Magic 4: Magic elements of manifestation for the manifested objects of four kinds.

This final part begins by showing this table of celestial and astrological meaning, which represents my created map of the stars as I record them to be and mean. This can be kept for the reader as their own or other forms used and variety creates many different insights and uses for the guiding stars, while one only shows some meaning of many found.

So one can also make their own or use blends of others found. It means like all in magic distinct creativity of the worker, the stars are begun and done by the practice of magic only in what of it that differs in not kind of resource unknown to you, but kind of specific use found.

Meaning if a red candle is used for a spell, the same can be done with a blue one if you are casting for the same coming event in chances, however the blue candle will inspire what blue means to you and red will inspire what red means to you.

This means the magic that you find, do and discover is distinguished then and after, by the colors and things practiced and this nature of creativity is wherever it can happen by your own art and creativity. It means that what you can do with magic begins with you and what you are will to do with the manipulation of energy and chances inside and outside what I have shown.

Like a brush it can be used to paint new and old images, these allow distinct things that an artist discovers or learns that create a different painting. So use what I teach with a grain of salt and experiment with what you can do with energy and the potentials of its flow yourself.

The celestial star sheet is below.

The meanings of the symbols of the planets, the constellations and the numbers mean distinct things we can interpret or use as is to guide us and our works in directions of doing.

The colors however represent temporary and self defined meanings in the moment of their usages, that in selection and encoding represent deeper associated connections for build artifacts.

The symbols of the planets in the center and farther the moon and void are included and are simply their meanings, while the twelve symbols of the zodiac are arranged in four groups each with one meaning that have different tones relating to the constellation. 

These magical symbols, with the numbers which here are taken as symbolic counting on an object and so how many of some detail is added or used in somethings construction. These symbols, colors and counting build the arranged essences for deeper magical symbolism when building objects.

They represent additional meanings and connected forces of the celestial. Which can be added with any additional magic aspect to enrich the effects, or help guide the self in a direction with their meanings and ascription. In the arrangements of the meanings, they also empower the object.

So this gives us a first insight into our next part that is about objects and the elements, the elements come first then we discuss the four types of objects I currently known of that can be constructed with purposes in magic and allow a vast diversity of possible uses for magic.

It means in our short discussion of objects created and their larger possibilities will show one example of each kind drawn to include symbols of the above in their workings. These four objects will be distinct from previous for having different purposes then them in broader ways and the will use the following ideas of the elements of magic in their magic.

This is the final part of the topic and any future discussion on magic will be in another post.

So let us discuss the elements of Marine Air, Aqua Regia, Horn Mercury and Chrome Red. These are the greater essences of the magics and their cycles in the world that we can control and manipulate. 

I have coined these terms selected from a list of alchemical substances that contain likeness to the four elements of matter which while connected are distinct from the magical elements.

As they are the elements of the chances for things in likeness to air, water, earth and fire but of deeper esoteric forms of the full reality, that effect more then the physical reality in their essence of the symbols. 

As even the mind, the arts of paint and music and the probabilities are among the larger elements form as the elements of energy, which moves all things and are their forms released.

The four elemental energies are not really known by anyone and I am describing and using them for the first time. They are comparable to the four elements as they resemble them in described features. 

This as they are inspired by these four elements that are in their lower shadows of whole energy. They are in likeness to those four elements described as the energies likenesses they possess in different mediums is described in the manner of the four natural elements.

For example the Marine Air can be described as chaotic and storming, within the turbulent tones of music and rapid brush strokes of paint, the winds of physical life and scarce but swift passing chances of the everyday. 

The rest which will be equated in a list below for clarity work as such, meaning they resemble in comparison of languages to the elements they are like, but in a broader context crossing borders of subjects and substrates of life. The equivalence is shown below:

  • Marine Air = Air and Gas
  • Aqua Regia = Water and Liquids
  • Horn Mercury = Earth and Solids
  • Chrome Red = Fire and Plasma
The reason for both the traditional magical elements of ritual and symbol included with the scientific phases is that both are the same in origin as the elements but phases are a future recursion of the that history as something deeper like the energies of these four formal elements.

However, in this case the likeness of the four formal elements of energy represent the features of both symbolic elements and the physical phases. 

It means they carry the descriptions of both as possible comparisons and allow the formal elements of the energies more possibility of description and so a broader magical use and a more diverse language for their more complex possibilities. 

They serve the use in magic of describing the forces of energy in natures of any substrate medium discussed. The substrate is important as a separate clarification of realities nature and what truth is when communicated or better researched. Without reading or hearing the right words or having the right experiences, we cannot agree for not knowing the nature and we cannot know it if we doubt the nature before its been understood. 

As such below is an explanation and tangent on Substrates to clarify why energy while not physical objects is like physical objects in its complexity and possibility to manipulate and understand. Yet is not the same and not done the same way as science, while both are viable methods of realities. 

5.2: The Substrates and the linguistic miscommunication

A substrate is the like of a part of reality usually only counting physical and mental in most peoples mind as the two substrates as these were the two traditionally known dual mind and matter view for centuries. 

However the energetic itself and motion it effects, are also substrates distinct in reality because they as a term contain their own unique complexity and way of behaving distinct from the physical object or the subjective mind. Further others exist beyond this topic as subjects and studied parts of other realities and parts of them.

Substrates, like physical reality exist and behave in explicitly distinct ways of behavior unique to their forms and each has substantial nature meaning like physicality are neither created nor destroyed in all cases but the otherwise. 

They are modeled parts of reality that behave as described and their study in farther or limited depths reveal new ways of manipulating them known or unknown that allow new or previously desired methods of use. 

While some do not use sciences objective based method of gaining its truth, they can all be manipulated as they exist and are defined and their diversity allows distinct possibilities. They can be discovered by observing a part of what we know as mind or matter as unique and distinct from mind and matter. When expanding its depth greatly in detail, it then reveals a far deeper complexity of its nature. 

This complexity of its own unique physics and sub behaviors is the core of a distinct reality or focused part of a larger cluster of studies. The diversity of possible discoveries is likely so large that two people studying the same substrate in separation would refer to similar parts distinctly and actually use those seemingly similar parts differently to produce different feats. 

The language used actually reflects exactly what is meant within distinct contexts and in farther recesses of the multiverse the same word in similar contexts can be so uncanny it confuses. 

Thus a simpler and more effective way to organize such differences is by the most immediately apparent parts of the subject and substrate that are agreed by two people while a hairsplitting of smaller details is a matter of personal use for things created that others may see differently. 

Its use complete as they see it outside what is communicated for group use can in heavy popularity of a substrate make the seemingly identical two different people actually reflect distinct undertones.

This is similar to how the science of two physicists on the atom may agree on everything they were taught, but what they then do with the information will appear uncanny from their communications between them. Yet in the work itself, the differences they themselves differed on that lead to other discoveries. 

In larger distances however, the words of the same meaning such as the example that follows, while meaning truly the same thing as the same word is used in a wholly other context, so the different substrate reflects the nature of that word in its context. 

Thus a person who looks at a subject of another substrate from the bias and familiarity of one substrate and not the other, will not know the distinction of that meanings usage without knowing the distinction so they will expect what they know of the word. 

So in an incorrect context for the substrate they know, when someone is hearing or reading words like it is in the known substrate may presume the context incorrect. Even while the same word works fine in that context, but only in the other substrate that they do not understand and so confused.

It means without knowing the topic and learning what it is first, a person will reject a concept they have already decided is wrong because the words do not obey the known substrates laws of physics, as they do not and instead really behave through another substrate that is real but isn't the same so behaves differently from the known.

The best example of this is the word Dimensions, which in science is used to refer to the 3 dimensions of spatial and geometric extent yet in some spiritual communities it used to refer to an ascent upwards into higher states of consciousness. 

The meaning of dimension in truth means solely an extent of measurable distance and both these usages use that definition in a different context.As a result it makes perfect sense why a scientific person rejects the proposition of a spiritual person saying their context. 

As they would say they are entering a new dimension of reality as their state of consciousness, yet to the scientific person this means they are entering a new direction of spatial extent and so sounds mundane and absurd as an excited statement. 

Neither is false in their context, but in the spiritual context the usage of the word dimension as science would have it is also incorrect. Thus in both is it never understood because either party already assumed the word being incorrectly used inside their own knowledge known. 

However the knowledge of this miscommunication in subjects other then what you understand can be mitigated simply by being aware of it and allows you to understand a topic as it defines itself separately. 

Most things people talk about as groups or alone are useful because they do something for the people who do them, they are distinct from the validity of your knowledge base as additional truth discovered. As no person spends their life doing something that provides the group nothing to gain.

To even make the decision if a subject is worth your time using or means anything to you requires understanding its words and what you can learn and do with it. As the lack of communicated knowledge itself forbids knowing things you might actually enjoy. 

It only makes arguments for why it is false to believe something seem absurd, to the other person in equal to when those who tell you your ideas are false seems absurd to yourself from your own experience. 

A person who was never taught science, may think science is false in how it understands energy as to them moving is only by the space alone as they have always known. So saying the fuel moves the car is false as it is the space letting the car pass by is the only thing needed for motion. 

If they listened and learned first instead of deny after hearing that fuel makes motion. They would know what the difference between fuel for a fire and fuel for a car means, they may actually agree and realize it is both the winds motions allowing movement of the car and the fuel powering it together that allow motion.

As it is true that both the space and the fuel allow motion, what differs the two is that fire moves gasses and fluids through the cars parts and the space around the vehicle allows it to move without crashing into something. 

However, while no fuel in the car and no space would forbid its motions without at least knowing one or the others wisdom where the truth is shown, would forbid its understanding. 

The disbelief by someone who never read or explained the missing information on either sides fault, would cause no communication or understanding and so the doubter that may be both parties will never know that either is true. 

Thus let us return to the subject of Energetic formal elements now recognizing the difference of these like words in other contexts then where they are often used, in the same way other words are used in specialized contexts throughout this post and farther subjects of the multiverse. 

The person who already doubted this blog is gone and the person who took the time gains a little more of clarity in these matters of discussion.

5.3 The use of the formal elements of energy.

The use of the formal elements of energy is mostly for describing in a magical or logical sense the patterns of potentials and effects of the things in likeness and how they in turn interact between things in those likeness like or unlike them in the elements.

It means the fire of the Chrome red, which may be ones wisdom of transformations in life may then be put out by the waters of the aqua regia, which in this place represents the rainy day that puts out the emotions of oneself and leads to the lesser power of transformation by a decreased mood.

As a result, the elements reveal true interactions when studied in things like them in all parts of life, these natures can be studied farther or deeper to reveal powers that can be manipulated or forces to study and consider in daily life when working and manipulating energy.

However they are very broad and so from these first elements we study as vast forms, we construct smaller wisdom of the metaphysics they reveal as symbolic lesser elements which contain likeness to those higher and reveal special substances of nature and life in their likeness. 

These metaphysical magic substances are normal materials that have the likeness to the elements described including the lesser and greater and they when formed or found allow the same to concur in their usages, by the powers of motions. As such, these magical ingredients are used to form the same, by the study of the magical substances that link to the likeness of the described forces.

This in turn creates manifested spells which take the form of those same material magics as the elements and so when we work with this part, we can create tools and objects that use elements as their form and form in turn the same intents with those elements of chances and form.

So as we shall observe in the four objects that follow, these elements we describe are used together and apart to reveal metaphysics and elements with the sprays as the other half of our current magics, to build tools of different kinds. 

These magical tools manipulate chance with the sprays and elements and harbor astrological power to create objects that use energy and magic to do different things.

They provide different uses divided each separately into the categories comfort, games, works and technos and each of these groups is described after the depiction of these objects, with their elements, sprays we've already shown, symbols and nature as a use. 

These magics can be used for special ends and they provide insight on the greater body of reality of magic as we will discuss each in the details of their elements of materials, sprays of potential properties and details of symbolism for their use.

The elements can also be used for knowing likelihoods of manifestations and where they are likely, by studying the intent desired in the inspired and recognized connections of the formal elements of life and finding their parrelels in the subject needed.

Magic, being divided from other subjects is often used with separate subjects to achieve certain things within them, however below we will show ways the magic can also be used on its own to allow its own solitude. Each object type will also be explained first in how they are fashioned in simplicity and then reveal the object.

Object of Comfort.

We begin now, with the object of comfort which like the objects of comfort we gain from science help us with daily life. Except the magical equivalent uses energy instead of matter to do this and so our revealed object will ask for an answer to a problem of life it defines and then solve it with energy manipulation to gain the object. They make everyday activities easier.

The elemental pillar of grown incenses.

This is an artifact for the practices of simple gathering and reference for sprays and especially here dedicated to the elements of earthly burning plants and so grown incenses as one kind of elemental pillar that could exist. Since its colors and nature reflect it. The natures of the same in its elemental connections to the Chrome red and Horn Mercury.

These are its features of magical influences and these colors are given varied meaning, by the passing use regarding this elemental tool for gaining inspired insight on sprays of the cinder and sand.

 which have been farther divided and made inspired by the glyphs on it which when interpreted unique to the use reveal powers of magic for use and practice. It thus allows a symbolic source of these two sprays possible uses and the higher context they can pass through within the elements between the Chrome red and Horn mercury. 

Thus it has useful comfort to the wizard which uses it for a useful tool of inspired magic which it reflects in every use by the diversity of symbols and meanings it can create on its four sides. Further some designs of these pillars can be lit from below or within to create a scenic illumination.

It can produce the sprays of sands in the chilling wind and cinder in the stronger messages as an example, which as a insight becomes a tool or spell for refreshments and strong sensory experience of that experience of refreshment. This can be farther explored by the elements of its kind symbolized and manifested then by the seeking of pine and lemon tea chilled in the days heat.

Manifested by knowing that the lemons are found best at the grocery as the grown of the Horn Mercury and the pine needles prepared by the discovery of some and the research only on their preparation by the Chrome red of the day. These then produce a tea and drink of interesting possibility. Chilled by the grown waiting of the ice in the fridge or cooled by the shade itself.

This source of inspiration in the likeness of its spawned information allows a source of insight into desires especially of the natures they contain for its symbolism, yet could be used outside it in needed cases. As the keys of intent reveal the direction to take these pillars which contain symbolic comforts provided in their enclosed and occluded symbols for every day life.

The colors themselves in interpretations of the moment add farther connections to a deeper manifested end. These things provide in their intermingling the power of a useful tool.

Object of Games.

The object of games are quite simple, they are forms of entertainment or even battle that in this case use energy manipulation to pass the time alone or with company and allow a form of entertainment and pass time for the person or persons playing. They are made by designing them.

An inspiring game of magic, for the passing work of the day.

This is an example game one can do with tarot cards, where the table represents interpreted value in a single player game one plays with the chances that happen as one plays over the day. Where meaning interpreted inspires events that may or may not happen for real and must be dealt with magically or as a source of inspiration for activities. The goal and the rules one creates themselves.

The simplest way to play it is to arrange a table of meanings for the game you explore as designed with the tarot cards and the drawn interpreted meanings, which one stitches together as an event of possibility which one acts upon then irrelevant of if it actually occurs to manipulate the game so the activity is an adventure.

Depending on the cards played, where they are placed in connection to defined meanings and anything additional the possibility of what one might experience as an adventure are almost endless. However, the farther future of this idea are more powerful tools of entertainment beyond this simple first example.

As this is is the first magic of games I have ever made and know little more about the future of its possibilities. Thus it is a good example of the possibilities alone and likely not all that can be done.

Objects of Works.

The next object, is an object of the works of the subject and so similar to the way science has devices for calculating and measuring materials or other methods of processing them, magic can have specialized ritual tools for special purposes. 

These objects of works serve a solely magical use and are used as part of daily or needed practice. Thus they are like the scrying mirrors and specialized tools with no use beyond the magical practice. 

Tarot technically doesn't count as one of these, only because the special deck of cards of the tarot is also used by a rare and often unheard of person. These uncommon people use it for a real and existent card game instead of magical practice and is unique for having more cards then usual card games. If you are doubtful google the truth to have it revealed.

Thus below is my created object of work, which bares some familiarity to something already discussed, although it has been further modified and worked to fit need and materials I have.

The bottle of events passing, viewer form for the spotting of manifests and banishings of causality.

This object when I originally planned it was supposed to be looser in content of styrofoam balls I had bought months ago to allow it to behave like the crystal globe I had discussed. However when I did this by the chance of the making, I was also forced to put the paper in at the top of the bottle and thus I could not take the extra out without loosing the paper.

As a result the bottle when filled with water afterwards was far suprising. The water having been mixed with puzzle glue in a simple guess unknown that it may help make the objects temporarily adhere and originally having planned for diverse shapes of the styrofoam balls by putting them in a cup and cutting them with scissors randomly. However I spilt a large amount on my table and floor and now have a mess.

However, the finished product, revealed a stranger invention then originally planned that was actually better. As the original intent was to have the motion of swirling particles animate an interpreted event as it happens out of random causality in the storm, however it doesn't do this. 

Instead firstly due to the lightness of the styrofoam on the water inside and the extra space at the bottom only, it always moves outside the users view when rotated. 

Further all the paper put in is pushed out to the sides of the styrofoam because the styrofoam if I am correct, is producing the needed energy and weight to pin the manipulateable paper on the sides. Thus when not in use the bottle has paper pinned in random arrangement on its sides. 

So when it is used and manipulated the water beneath the lighter styrofoam moves around the bottle and this changes and carries the arrangement of paper on the unseen side of the bottle so when its eventually turned over to see it and done correctly, the once statice arrangement of paper is changed.

As such this bottle allows frames for viewing causal events of life both instructing manifestations by increasing the likelihood of encounter and banishing by modified avoidance and rerouting. 

Thus when one asks in mind the bottle to reveal an event of energy and motion, it reveals literally and symbolically in the appearance of its paper form viewed in its likeness to the subject, what can happen for an event to manifest or be avoided. 

Because it allows frames between observations, it provides a multi moment step by step observation and while not repeated ever in form, its usage as needed wisdom can alleviate thought effort, by doing half the thinking for you. 

As a result, the artifact allows faster manifested roots to a desire by mapped possibility to reach it, can be used as a causation by intent and waving shake and further be used as a source of general inspiration. 

It even has a relaxing entertainment property as it makes a soft rolling noise when moved and vibrates softly. As such, this object can help manifestations and banishing in many ways, by mapping for you and allowing yourself to become relaxed and think farther more clearly.

The object, while slightly messy if messing up to make, is once complete likely far more permanent and effective for what it does compared to similar previous inventions. 

Previous bottle chance idea generators I made, used similar use of pareidolia, motion and potential to create a source of diverse insight such as this specified example but in a less permanent method that only lasted a small amount of time before being force to redo the whole thing. 

This one only uses a small amount of paper inside a constrained flat background that distinguishes it as one varied shape, rather then a clutter of paper with randomly visible symbols like the pillar. 

As a result this version is the best upgrade of previous similar inventions while failing to meet the original intent of animated motion, for a far more pause allowing visual and with higher diversity of appearances then the once used symbols written on paper in the water that would fade. 

As a result, this specific invention, unlike previous and the pillar of elements, allows a scrying of insight with far less effort and patience as it also inspires a trance state for added visions. The device then provides more then the unshifting generation of the pillar, which similar is distinct for both being used for very different source of information.

The first inspires a spell and possible metaphysics, while this one informs the user on possible ways that spell and metaphysics can occur at all, to allowing celestial mapping and faster manifestation.

Object of Technos.

Technos as previously stated is a philosophical object which is intended to be philosophically rich and deep in insight about the nature of something in its basis seen and unseen. These objects are often hit and miss for others in their themes created but are always special and unique for the creator, as they represent deeper hairsplitting of their interests made manifest in objects. 

For this and other technos of its kind, the primary way of making them is not thinking of philosophical ideas but rather thinking on visuals of matter that appear in likeness to philosophical questions and deep thinking. 

These visualized forms are in a symbolic and physical manner that is then given purpose connected to the persons deeper questions and interests done while building it and pondering on its nature. As a result the built technos is always a complex furthered discovery of ones questions built before you as a manifested part of your inner meaning and purpose. 

It is formed by its nature and self into a connected clue and usefulness of your greater pursuits and technos objects are useful for any subject that wants to use the idea, even science. 

The origin of these objects was lengthy and I eventually wanted to create a new type of object, because I wanted to know something beyond the usual object types shown previous, so I selected the kind beyond itself as a type of object and formed through that insight the idea of technos. 

The word technos originates as a coined name for a type of deeper dream I have sometimes with immense insights into my thinking and reality. Which further inspired the creation of this object type of the beyond and furthered end of the philosophic creator.

Our objects, use this technos practice when making them instead of being one object and are a process of creativity and discovery that has a very interesting and referenced method of manifestation, as it is an optional further advancement of sigils combined with another magical thing I found in the recent past.

Papaura Sigils, drawn sigils on colored papers of either side folded to manifest closer to or the will.

The above depicted images shows sigils drawn on pieces of paper which can be traced on either side or hold two sigils if one is undesired and are then colored by choice of practice and style or other reasons. Then they are folded as unique shaped cut colored paper with a sigil on it, into a shape that may or may not follow the lines of the sigil as decided by yourself.

The sigil on the paper has a meaning to yourself and when the paper is folded into a unique shape based on its worked upon shape and appearance, forms into an insight firstly and then in the same breath a key to the manifested intent. 

This key can be formed as a seen form in its appearance or the object of paper itself in some manner taking on the real role of the desired manifestation, by its form seen sharing the sigils intent. As a simple and varied possibility of this practice we can make a sigil for wealth which is manifested in some detail in the folded paper itself. A Papaura Sigil was named after the folding paper method I thought of which was originally intended for simply a special effect for magic attacks in larping for its unpredictable motion when thrown, without creators knowledge and practice.

Yet afterwards it was also noted after as having a unique trait of varied form that can be stacked to make distinct appearances in likeness to other things such as the flower I spawned from stacking the original examples randomly:

Or this frog like thing that I made a video of after:

However, further I later discovered that these paper shapes when built up from scratch to perform a new randomly discovered role manifested by its interpretation, allow spontaneously manifested objects and discoveries from the geometry of arranged form given meaning. They produce a real behavior and use that can inspire the like improved or the exact of the object found before you. 

As such in our wealth sigil example, in the act of making it into a papaura once called spellora, we might discover in interpreting it a new innovative idea for something we can sell that will make us money. 

In the same sense, the papaura of other intents alone or combined in effort can construct special resources for magic or manifest tools and things for other aspects of life, in the chance discovery of a randomly made shape given the purpose studied of its random form. 

Thus we gain what is intended and able to be achieved by paper alone or further worked spawns of its original insight, manifest out of chaotic form made useful for our end, in the way it can achieve our desire that we find inside its features as seen. We must simply seek the desired intent inside the object made randomly to locate some hinting or obvious clue of connection to the intent we formed.

The success of a given Papaura varies by both the skill and creativity of the practitioner and their ability to accidentally make the answer to their problems at better levels. 

The best practice is to make a few in distinct difference and find what each teaches together or apart in relation to the intent, then using them for the fully collected insight. I encourage keeping the creations for a nice special effect and resource of magic at later times.

We have now finished the topic of the objects we can make in magic that I have found and we are soon finished with this post, as the final things remaining are an image of my completed set of built objects, which have been gathered of all the ideas shared here. 

However, some modified because magic is an art and not a strict grammar, these to better fit and lower the amount of similar objects and a few final pointers and tips on magic I share afterwards. Showing first in words those modified details being mentioned and the image shown.

5.4 The concluding artifacts and advise as conclusion

All created tools of magic which I have made and modified from the ideas that we discussed. A unique and self designed set of tools for magic, which have unique purposes.

The main difference between the topics objects and this final image is that the dice for the sigil creation has been replaced with the fire energy cube and the magical tables and map have been combined into a unique magical table I made separately. This table as the paper below the objects depicts aspects of myself and my knowledge in symbols and so provides a map to my interests and sources of manifestation for the like.

The Papaura which I built and placed on the central light serve purposes in their forms designed and discovered, which reflect served roles of the future and my work by their forms themselves. 

The first three I made have unique and varied patterns and so can be interpreted to attain inspiration for the directions chosen and are easily recognized by the shapes and colors of each. The last serves as a symbolic reminder of careful details and effort done, by lacking much detail and is made of straight lines drawn on its shape.

The Bottle of events passing is of a lovely hued water because the blue and red paper where pressurized by the Styrofoam and so released particulates that colored the water an interesting blend of either color. While the pillar was made with a bottle filled with water and another cut in half to cover the lid so it is vertically symmetrical.

Finally I recorded notes of the ideas discussed for my own quicker reference in use and I recommend a notebook or other method of note taking for anyone who tries and experiments with magic here or elsewhere. 

These objects I made while not in current day planned to be used, will be used in unrecorded parts of the next post to help inspire it and further the likelihoods of discoveries. 

While I intended to include a tarot card deck in the image, I forgot and the one I would have used would have been dual sided in imagery and so allowing twice the interpretation. The tarot cards used for potential properties was modified by removing the magical circle as I didn't want it, so the tarot cards are used alone for faster work in that area.

This concludes what I changed while finishing up the objects made during this posts writing.

The final notes, are simple advice to use ones own recycled materials and potential finds or craft supplies for making magical objects as they provide a sustainable and useful source of materials for building basic tools that can help gain access to the encountered and more magical objects for more unique and energetic constructions.

Another final idea I had was the possibility of selling online ones old and no longer used tools for extra money to the interested. As collectors and practitioners alike may enjoy a uniquely crafted tool from a mysterious magician stranger and may inspire future mythologies of the objects magical capacity.

Regrettably some of the materials I used for these constructions are not easily found, the unique hazy plastic for the cube was bought at walmart and is lamination plastic for a laminating machine they sell. 

It is unique as a material because taping one side of half the dual sided plastic renders it transparent while the same on the other side does not. 

However the  bottles used in the pillar of elements and their unique colors are only distributed according to the bottle in canada and france. It is a bottle of aloe vera juice and I have plenty as it is delicious and I like the bottles.

The rest of the materials are more common and easily located as craft supplies or more global products and this concludes the post, which took 3 days or so to write with all its objects made, tangents and drawings.

So the four heroes moved onward from the witch's well and ventured to the Citadel to learn some science of this worlds other side. As Prosporo studied science and magic and either were distinct from the often known of other nearby places and lands. 

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