Thios-Art museum is the first stop in Thios, for the four heroes to see the strange difference, of dialect that is the ways of thinking, for Thios the land of Xenos creativity and the stranger things, it is the stranger place of paintings and tools, for the outwall of perception...
The works described in what they are previous are similar but unlike similarly named topics found elsewhere on the internet and were learned and inspired directly from the name as the source of its basic ideas I added and further explored in my own way.
They represent a scope of time, divinity, science and magic of my own experience and time studied which do allow some degree of diversity to the exploration of worlds because they provide a medium for matter and chance based effects.
In world based contexts create a simplistic diversity of worlds and scenes of mind and matter to explore. Although we have yet seen how in more depth because this is boring. As they only allow worlds parallel quite in likeness like earth but in distinct subjects of the world normally encountered, because our perception only knows what it has noted often enough to be named.
Thus the Island of Thios is a place where they study another branch of subjects for making the worlds and diversity more creative and more broad beyond the normal every day thought and thing normally seen. This means the possibility of especially personally driven exploration by one person firstly, as a new experience always begins with the first. What they define for it alone then what it inspires in others around them afterwards creates more diversity inside and outside the norms of one place.
Thus Perception is the key with idea generators discussed some what in time travel for building an experience of life that is not the one first known but later defined. New is formed by experimental creativity with what already exists or is discovered by exploration of the perceived in mind and matter towards chems of experience new.
Thus Perception study while allowing for simply art and styles of drawing new in simplicity of appearance alone also regards the whole experience of life as observations internal and external. It is the study and field here that finds out how to recreate and innovate the seen and found of the experience in other ways.
This means not the physical study of objects and behavior at all, rather it means the outwall of the known in the discontinence of other potentials beyond. The exploration of what in this life's experience and perception first known can suddenly be unknown and anew in a new sense of it all. It creates other things from science, magic and what else anyone has seen by changing what we perceive.
So let us begin an exploration of the outwall.
The way this is done is by using idea generators directed to constructing ideas that are not recognized in contents more common. So these generators point outwards into the unknown and construct new forms of thinking by changing what we know of the normal into experiences that are not traditional.
As a result they tend to be other things that we can do but that are not as familiar to before one knew them and thus create stranger curiosity that has happened naturally but becomes more powerful when one controls the pursuit of the unknown and discovered.
What I will do now is take the topics of Sanity and Spirit as a subject direction but split these definitions into sub parts of either and rearrange the definitions into a linked idea made novel but apply it back as useful to Sanity and Spirit.
While this uses addition in the sense of blending a concept the same way merging Sanity and Spirit as philosophies would create a synthesis of new at a small distance from the normal, splitting is more powerful by smaller bits reconstructed in a new direction.
When splitting the components of their definitions into smaller bits and recombining them after in new form, it does the same on a farther distance of the unknown controlled by ingredients of the compound synthesis of ideas. As smaller components are reviewed in greater complexity so are more diversely capable of variation by smaller scale details changed inside a larger concept.
This is why when I experiment with meanings like this they are called Chememes or Chems because they act more like a chemical reaction of chemistry but in the mind as ideas connected in the same manner of bonds but regarding ideas.
It use creates sometimes harder to recognize ideas however, so I only seek outwalls of the known on occasion, as constantly does little but innovate and not improve upon the past knowledge. Yet the idea serves as a way to glimpse parallel worlds in that it reveals a world with other ideas of life.
So let us look at the memetic math table of mapped ideas rearranged into another structure, then explained in more then basic word bits and perhaps a new word for a different subject matter.
The Sanity and Spirit were divided into linguistic details of the definition similar to how a linguist parses word meanings for the modelling of language in the natural definition of words. However here the meanings are rearranged from bottom to top after to form another word that has never existed.
As the order and layering of meaning is rearranged to form a new idea nothing like the last but to be used in the context of a meaning new connected to both subjects and allows a fast formed new connection of words to new possibility because words arrange by linked layering of meaning.
So here we have made a concept called viewmint and define it in the bold italic text below, based off the words link underneath in the ordering of their descriptions and thus firstly state and light as what they are underneath connected as the above in what we defined.
The Viewmint is a state of sight directions and light of orient forms, in the context of the light we see as our way forward oriented and the glances of our minds vision directed in its wake.
The Viewmint is used to view outwardly the sanity spirit as a display of hyperspace reality distinct for being the literal function internal but outside within the natures described.
It is an extension of the same we see in mind but extracted from within and used with less energy consumed by view external as visual processes instead of the same in the internal mind.
In simple I will be building an object that does the same thing as I would do while thinking but the function of my mind has been rebuilt as the same visual experience in reality instead so as to decrease the energy of my brains rearrangements.
To allow the process in mind outside me, by making it only visual observation instead of visual thought and link it as the same function internal, so as to free my brains thinking of a step internal for a step external and optional.
It is a method of freeing the thinking to the matter as a source of the exact same perception but physical instead of mental, in this case directed to the exact concept that is the viewmint as state of sight directions and light orient forms.
Thus what we do to allow this is use the thinking process but pay attention to how our mind did it, then recreate it with paper and objects. It is interesting for allowing a clearer sight of mind as well.
Thus we need to model the behaviors I described as the things said in the scope of that range of things which is directed to my selection of its proposition as the specific type of the diversity of possible Viewmints.
What is unique about a viewmint is that it is a representation of a goal and where to go with it that you see every day it is observed and used and thus allows reminder but also traverse. As such we will direct the viewmint to the traverse of M-fi technos.
M-fi is the perceptual outwall equivalent to Scientific physical space technos or technology and represents a perceptual device of the experience and the outwall as the things unexperienced rather then comfort and reality as studied.
Thus we will need to draw these matters on screen as a matter of visualization then extend the visual base of the behavioral precepts internal to the reality of qualia outside and form higher complexity of behaviors then a still image as a first model.
This is the M-fi outwall traverse viewmint model, which is a set of visual thoughts representing the ideas referenced between the subject of M-fi and the viewmint meaning contexts defined to show a set of visual forms of the ideas.
These are visuals of the referred to in the thought current on Perception and its direction of the outwall as the unknown and outwards world of beyond here and how.
As a result they represent the direction of imagined future and the way seen to reach it, that will be restructured into the Viewmint built that resembles itself as a tool of thinking for these matters of mind and physics that are not of here but another there.
Thus I will build an interface of thinking with these things in play as a tool of thought, by using them towards their greater possibilities and diversity but also as a tool of outwall traverse in the perceived.
The viewmint will thus provide a way to think in the manner outwards to the beyond and the possibilities of the things herein in a manner of hyperspace.
It means a somewhat complex object tool set of the unknown, posited in this style but also serves as an early example of its direction for thinking in its direction as the use of its purpose.
It is photographed below and refers to the same image above in a thought out manner secret and explained after as I think and develop it for the photo. The purpose again is greater possibilities of these same things shown above in those points of meaning as the same role.
This is a first example of outwalls tech beyond those shown prior and is still a work in progress less simple compared to the basics of science, magic, meaning and time shown prior. It serves as the anew and the not known of the island of Thios.
This is theViewmint constructed, it allows in its form a direction of intended representation as programmed by the work within it to resemble the qualities we defined in its table shown again below to help me practice the object and reveal something new from the outwall.
The objects of mind have been combined in this case to represent two things at once as three types of information are found on the Viewmint above, they each provide a foreshadow and a cornerstone.
It is described through this passage which defines how the above serves the end, which is the objects representation and reveals the direction which we have defined within it. It is below:
The Viewmint is a state of sight directions and light of orient forms, in the context of the light we see as our way forward oriented and the glances of our minds vision directed in its wake.
The state-light is the surface of the object as the box, in this case of interpretation it reveals the Wavefire and this is the echodisk of whiglo that in turn has two subset components as the other two parts of the viewmint. Which is the sight-orient as The Cube.1-grid Fallcurve and the Direction form as The Depthlevel room,
These were taken from those points on the object that resembled the whole map above and the terms strange given form the direction to venture by sights seen and so explore something anew. Since the views reveal strange arrangements of things never explored.
Thus we will explore those matters which I have listed in bold, by first drawing them on imagery.
Firewave-Gridcube datalink, A sub-wavefeild of reality which communicates interactions by gridcube links between its space anti-structures of incomprehensible underdetails.
This is the perception created by the information inspired off the viewmint and represents itself a new perception for use as a hyperspace detail of a special meaning rendered after its discovery, since the image is simple but was simply drawn. Yet the properties of the drawing can be viewed as a new experience worth studying because one does not encounter this pattern naturally.
The artistic can sometimes reveal an unknown inside a pattern new. So this reveals one by showing its description that is then studied objectively as though it were matter and viewed within matters context even when it doesn't have a link known. Since Perception studies are about new perception creation for new experiences.
This image is a visual reconstruction of an unseen sub space of reality representing interactions between objects unmoving and in still form which communicate between them. This by the space between them and do so above another type of reality structure one cannot understand due to infinite possibility.
It is a perception structure that can be seen in real reality but only once locating its unseen details in the image above and allows especially a new direction for my sciences at a later date because this information produced a new perception of matter that communicates in an energy unseen between its still state. So further exploration will be done within the next post on subcomputing.
As Thios is newer then prosporo and the world explored here is smaller preparations for larger ventures after these early definitions are made and the multiverse explored in a finished unconnected plan of its vehicles designs.
As this set of information unrelated contains in itself advancement to the worldship we build after, because the further complexity added by these studies can be manipulated after for the ship for travel in its eventual construction after three more posts and a last on a final island.
So then let us move on to subcomputing and the world of my form of computers that do not use the same processes as the one I am typing on for communication.
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