Science 4: The 3 tools directed to the moods of space.

This is where the three objects created for the testing of the towers beings of meaning will be shown. They are listed one after the other with steps I did to generate the object using models and the planned variables selected.


The first object will be built from the Unneon of Coglobletock and follow thus the natures of the unknown which will Reflect time, motion and the undefined in the ticking of passing moments.

It will also use the reason and the spirit of the persomnia within the end of speckled layerings over the fear of others, in forests of hidden corners. This is the sentence meaning, which will inspire the objects subject and end beyond the nature of the Unneon which contains its methods to the ends.

The object will further use the lack of fondant in its constructions, as it will be composed of the Absentine silhouette of the things formed between matters, that is made of empty space. This aspect will be part of its functions which will be included inside the whole subject of the object.

Further the object will help with a conflict of the polarities, by solving some manner of issue among the angles as this reveals the removal of a stereotype that the positive cannot create conflict and only in this first case. 

It will look into the conflict that is The beauty of records leaving too much time passed. It will solve this with the other two in denoms by the Repetitions of the Identical that continue the same again and again and processed by the cardinals between in the acts of Coded arranged pattern placements that in their knowledge record.

Finally we will consider the physics which have been listed at the end of the other post regarding science and will be reviewed and selected through. This, to create the lists of properties used within this writing to show the constraints of interest selected, after the defined aspects so as to create our object of specific ends. 

The properties from the many listed on this page are below:
  • Distortion of the depth past and object
  • Coordinates of the points in position
  • Fold orient angles for viewings of rotation
  • Strings for information and embossment
  • Subdata for the coding of higher constraints
  • Flat point focus of the viewed area of more
  • Light proximity for defined visible both
  • Spaze structure of environment for space
As such these are the object properties listed in their first inspirations that are redrawn below among the equation of modelling for the object that is to be constructed out of these variables. The object will thus feature these things together to form the invention.

It will then be built a photographed on completion and then described in its full details constructed.

The object modeled above is photographed below:

This is the Overfear-corner viewer, a device which allows the passing over fear that one knew or did not know by its gaze of the shape atop it, forward and backwards. In doing so you consume the time needed to reveal following and during it the freedom from a fear you did not know you had or one you did. Then one can store the effect it had been by writing its description as best as able through the tables on its stand with addition of a word as additional description. This allows you to review the experience later and the exprience further reveals metaphysical natures during its meditations that can vary in time.

When I used it, I spent the rest of the day in calm demeanor and so experienced the overcoming of my fear of not doing anything and saw that while I did nothing it was quite relaxing. I also messed with my perception during this period and saw a way to see scenery of other places through the misplacement of the eye and feild of viewing, to create strange spaces.

Around the time of working on this project, I also built a second device that can be mentioned but is unrelated , it is called a Subtext viewer and is a device that functions as a screen one looks into that in the silence of mind reveals photoform shapes created by your subconscious and so reveals your underlying processes in the moment but can also function as a viewer for certain shapes, it is photographed below.

The darker red pattern on the red creates a disturbance of the eye increasing the visual photoforms with less distraction of the real pattern of the darker red.

It functions by freeing the requirement for vivid photoforms which are seen when slightly unforcusing the eyes and seeing the distortions as shapes and forms and is a form of hallucination I practiced and gained skill within.

The pattern drawn, because of its ease at creating connected patterns, increases their appearance and allows an open eye reference to subconscious thinking being processed through the usually unseen visuals that create many possible experiences that surface to the observer.


The next object is built of the following things, but begins with the being that represents the straight and well measured with the capacity of codescripts and so is a being of measurement codes as subject.

It will use the directions of the spirits Lepoxiania and Ansoria which are the Sanity and Reason and so the next meaning will reflect these things, much as the reason and spirit were found in the last object as its causation and its meditations. The meanings from the tower read are The Solid background of Hyperspaces in the foundation-scrapes of galaxy. 

These things will be followed into the absence of the things found among the Lavor, which will show the fruit of something that is of The Viewing circles corners of physicality.

The polarities of the three beings will build off this in the problems and solutions operated of the conflict of Scattered disarrays of confusion operated by the Listing Blocks of rulers and the answer is of concise table writings arranged that solve its dispute. 

And our physics which we will use to explore this thing of question, will be recorded below as the things we chose for the behaviors and for additional actions of this objects works.

  • Folds for the main portion of the work.
  • Strings for information descriptions.

I figured out what I was making without a model as a source of inspiration, instead is a picture listing the portions I must keep in mind while working on this tool for Sanity discovery and explorations.

The finished object is shown below:

This is my Sanity discontinenter, a device of paper images for locating experience of states of mind that one has not discovered previously by the process of opening and closing the sides which reveal certain pages of sanity and state of mind which one then mirrors in mind and displays in their experience by changing that state of mind.

In rearranging the pages one references different arranged forms created by the pages generation of the state and the corners remind you of a default to be returned to if forgotten. The contents can also be further upgraded by personal addition as continued and the object allows a useful method of experiementing with internal states of mental experience.

This does not create hallucinations and instead shifts the demeanor of the internal mind to some other qualia of experience by changing your own as you desire to mirror the state displayed by the meditative focus to change your inner thinking experience to another.

It allows this simply by being a generator of hyperspace references and is useful for world and mental travels to other states of internal thinking as a method of internal experience creator.


Our last object is built from this being who is the being of silent and fluid emotes, meaning the unspoken and not shown emote of something as a feeling that is not shown and not experienced externally but held up inside

It is related to the persomnia of emotion and so the connected persomnia is the same and solitary in her effect here as the wireless feed antenna of the drifting leveling of wisps.

Both Lavor are used here to reveal twice the Bar curve of physicality and the Wisping sheen of immateriality. These are used within this coming invention that will be shown following the polarities.

These polarities are the numbered dial up of the conflict, formed out of dispute between the opposites in similarity and the sheer angled revealed as the base of this other arrangement of conflicts that form the answer for additional pieces.

The physics used are non existent, as this object is built from the environment as a tool of mind alone and a power for the works of other things that can use the force of these things to their advantages.

Thus we show the linked aspects which we will consider for this special device of the aura.

This will be explained and then the three objects will be taken as a group to forward a work between them as the tools of some larger concept, which builds into a work of interesting utility.

The feature above in the world which we will be studying and using in this portion is the Aura of the unspoken, which is the extent of the upwards part of an object releasing as a sheen of Myst.

It is only seen with observation by the observation of its seeming hallucination of photoforms but are here called hazeforms. Which in its kind measured by observation and reference, reveals a mood of a certain kind when viewing the myst that exists already in yourself as its default around the object.

We modify this hazeform substance by moving the object to another location so it emits another sense of emotion and those in closer proximity contain more or less of its nature, thus each is a substance focused which when combined with others increase into a specific whole experience of mood.

This mood while not spoken is obvious in the room, as things in a room and their design shift the mood, the myst reveals the way it does in moments of uncertainty and the work allowed is a modification of mood in a room to create a different ambiance.

It works by the intent mapping the view subconsciously that links an experience of the flavor of the mood in the situation to the hazeform viewed and allows the process to be done with visual data over thinking the whole link.

The tri-use for these matters.

The use is exploring the mood and sanity of the matters around you, the first object allows making a room more free of the fears one finds unknowingly inside it and can create an appeasement of the organization in the mood direction desired while the second allows oneself to explore its designs and further create objects through further modification with the patterns of sanity on it, into moods of the same kind within the myst, by moving the appearance into that one with paper.

It allows a mood driven space for some working between the emotion and sanity of ones desires.

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