Thus we have our three objects of the three sprays shown after the first four and have learned a diverse set of basic examples of magic. Magic contains these sprays as basic examples and many other examples of sprays and their resulting magic exist. A spray is created by studying the world and noticing something unique or selecting something familiar and naming it as the word that describes it.
For example, this dinger orb I posted on my sometimes used and once often used youtube channel, represents a possible spray in many different options of parts of its nature such as motion, orb, paper, colors, oddity and uniqueness.
This dinger orb is partial insperation for the Snowangle, but the dinger orb is a metaphysical extraction from an old project connected to my form of computing as a seperate subject matter.
The Dinger Orb is found here:
All these words describing something in reality are sprays and all words on this post or other, can be used as a spray. Which when studied under the subject of magic allow distinct forms of manifestation that resemble and use other sprays as their essential nature.
They form inspired magics which harbor the features and properties of chance that connect to those sprays, similar the these magical objects shown and their usage of the magic that is related to those words. Remember, magic is manifest in potentials but is not always by the powers of chance as a likelihood.
Magic is the manipulation of energy and the ways we can control motions to cause other events moving or not moving. While many of these practices appear as a coincidence or as a logical modification of chances, they do not have to be about chance and coincidence.
A metaphysics of magic can also use symbolic physics to represent an effect and how it forms and the next part will discuss this in our discussion on the elements and objects of magic. As magic is self created, studied and practiced by ones own skill and art style it is especially up to the practicioner to do the work.
Magic which is the manipulation of energy rather then object is an art and as a science of its own and can do many things like science but in another manner which must be studied and worked on to achieve it. If well worked on in the direction of energy manipulated in distinct ways, it can likely become as powerful with the right designs and magics of itself.
For example, an equivalent has been described below. Starting with the key that tarot cards are as televisions when we read their images like a story, as they show visuals and tell a plot, the difference is the motion of the screen which is as the black mirror or crystal ball in scrying for visions inside them.
This Crystal globe would surely need more dust...
A similar and approaching magical equivalent is found when we make a crystal ball, as a snow globe of many colored sand pieces. This we view the internal storms of sand through scrying and interpretation to view animations of motion, in the visualized and materialized static like sands in motion.
It creates in random motions in the globe a flurry of possible connections and reveals an animation for a time of its motions which can be made greater with the variation of air in the globe.
The difference of these two forms of visual animation is that the first is always a recording and the second is always random and so forms a unique visual every time. It's connection to christmas is obvious, christmas is a monotheistic and paganistic holiday which springs from two ancient traditions which both used in the past smaller keys of magic.
Both the roman and nordic practices of life that were ritual and runes and the practices of the monotheistic with firstly prayer and miracles which connect to the modern magic, by using the original powers of magic before the occult as it is today.
Prayer while relating to God teaches moral thinking for ones desires and the ability to call on something greater for aid, inspiring alchemy and magic in the manifestation of chances these prayers seem to come from.
Yet the same is seen in the prophets of those faiths and their miracles, which in my own view were truly faith which in the exact moments of their acting created manifestations which defied the state of understanding of the time and after by complete coincidence and chance.
Meaning the miracles were events the prophets did not know how to do and no one knew of, that their own belief they were on the side of God and their own natural wisdom merely assumed would happen and did by complete unexplained event. These then became known by people after, so the miraculous abilities were turned mundane to some, when others cannot be explained even today.
The fact these occurred by faith and the possibility of a chance without knowledge, is unlikely but is the best explanation I have current for the older days of human history having unexplained miracles that vanished only because they became known by everyone as common or uncommon wisdom.
The likelihood today of performing a true miracle as I have just described is quite unlikely anywhere in surrounding feild of knowledge, as the wisdom of most things we expect daily as experience and as future dreams are already known by science and by the average person who today knows they can explain things easily with logical argument.
Thus a true miracle only exists in hidden and distant areas of life that are not within todays scientific knowledge at all and miracles themselves in this description is not known by most and very hard to replicate even if achieved by the observer being able to explain it away somehow, instead of be shocked at the unexpected miracle of an act that seemed ridiculous.
For a short example, I think the snakes Moses protected his people from by building a staff with a snake on is a real truth recorded the wrong way today. It says that any who looked at the staff after being bitten would be cured.
Even if it is not ever different in recording or bias of futures reading old languages, the truth of what follows as a possible explained event is a potential and truthful explanaition to be taken with a grain of salt as an idea and example. I don't take it that seriously beyond my own thinking on merely reasons for why the religious texts of life are all truth and valid and not in any special distinction.
The selected book due to my surroundings being more populace in these teachings.
However, while even texts dating farther and farther back say this, these occur in written works which are uncertain in dating of when they were written, the exact possibility of events can also not be known in all areas perfectly.
Thus it is the reason why I feel that I can first find and then find sometimes accurate to the readings or nearby likenesses to the writings. I try to keep to exactly what was done as an action and explain the feasibility of the miracle with my wisdom today.
If I cannot find a reason of logic, I presume my mind has not thought in faith and the truths of other teachings well enough in my own soul to know the way or even simply the less of its writing alone. Their do exist writings in diverse texts my own wisdom of modernity cannot explain, but the validity for any text is its full of truth taught, that do not actually need a reason beyond existing, for what they set out to teach at all. A lesson, even if written in complete fiction still is real in what it offers in full.
Certain important things in all faiths of religion I have encountered, are quite matter of fact absolute truths I can agree and even learn from. The hairsplitting distinction of some event in writing being truth or falsity matters not at all for its full being of value to the world and I am ignorant of their whoel teaching always for only learning as I am taught.
Even the stereotypical science hating christian who calls science sin, I have listened and learned from them in the simple fact that magic and science can in truth and reality lead to hell if they are not approached in a moral and truly respectful way. As weapons of war can destroy whole cities.
I also always read the monotheistic from its most extreme and absolute way first then repeat it in softer tones, as I view the full of those twists of the exact words to be of extreme value in what they teach from the extreme to the softer way of its words. This written to appease those who listen, regarding connections I make to religions and in the meeting and compatible likenesses even to the atheistic where these ideas do apply.
I learn from all that I meet to the exact words they say, the differences I organize as the ways of peoples life that serve the right of their existence and myself simply live as I am able and my ability to live is not a perfect life, but filled as equal with mistakes and mishaps as any other.
Today I note that I continue to misread unintentionally or by miracle of those books subtle changes, the passages read. However for strange reasons as I thought yet again, I think in past it said not the people bitten, but the looking at the snake alone was cure.
However I cannot argue this true or false, by the simple fact of owning two bibles and the older bibles online saying it was the people and not they. So wherever I retained words I read that I thought were what it said, I place with the new lessons.
A Rod with a snake on it that Moses had built.
None the less, the reason I think the miracle of the snake on a rod, is real, can occure and thus could happen and shows farther early magic. Is because the snake on a rod is both larger and more powerful then the snakes biting the people, thus any who were bitten were lucky and cured by potential alone while the snake fleeing quickly was also true by the snakes seeing the rod, these and more by the powers of their God that in real sense of that perio.
The inspired events of all after was infact a greater lesson to all people as those after learned greater and those of before were most definitely able to learn from what had passed.
These matters brought up at all, because magic is not sorcery, sorcery is another word that reflects those periods malpractice with the arts they knew and meant curses, lies and corruptions of that age.
This in a time where the rulers threw the undesired people they had killed, in the nile, which would kill the rest by the unknown fact that this creates bacteria that they would drink and ill striken both the people and the animals.
The non venomous snakes biting happened to be the ones the people had been bitten by in some cases, on some occasions of a time without records of snake kinds and only the words snakes are poisonous don't step on them.
The snake, after the rod less likely to be encountered for sensing the rod that hit the ground, then the snakes saw the snake on the rod that had strength to stand on a rod. This led to them fleeing in confusion to avoid the snake that was stronger.
The faith and trust even of the rod and each others world, further increased the positive to overcome the venom they might have had and the ones who may have died, were seen as having probably not looked to begin with.
What looked even means is never stated, does it mean more or less in the context of anything. The way of looking at something, is important, what the romans saw was not what the torah sees and was among the first of its kind to reject everything that came before it
The farther truth of that rod and other possibilities of the whole description which are veiled in the unknowable past mean that the full truth cannot be known so any interpretation of my words or even the words of the books read alone without me can be taken as truth. So this is just an opinion I use to discover real truths of religion in and about life.
Snakes are afraid of bigger snakes because bigger snakes think they are tasty as snakes eat snakes so making a larger snake on a rod above them is bound to scare the snakes and their simpler snake minds. Snakes have always been a fear of humans because they can't been seen in the sand and forest and are poisonous when stepped on or mistaken for firewood, they also look creepy.
I actually like snakes, my mom didn't let me have one as a pet as they might slither out of the cage and into her bed. Thus snakes are snakes and known for their snakey nature, even today they are viewed as snakes and do snake things like intimidate other things by being taller then the expectation of a shorter thing.
So in any case being it the complete chance of the people living by the glance at the snake rod alone, or the explained addition of why that sole object has a power to do the like of what it did in a story, the religious world here and elsewhere is full of examples of magic.
As the animals themselves manipulate the chances of their environment and cannot even speak and animals in their natural states are magical in practice by living only with what they are, their will and chance of encounter so it makes sense that humans in our days of ignorance, would only have animals to imitate and so early practices would be magic before growing wiser and starting science.
Science is the inspiration for this furthering of magic that learns from science in its complexity and study and thus tries to do the same with human histories original and once naive answer to their conflicts and our comforts.
Thus this new magic is nothing like the old days of the romans, or before and is designed for a modern context of skill and morality and like occult that this magic is beyond its divide off the gods as a seperate truth for even science. This and the occult is both more powerful and spiritually progressed then the days of ignorance that were early human history. No one today is as the past was in its more primitive ways of dealing and behaving with life, we have actually grown in group communication past the memories of the comforts of then we would find uncomfortable today.
I would even argue that while the early days of human history were akin to those of animals, our modern life while having small fragments is not the life of an animal any longer, it is the life of a man and women as beings above and different from the animals they care for and eat.
As with evolution and the changes of time, where in science their was once just an ape, the today is not an ape for mankind and is actually a far more complex and meaning rich beings in an organized behavior transcendent to the natural world around them.
Although I think likely we began as apes as its likelyhood of causality it most probable, the moment we became sentient, we had already begun being something more then the animals that cannot even start a fire for fear of the heat they don't understand.
What followed was history and magic being part of early and continuing history means a more nostalgic and pondered thought of the past and even future of the original world we had that is still with some of the world.
So should be conserved with the rest of the worlds of remembered living as the memory and reminder of how far better we've become and what more is left to learn in them as they began and continue.
Also, Christmas is known for its acclaimed Christmas magic so anything I see already called magic at all, I assume we already recognized in subconscious unknown as magic. Further observation and study reveals that it really is in likeness and in use of energy. It's also just after Christmas and I am still cheerful of the holiday in writing this right now.
I wrote some of this on christmas, after I would loose the writing and rewrite it, leading inevitably to this moment instead of some other unknown one. Magic always works by an known or unknown coincidence as this and others claimed or observed in this writing.
In fact a third option controls this farther, by having larger particles in the form of objects inside the crystal ball snowglobe, if these spin about they allow an arranging scenery of small nature moving and stopping about while our focus reveal a story or scenery inside the ever changing magical artifact.
A simple form of this idea, that is not with 3 dimensional small particles, is made by taking a bottle or a bowl, placing cut paper shapes into it that have been well laminated and colored to be something. the bowl or bottle filled with water and ensuring the paper is colored on both sides. Then we spin the water and paper inside so that they mix and arrange in the diverse currents of energy to reveal distinct imagery.
We could also use small created sculptures out of clay that is water proof and made to be light enough to be effected by the current, then add paper pieces too, to allow a diverse possibility of arrangements. Scale and type of objects further effect what will appear in the bowl that can be mixed in unique ways or the bottle or globe that can be shook in its own ways.
This object, can be used for a more visual scrying and works similar to tarot cards with a different visual, usual scrying can even be used with it too and the new additions can reveal both symbolic images of what will occur, reveal occluded truths of the world of magic or other and further be used as a tool of entertainment, which reveals the inspiration for stories and shows within in its features of unique animation in a storm of changes.
Christmas, stage magic, gambling, nature, videogames, board games, fantasy, dreams, movies, literature, the occult, religions, mythology, fictional and real art are all sources of real and false examples of magic which in work of the real chances and study of their furthered practice and matched reality allow the real practitioner and the real things in their likeness to exist.
It takes the attempts to find their truth and possibility where logical with chances and energy, in the real world and the labor of their research, documentation and experimental magics reveal a real way of life and doing that can do other and like things to science.
Magic is the modification of energy, electricity works by an energy, but energy is not electricity and science cannot measure its assumption that energy exists, only model energy of objects they can predict. The wizard can effect the energy the scientist cannot predict, by being there at the right time and knowing when and where it is most likely to occur and how to raise the chances.
This use of energy is considered magic, since it manipulates the difficult to predict energy and the chances of a coincidence are always the sign of the energy that effects the motions. Science cannot test energy directly and in science energy is needed as a basic proposition they cannot confirm as we cannot see energy, only manipulate the objects with it and see it as motions we can encounter.
The actual energy is not ever seen visually and represents a very important model but not a tangible and objective object, rather a modifier of the objects science studies objectively. Magic studies energy instead of the objects, so its work is inverse from science and focuses on the energy of our motions over the object it moves.
It means neither can represent or argue with itself the falsity of the other, since energy and objects have noting to do with each other being false as they both exist as distinct parts of reality.
This means that while science can cause an object to move by a mechanism they find that the coincidental and the happening with random likelihoods such as the whether or quantum mechanics to be impossible to predict due to over existence of variables blinding the capacity to model it.
As a result the only thing that can manipulate energy is the traditional arts of magic. The furthered practice of the arts as seen here started with the traditions being a spell cast, a set of ritual ingredients, a foresight of the tarot and ones will acted in vibration and repetition have merely been used together in new contexts above and below in new ways.
The only thing currently added as new types of magic are the pursuit of the manifestations where they are most likely to occur naturally in cause and effect and the use of divination and so interpreted symbolism in any context freely with the intended direction of insight selected by the practitioner.
These two additions to the traditional arts I promise the reader not only are magic, as the fact that they manipulate the energy of happenings by locating its source of appearance more likely to happen means things manifest faster and surprisingly more often when found. Yet also these journeys are witness to symbols of the world as they occur on a daily anywhere, so allowing new manifested power anytime for new insight.
They are also so valued by myself that many basic works I do with magic, as the simple and common are manifested so swiftly that a possible and likely can take a half hour to appear almost every time. As I can locate a new magic quickly and I can locate where it will occur very quickly by considering where the event can actually occur in reality.
However, some of these common events can be dangerous to manipulate or pursue and some practices of the chances as the happen outside in cities and forests can lead to risks of ones life or way of life, simply for being out and about in the wrong places or times of living. As a result, it is wiser to avoid places called or deemed sketchy and nights in forest and city are always less safe then daily walks in either place.
The truth of that danger is a lot less fun then the similar in a story or game and so they really are best left avoided.
A potion is a concoction of minerals and nutrients that in the blend raise the natural health of parts of the body, by adding the needed chemicals to ones overall chemistry when drank. The right blend at the right time will raise stats as long as the chemistry in within the self. Like an energy drink but directed elsewhere to other parts of overall health.
For example a potion made from herbs and random plants picked freely in the woods is best avoided or only done after being educated well understood as a scientist who understands the plants properties for toxins and their differences and distinguished. The wisest and safest practice for the creation of potions is done by mixing only teas and stuff purchased at the grocery store that one processes after purchase.
Potions when actually better understood work like specialized drinks, which have been concocted to contain unique levels of nutrients one has studied and mixed specially and wisely, to allow certain potential body behaviors in likeness to tea as it is today, yet further manipulated and mixed for deeper powers brought by nature especially. As medicine from over the counter is far more reactive chemically and can cause less easily predicted effects by chemistry compared to raw tea leaves.
This merely another example of magics reality yet not its futility and failures that would have killed the past far easier then the sciences that took a more scientific first stride on the object and not what is also effecting the object.
Energy moves through the current of the places it moves through and even a good spell cannot appear infront of you without the possibility actually existing there, a bird may fly through an open window but will crash through a closed one and never make it inside.
Science is sometimes considered science by the magical community and they are similar and this can be seen in the vials of chemicals and potions of mostly tea and nutrients and pencils and wands both drawing math and symbols have likeness to each other.
However the truth is greater as we have just seen that magic can work towards being an equal at the sciences on its own two feet without needing science to build its requirements. Magic if furthered in purity of its practice like science by many people over time and interest can become quite capable of things in the likeness but not necessarily perfect accuracy immediately of fiction.
As wands of elements, is mostly a matter of a tool that modifies the elements or in a more advanced magical world, that effects solely the air and its specialized surroundings and world with the wind of a wand, to manifest something in the air so it forms a certain way. It would mean a world where the air has been curated to work a special way with the wands and would limit it viability of effect in places where that air's mana did not exist, such as the scientific world and the like that did not want it.
However this imagination of a manna in the air for magic, while seen as feasible by the fact that air contains elements that could be activated if in specialized density and patterns of their gaseous arrangement in an overall space. It could provide a smoke that can be controlled by the magician. This future is neither today or well understood to allow the possibility,as it would evidently take time and effort of at least years or more for a space to become as such.
The idea of controlling the air however helps with climate change. We cannot predict the whether for it behaves as a chaotic storm, however we all know we can make wind with a fan. So controlling the weather in some degree is possible, its length is simply unknown and would remain unknown only without magic studied to take it farther.
This means real magic and not sciences own copies that it can build with technology in limited knowledge of real magic, such as flamethrower sticks for fire wands, would have to be built for the lacking tragedy of a world without magic. That tragedy does not exist, it is merely a lack of study.
The reality is that a wand of fire begins in a hidden truth on how to light the flamable gasses in the air, that even I do not know but recommend avoiding currently for its risks and usefulness immediate being dangerous. Although a flint when activated by steel has been seen sparking longer then other times it is done, meaning that sometime their is flammable gas right there.
It would be most successful as a simple magic, near places with more gas like this, but this would more likely light you as well on fire. So the real mystery of that chance and coincidence is how to survive and know where and when the fire can be lit. As science would only be able to fill a wand with lighter fluid and this would only go a short distance before being completely empty.
Alas, this is an example of a basic logical proof that magic like in the movies is real if the art were furthered and kept in studies deeper. As the art shown here is small strides forward in its practices.
I can already observe farther uses of magic and the well thinking reader can also see this with effort, as magic is both a missing key to parts of life we cannot control ( such as the weather ) and in the passage of chance and the unusual events of life happening, allows a farther journey into magics greater then today.
Thus I encourage the practitioner to study magic alone with distinction from science as it grows the art in its own unique way and allows science to be purely science and both can do similar feats with the right effort in unique ways as we shall see.
I have a subreddit, which you can subscribe to to ask questions or see more things I do between, during or on the side of writing the posts for this blogs. It is linked below and is where I am best reached in usual daily activity, one can also message me on my account which is SamofEclia.
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