits especially if not educated in the areas so cannot aid progress and personalized use.
In the cases of those materials expensive, this is obviously means a natural safety buffer of their power, but even simplistic desires out of range of average people due to the only example of its possibility being a costly device part means futility of effort. With the education sometimes out of reach as well it means hobbies of tool making is fairly low in innovation. So I am trying in seperation of knowledge, wealth and education to do the effort to do similar things with paper.
Evidently the methods possible with especially paper will entail the like of the materials scopes, that include some feasibility of visual screen like changes and coloration modifications. I see those as found in the basic needs of most technology and farther object related projects beyond the like of a cup need displays of some kind and changes of information or the like.
So I am enjoying the capacity it already provides in my research and continued progress. Since it already allows some success like the bowl tool for space shown before this. These ideas further allow an improved visualization and modelling of the needed variables.
The following final physical models of the controlled math we did prior use blends of the ideas of two equations each. This to makes the given variables less filling in occupation of space and more diversity of behaviors linked together.
The final physical models and modifiers are distinct from above in being additional experiments I added for more novelty beyond the basic builds. They are examples of deeper ideas for varied things farther that could be had with focus directed off the physical reality as use directly.
We will be using all of this after to create something already in planning that is interesting and unique for it's own ends distinct.
The scalien geometry of a space and object form how it is viewed in its features of depth, that allow the object to be manipulated in motion or in its possibility of viewed scale and direction. It allows the shape to represent a different space of possibility as a scale of direction and position alien. Which is manipulated by the options of viable additions with the scalien parts in question.
The necessity of the scalien as the source of both our experience of depth and distance is in the variation of how what we call depth is defined first and viewed after in uniqueness. The scale comparisons of an object is the folds first built with tape for unique fold strength. This functions as the scope of the object in its extents, which are then modeled from folded first parts, into geometry also taped and forms depths uniquely tuned to a situation of oddity.
It allows the depth created to resemble a distinct connected area of distances or outwards extent that from its referenced position of viewing allows a unique tunnel of distance scene which can be manipulated. These depths of form can be achieved in four ways including but beyond the real as the artfully drawn lines, colors without lines and light as curved depths of fade.
These allow in their use as additional directions of depth with the real a additional set of geometries and can be directed to any 2 dimensional direction desired while also allowing curves, rotation, flats and points as additional details of depth varied. These are then modified with further assets of scalien subparts.
Geometry as the points of a shape that vary its features in their distinctions as different codes of arranged connection and point allow the shapes inside the scalien and the scalien to become distinct and farther provide the created space of distance a unique alien form.
The direction which this scalien displays as an angle of space can further be modified by linking that direction and potential changes within it to a represented possibility that references another position unseen as a curved navigation to an extent beyond the apparent or as a new root to some area. This typeface of what the scale is as a approached and distanced location of view is thus termed in details.
A geometry beyond the angle and curves we usually see as the norms of pattern can be farther distinguished while building a strange scalien space by modifying the ruler of straight lines as a basic line of definition. It means instead of drawing straight lines as a side one draws another line pattern for the straight line and this with variety creates polygons then cut that in their folds have scaliens different from norms more expected.
Finally the same depth that is seen as inwards in shape can represent an outwards shape but this outwards shape of depth has a different creator formed or found geometry from the norms of an object we know because when viewed as outwards behaves as inwards instead in differences of the less encountered scalien outwards shape.
This difference of outwards and inwards scalien provides the geometry created a distinct shape which effects things like motion and viewed form for both as features of the object or space and allow a unique form of extended navigation of space.
They imply the larger extension of reality to forms of experience unlike the norm first seen, as forms of reality in other collapsed states of possibility that in their distinctions allow other possible effects or can be used here with the norms for behaviors more expected and desired.
Motion is driven by the user in this form of science on Prosporo and thus the objects built begin with the hand of the user which activates the changes of the settings for an object or thing in an intended possibility of its orders. These motion starting forms can be button like vibrations or other methods of using the hand to cause a first change or input to the object that after effects the result.
They are modified by the processes of its subparts which here are the motion blue of the experience which can help judge the speed of the object by its appearance when observed or acted in initiation.
This is further helped in its rotations by the orbit of the parts on the shape as it moves forward in rolling or flying manner. These two blur and orbit define distinct contact transfers and contact formers that allow the object to effect the next thing in the causality.
The angles of contact decide the direction of bounce for the object in contact can be mapped, the same memory of past events in the motions origin as noted parts records the positions, while the same can be done with the expected end of the motion as basic methods of mapping the needed motion.
Yet in interesting possibility the same process of expectation, memory and negatives of observing motion in change can be modified by changing them in mind while observing the change and this allows strange experiences with the motion such as the observation of motion blur after it has past and memory of the position started being where it ended.
These mental modifications of the expected in the static repeating motion as always is to another, allow a rewiring of the experience to another type of motion which is not normally experienced and so provides a method to farther extents of the experienced use as seen movement in an object to natures that provide other insight.
It means the same as seeing a motion forward as moving backwards because the judgement of the motion is based of a memory one can ignore for reverse input and view a motion identical as something that it is not.
Since the expected in denial of what is actually happening creates a surprising illusion of the expected direction it moves, when taken farther into the tones of this illusion can create motions that defy the way we know reality.
The most common example most have seen of this illusion is the ballerina that can spin in both directions and can be found on the internet. This illusion applied outside that context in usual life or in designs allows motions of new kinds. Those motions then create informants different and physics unlike to those of the normally seen.
The last two functions of the first mention physics we modeled before the extra are unique for the fact that while describing light and sound are also linked in the same breath to balance and vibration as both in order of their comparison work the same. Balance and Light react the same to the same features and sound and vibration are similarly identical.
This is because balance while seemingly unrelated to the magnetic is likely another form of magnetism that has not been studied in the same breath because the behavior of its attractions are not in the same extremes as typical magnets.
They exist in another variety found solely in that object. It means the objects connected attraction to the rest is based on a different set of polarities that are sometimes more in number then the two of a magnet. The reason for why this is the case is mostly the result of the way motion works in intrinsic variety.
These multi-polar objects have a static attraction in other ways to those of magnets which work mostly as observed and are more heavily attracted to the planet beneath them while the things above them that meet the equal bond of the shape, Is permitted with a matching or larger space that allows the connection of the shape to remain.
The difference however is the above displaced weight by that connected point of surface which in some cases forbids its attachment and propels the object in the same way as a magnet at a different scope of motion. An non balancing object cannot remain there by force of release.
Exactly like a magnet except in a magnets case the release of contact for balance is above the magnet itself and so it must be weighed, to allow contact on one side of the magnet with another, for a limited or constant amount of time.
It likely means anything can be magnetized in a distinct way different from magnets, but this possibility is unknown to me in current for not knowing how electricity works to begin with as my own assumptions and theories of reality are different.
They base models of effects in reality on presence, rather then the atom. Only because it views the object as identical to the atom in behaviors and all effects are varied in scales of order by the object exact of its kinds.
This means the object of another kind has another order of the same patterns in variety of pattern distinct, seen visually and is the same essence at any other point. We simply do not notice the full pattern of reality for its vastness extending into and as the seen, in all points of focus current or in time of memory.
It means the chaotic pattern itself as the random infinite are always partially in view, but never fully detectable from data overfill of information collapsing into a subset as the seen, yet selected in divide by the case of focused recognition and comprehension ever partially null to its own specific contextual hairsplitting.
The light as the balance of another nature in it's form of matter are the same in manipulation. In that while not outwards in motions of change as light is an extent of illumination still traversing objects around it in the same way as a balanced objects fall through them. This likeness is in a different format of behaviors in distinctions of likeness. So while both don't produce the same exact effect with the same shapes, they do meet the same shaping of themselves by other shapes.
As a result the first part to modify is the toothtoe of the shapes around the light that sculpts its trajectory into a new position of extent. The toothtoe is best compared in lights example as it represents a space and opening that extends outwards from the source in what passes through it.
It was named for the shape of the original observation of it I found in my lamp on my table which in view direct extends as the above image of the toothtoe and looks like that same idea.
However the drawing is a 2 dimensional slice of a 3 dimensional light and the image above added another opening in forward view which with light would mean a shaped and directed beam of more light directly at your face.
Which much like an object balanced on the wall falling on your face as it slides off and down the wall would hurt means that the same is true of light in brightness and direct view by the eye.
Thus protective eye wear and even caution should be done when the light used is especially constant and directly in your face. As its brightness can definitely hurt your eyes and overstimulate them into leaving a trace visibility in your vision after a viewing immediate beam, this in worse cases leads to blindness.
As matter can sometimes effect matter in ways that change its structure and as a body, you're own structure can change in unique ways based on the same premise, both in body and perception.
The two extents of balance and light form in the source of fuel as the initial source of its extending changes which in their formation define the sight seen and the effect in the other case. The proximity of the balance and the light decide the force of effect and so smaller distances means greater force and longer ones mean less. The barrier of light and balance decides its continued travel across it as the viewed surface flat in motions of either.
The temperature of the light or balance, in balances case meaning its motion of patterns and geometry is based of the time that passes and the changes in that time that lead to the farther extents in decrease of heat larger into cooler locations by its displacement into smaller extents that regather in other areas.
For example the rolling ball effects the pressure of air in the room and this in cases of the right distance add into the winds of today. As motion can move far more effectively and distinctly through certain arrangements compared to others.
Lastly the light can be colored by the cut of the lens designed in diverse ways of curvature and coloration which create distinct links of shape and strength that cause other effects in its case especially heat displacement.
In balance the likeness is its form of shape and color which in tandem form both the overall points of affection from the source and the potentially observed result as the viewed colors of its output. It means the two unlike things follow a likeness of comparison because they both work as one half of a presence.
Presence is taken as literally as it is and means the presence of something as what it is but unlike a part as a model of something means an effect of presence on a part that changes it in some details observed.
Balance is unlike vibration as previously stated for being the following effect and not the source of begun initiations for a causation. It means that light is formed firstly of sound in the same way science compares both to frequency like electricity also behaves.
It means that the nature of a frequency is especially its voice of effect.
In similar senses, the sound that follows is like light and balance in being also like vibration. Although in usual science they view vibration as sound itself and I think sound is technically a form of perceptual qualia and not the echoes of presence. Thus the next is compared to music as vibration effects, in that they play notes and so forms inputs like an instrument.
The sound of a vibration as the shift of an object into the contact of another object that further echoes as a cascade into the met possibility of something else, means the sound is an order of links of met encounter allowing a further distance of transfer by the decreasing distance of farther effect.
It means that in the cause and effect that begins with this vibration. Yet the possibility of the next encounter to continue in the farther reaches by the previously explained balance and light is only feasible at a distance greater then the applied because the tipped balances extend the distance in their own energy produced farther then the first influence.
With this in mind it means the balances we shift by first input must change in especially a downwards direction because balance's natural pull of gravity to the floor. As a result while the encoded pattern of change can be mapped, this downwards attraction must be taken into account.
The order of the note which is the next change defines the current effect that follows as its effect, with the beat of the space designed then allows the grown pattern of change which in theory should be modifiable outside the initiations to cause the effect mapped, so as to vary in some larger then view able complexity.
This modified change and the succeeding wave of caused changes then results in the pattern of finished end that is designed and must then be reset so the exact requirement is rather complex in its needs to meet the typical subject of computations greater then efficient for ourselves.
This whole nature of case specific requirements for continued actions, changed setting and reset default means the basis for the variety is the type of shape in question and its matching to the equation defined in its operations of the settings, resulting in the responses viable for its kind.
The distance of change which is needed for the right change must most importantly be considered, Which within this alternative to electricity that is less imidiately harmful, means a complex set of varied case options of more clearly evident effects. It's use as motion with and for the use of paper and further possibility of its energy efficiency is why I have a higher focus on it.
This form of motion cause and effect specific I have found and focused on for it is complex but freeing in its fall recharges as my current alternative to my limits in scientific knowledge. As when compared to those motion causes less understood by myself like electricity, this seems to provide and instantly or evidently accessible range as the balance of objects so commonly encountered.
Yet its simplicity of measured directives by each important part limits design shape exteriors, the exact designed pattern needed must be designed at very precise and specific case to each exact equation.
Its weak point is needed mass diversity of sorted causes for the exact case of motion forms required for the calculations. These calculation begin as a computer code in each line, being treated as a set of objects case specific by results, so the desire to make the depth scale is required with the effort.
As the only equal method of conduction I can access for the like of calculations like computers. It means the usually bit charged information in a chip is instead object fall set by larger code specific computers for tasks as smaller programs made physically instead of virtually.
These complexities only increasing in scale by feasibility of needed complexity resets and divided by my ability to decrease size of parts. Its very much user designed in the depth progressed by user directions and grown information and practice.
The real difference is mostly it's lack of knowledge in processes that are known in electricity but are here used with balance so in any persons lack of research both in computing and balance motions means some time needed for improved capacity. I know computer coding but lack much understanding of hardware, beyond assuming it works somehow to cause the onscreen calculations.
It's benefit in variety of program objects, is as an alternative to electrical computing best for world travel or personal desires less populace to groups larger, as personal computer tech for ones own easier accessed reach means easier personally designed devices.
They do not allow the lighting capacity of the electrical and would be far more dangerous if they did, but lights can be added as purchased. The most useful capacity is it's freedom of energy that the modern worlds electrical usage already struggles to upkeep in costs.
Yet this method of balance based energy both with a battery for stored energy and distinct uses means a far more effective method of repetitive energy production thus reducing costs and pollution to only the explicit desire for that energy type, in things more like cars and televisions as we already use them.
As my own projects tend to be more diverse and personal choices of taste that are more freed in possibility by balance energy and renders it a fair feasibility for the amount of possibilities already observed in past theories and forms of subject explore.
These personal techs are limited to paper or other chosen resource and the more costly is evidently also more unique and means more usefulness even in mass production as optional additions to products. So the idea of focusing on balance based motion through presence is a useful benefit for most needs of modern desires limited by the electrical costs firstly.
I noted this balance force of motion by experiments with the ideas of quantum mechanics and then further noted properties as I progressed alone in my own interests. I eventually realized that its distinction as a type of motion meant that it served a potential first tried and failed, to create their own effects of the like to modernistic motions use of encoding, in the effort to further know how to use them.
So I have been trying to understand the exact natures needed for some time and finally found something of fruit in how to organize my thinking, within general areas of my attempts to find my own alternatives to the costly possibilities of scientific materials.
As I could never afford those needed amounts often for testing and experiments, while having interesting ideas easily self produced, by memetic math's modelling of human thinking, with emulated causality of effects in the words meant that equals the like of a code of geometry.
Generally scientific progress is inhibited by the cost of the materials used to make even first strides into new possibilities doubted by lack of proven objects not in reach anyways by cost of the person's limits especially if not educated in the areas so cannot aid progress and personalized use.
In the cases of those materials expensive, this is obviously means a natural safety buffer of their power, but even simplistic desires out of range of average people due to the only example of its possibility being a costly device part means futility of effort. With the education sometimes out of reach as well it means hobbies of tool making is fairly low in innovation. So I am trying in seperation of knowledge, wealth and education to do the effort to do similar things with paper.
Evidently the methods possible with especially paper will entail the like of the materials scopes, that include some feasibility of visual screen like changes and coloration modifications. I see those as found in the basic needs of most technology and farther object related projects beyond the like of a cup need displays of some kind and changes of information or the like.
So I am enjoying the capacity it already provides in my research and continued progress. Since it already allows some success like the bowl tool for space shown before this. These ideas further allow an improved visualization and modelling of the needed variables.
The following final physical models of the controlled math we did prior use blends of the ideas of two equations each. This to makes the given variables less filling in occupation of space and more diversity of behaviors linked together.
The final physical models and modifiers are distinct from above in being additional experiments I added for more novelty beyond the basic builds. They are examples of deeper ideas for varied things farther that could be had with focus directed off the physical reality as use directly.
We will be using all of this after to create something already in planning that is interesting and unique for it's own ends distinct.
A. Spaze spatial extension
The spaze represents the use of something other then the space normal to create its likeness in the location of its use. It is similar to a drawing in some cases by meeting the conditions of nature which in its basic likeness creates a space of another context orientation of functions.
The view of the space as the frame and the extents of its navigation are composed of the divide between which in seen and continuity form the possible uses of a space that doesn't have to be the exact same observation of experience as our usual space and allows other experiences.
The physics of the space and those parts entering and exiting is based of the modifiers of things within it that allow distinct changes in it to occur, further allowing the space unique and new possibility. These possibilities can be mapped or thought as desired and helped with idea generation.
As the source of the information used, the fitting to the space frame and view designed with effort of numbers and variety driven to its referenced meaning creates a distinct location of space that is not oriented and navigated as norms here are occurring and allows an alien possibility of view.
B. Spaceform dissociates
The spaceforms are parts of view which exist as noted smaller details of reality that have effects and behaviors which while not well mapped and explained by pareidolia as unexplained.
These hazeform details are in their variety forming any vague visual when seeking or noted instance occurs of their form. It means the exact case allowed some form to be seen in that exact nature, which can only be replicated different in explained source of the situation.
It allows possible sources of use in their physical reproductions and can connect to the like of object, extents and scaffolds. In their basic distinctions of source including the mind itself as photoforms linked to astral projection, means the use is varied for the random possible micro details of the overall. It means the viewed patterns noted in passing finer focus, allow things like the following uses.
They can effect the probability of something simply by being linked as that form of visual effect called scaffold which influences the result of chances in a non material way by effects user defines.
Thus probability causes allow a special effect in their use among other things as photoforms of mental creation by will and sought pattern. They allow a motion shifter which in defined non-link cause for the motion change as an event of patterned alternate physics for science. It renders a potential formed naturally that can be replicated.
The same visual haze of forms when sought in its potentials for the fine pattern of some view, then allow a ghostly outlining of the exact thing desired in the narrowing of the patterns seen to a likeness further amplified by the mind and the like of astral projection.
It means laying in bed to use the invisible object or variations in space as modeled allows a useful emulation of form by observed effects created or linked elsewhere.
These links to objects as extents of microchanges as observed intended patterns of any position of the view physical or mental mean the temporary mapped effect that is subtle. It allows unique additions of behaviors less visible as personalized effects in difficult agreement with others who are not exactly focusing the eyes to that point perspective of focus shifted features of experience.
They can be farther extended to the agreed by extending the naturally formed chaotic haze of patterns as the additions of the real desired in the location space of the needed use greater.
Because of these capacities as distinct varied details of experience that are focused they allow the user to model a pattern of the apparent or non-existent presence in the form of a sense which in its tuned effect of same finer details allows a semi-seen sense of the linked thing which behaves in effects by the link effected in the object.
Because they map random information of anything and are mostly in the object details viewed or minds details of perception and in usage as models of shape in odd position allow that new object nature to be seen in its described relevance and further view modified as an object is changed.
These objects of space-object and mind are unique for being a modifiable by mind substance of finer details and the eyes links which do exist in the space as that area, but is modified with exactly that space as it is there and done.
It means in all cases an extending interface of views for additional connections and limits defined by yourself in the exact meeting of the patterns for yourself and the possibly communicated as hazeform objects for an alternate object of semi-object freedom.
It can be further extended to visual imagination of mind which in placement forward adds additional effects, yet increases proximity to astral projection and sleep for being the process of entry.
The viewed extent of the visuals are manipulated by pareidolia and intent as focused and increased in relaxation to lead into other perception realities.
All of these only allow the experience of visuals to be changed, but the reconstruction of forms more vivid with matter allows their material. The hazeforms do reveal micro features of objects less apparent to the common focus and to better understand them must be explained and repeated.
These forms are influenced by the space within and represent that space specific variety of possible real features mapped by the pareidolia. The whole extent of possible minute details and uses is as seen but not as easily changed. So the extents of this infinitude smaller in variance mean the static stability instance of the place itself. The change defined is the change then linked as observed.
It's micro detail flux of possibility is potential variance in what can be done with it by increase outside norms seen. So means the experiences they form are modifications of common trend and are material as anything so mean links to the same of the substance.
While the effect is seen, they can mean anything you ascribed and increased by material manner. This basic manipulation of the possible options I selected as a test is all I know of its full focused variance.
I also once saw entities poking through an odd angle of the perceptual and physical in complexity of complete cause not recorded by lack of paying attention to what exactly I was doing while sleepy. This more complex example of the pattern forms viewed co-structuring in hyper specifics causes weirder contexts.
Which then perceive unique case sensitivities of both the trance of photoforms in mind relaxed and the physical hazeforms outside in overlap as unexpected detail links real and false. Due to the continued increase of details and means the same as dreams but with eyes open.
Which you have to wake up from by exiting the focus position of repeating view and increasing pattern map and decoherence. So the nature of hazeforms means the between of wake and sleep and so have the same consequence of changing the differences between them.
Use at your discretion, I have done very little with hazeforms in current as I kept using them so better learned to modify them. Thus I can make them do rather unique effects that are noted in the topic of themselves. I just don't know what I want to see with them, so they jump around as my thinking on stuff that connects in subconscious links while my eyes are open.
It means while in use and intent to increase them I have made them seemingly more apparent then before when they were less understood and this varies in exact experience by space.
I tell you all this because sometimes my preoccupations with seeing them make them hard to unsee, without getting out of bed and I find the visuals before bed so psychedelic sometimes I can't sleep.
As I spend too much time visualizing things in them on a usual basis and habituated my minds use. It sounds cool but it can be distracting in the linked idea of it encouraging their observation by natural behaviors of mind, in its patterns seeking patterns in patterns.
So they can wax and wane in the minds thinking as underlying influence of ideas in the thoughts whizzing by. It means the whole nature of that space called the hazeforms of patterns without explanation or self intended view beyond objects is a space of self inference.
I just do not know what more they do, so they could do more then this in the mind of one observer. Some can occure by the lower levels of bright light in a room which effect details seen of them at all, others one can link together form unique things that are varied in their perception seen and assigned.
So in simple, they represent diverse non-physically effecting forms link able focus to the physical by self in its basic essence which can actually visualize the things in it we can map of the known . Its unique but I find the whole possibilities with random glance overwhelming.
C. Looporient defined doors
These above are example directions of use for objects typical and the looporients as the especially unique part of this above topic. The looporients referred to space extensions as spatial navigation other then the normal in the added variance of the normal as unique objects and doors to other spatial object use.
They are mostly obvious except scope which represents magnification of the like of a telescope as the only way to easily see scale distances of kinds defined in their lens form. These ideas of use mostly some basic inspiration with potential use with the object types of the magic post prior.
However, the complexity of this set of variables which I have written here and the diversity of possibility with what it can allow as a concept when used in greater subject means great diversity and need for meanings of purpose for dedicated ends greater then above.
Concluding discussion on hints of past and futures.
So these contexts and objects possible are best shown beyond the essential physics of matter and nothing more, it means this post is complete as otherwise would be changing the posts subject too greatly. So the subject left open for future and its pursuits is paused here. The basic uses while interesting need a greater defined direction of intent and directed goals I will now be exploring in the context of entities and meaning.
As when I went to build something with this stuff I found that the tech would better be useful for the next post on the divine and the tower of avondale and other places of material manipulation as a general asset.
As even magic while using chance can benefit from grown wisdom of papers manipulations because it improves designs and behaviors imidiate of the object and can be directed to the chances in function at the level of shared understanding.
As while a wizard uses magic, the knowledge general of life the encounter effects what they can do with the reasons for things as they are and the sciences while object only in focus can further transfer to magic in both ritual and technomantic tools.
So this post is finished in it's current state and the next post will use aspects of magic and science within the larger topic of entities and meaning within the tower of avondale. As the tower of avondale is a metaphysical tower of flat levels that I use in ventures to the greater purpose of life and the like. It is a tower of reverse real physicality that cannot be built and exists as an exterior to the multiverse as bridge to the higher knowledge.
It is part of my spirituality from its origin as the tower I entered and climbed to return to the city I had arrived in at the time, that I then departed and doubted existed to stumble into the flat forward of its time manifest as real.
It was in a book and story at 16 that I defined the tower as something undefined in the dream world, the story called prosporo and its complex multiverse expansion that sprung from its use of writing as a form of as happened explored writing was a portal I used at 16 half aware of its truth.
Prosporo as an uncanny reality of magic and science distinct from the normal consensus of earth and my youth messing with too many ideas in many polarities I navigated in grown experience merged the book to my life. It caused my own real life of present to be the context timeline of the story that today is more real and accurate to my life's spoiling of time forward.
So while the past represented a imperfect replica of my own real future, the present today has all the matching features of the city called Prosporo in my referenced match of my own connections from the story.
This fall into my book is the result of my naive dream at 16 in trying to have an experience of story and dream like nature in life. As it advanced in rational study was doubtfully fantasized as an absurd expectation that if I kept going I would converge with my book was half ackowledged as mostly crazy before hand.
The reason I can't distinguish my story from life is its own plot having been myself in an alias book running around doing things in a different time period of similar subjects and world. Which meant at sixteen I accidentally mapped a nearby and reachable distance of reality while wanting to write a story.
So its conditions of awareness whose uncanny vibe even then, by its inspirations of life itself progressed nearby, sucked me into it skeptically and in research of its self reflecting interest by me of worlds was bound to happen.
As the whole time it was too close to reality in detail of its own portal and I couldn't see the exact fine line of real truth in the visions dream of my imagination and my young age of 16 in normal life. So its conflict itself had real effect on my view of reality and I would be obsessed with figuring out its described symptoms for fear of its truth, that actually does exist.
The problem I imagined is just not as outwardsly obvious as the zombies of my imagination. They do exist and will be discussed in the next post, yet being my more spiritual narratives is thus more personal and technically optionally useful for others.
Its greater meanings, context and questions of myself means like any spiritual narrative is especially self fostered and mine seems almost ridiculous in even its 16 year olds grandiousity of curiousity.
So while it springs from skeptical forward thinking of things unknown and what I can know means my own relevance to life like anyone can be artfully contextualized as a deeper more general narrative. Its mostly my metaphysical narrative of hypothesis and confidences grown from previous success.
Its my inspiration of spiritual matters of purpose by spiritual prophets and researching scientists and my own desire to be creative somehow like them in links I made between the self's own purpose of myself and my own research in questions that started at 16 after I hit my head and started reading ideas on the internet that were more philosophical.
For some reason my young self had an over confidence in his ability to decide what was true by doubt and skepticism based on what was tangible so was disappointed religion was fake in his own mind.
Yet I dreamed religions likeness being real in hopes of the possibility of sciences progress, because I felt bad and disappointed for the dreams not met in my doubts of what was actually true. Yet in my ignorance from laziness, meant they were true as its own narratives and wisdom described apart. So my weird poetic accepting of defeat and not giving up on the world of the more fantastical because of science then overworked himself to achieve its likeness.
The whole story is kindof long but the ideas shared at the other end of where I am today with that is said here as a useful exit for the uninterested and a hinting at the next post, that summarizes themes explored.
Thus I will post the next as it finishes and happens in its encountered and thought writing as I define its higher uses for the previous posts and the like of entities met along the way. Although the people characters of over 100 come and go in times of my work as they wish and I meet up with them, meaning the ones I defined in my stories that act as their own people distinct.
They can't all be listed but the idea of other people in farther parts of reality then here as earth is a sometimes interacted gimmick where I have met and hung out with them in contexts varied, but in the exact mediums of art and perception allowing this to be possible, Yet for some may be unclear in validity difficult to confirm by existing as other perceptions of awareness themselves.
More will be explained later, all of this to hint at the possible more narrative like themes and plot points of my thinking and adventure I had and think forward about regarding the life of reality as being more like fiction then first assumed by lack of effort. With that I now depart.
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