Perchal and Decourt 1: A discussion of magic and my morals.

The perchal and the decourt will be a feature other post later on and will be the focused subject of the safety of real consequences and the possibility of virtual or larp style artificial consequences and adventure.

I discuss it here, as magic in farther possibility and many things of the multiverse can concern others in regards to comfort and the distaste of violence. Which some may think this increases them by adding a diversity of possible additional methods of harm, when the reality is that I have done my best to mitigate the possibility to business as usual or less, by these two subjects.

As while it is true, that these things and subjects can potentially one day become as powerful as science in potentials of their knowledge grown and directed to violent ends, I recognize already their capacity for similar manipulations of reality to things like science means also their benefits to humanity and the like. Which in regards to the only reasons for why violence exists, of which I can think of beyond protection from itself is entertainment in the like of videogames and movies.

So I have spent some time working on efforts to allow similar or alternative experiences to them, while practicing explorations of consequences to life in emulated stories and plots for added entertainment and tested details, which explore real risks, conflicts and dangers at the best of my ability.

This for attaining solutions to those risks that protect and stop them from occurring for real while dually providing an alternative and solution to the possibilities they create. It serves the goal of a better form of entertainment and original props for the forms already existing and while it cannot predict the real conflicts that arise it provides as a whole of several component subjects a method for both exploring, preparing and protecting the world from the real ones.

As even as a kid I liked adventures and being a hero, but also a villain in my games of pretend, so I spent too long trying to make that juxtoposed taste of plot work in coexistence, which resulted in the only possible answer for such as a thing as videogames and larps.

I did want to try and stop real things in the process because I was having too much fun with my custom virtual books for adventures and made them more realistic while starting my exploration of the multiverse.

So I did and spent periods imagining real violent tools understanding their functions and listing or recognizing the solutions to their existence as reverse concepts, while working on ways to make both also virtual to allow equivalent alternatives discussed in the perchal and decourt part.

This is to allow things like magic, science and otherwise an ability and possibility at a real adventure and not the messy and quickly resolved real conflicts that are real and so realistically dealt with, allowing fun and entertainment, but also protection, stability and comfort for living.

I mention all this now in shorter and less detailed form because I tend to get distracted and have yet written much on it. So I want to ensure I say something about the Solutes of the perchal and the Virtles of the decourt. As while I do lots on the multiverse, I do less blog writings on damage control, as it rarely comes up in conversation with others, who do not take me seriously on the internet.

The idea features protection from baneful and violent reality of subjects discussed as a subject of defense and protection, yet also discuss the alternatives for those violent and baneful things in a virtual or larping situation at better levels then today plastic swords and nice costumes using rice in a packet for magic.

As I like the idea of larping, yet I find its current capacity of experience rather less epic then it could one day be with more work on finding other methods of special effects for similar behaving weaponry and props that are harmless.

As this adds an additional capacity to my work with the multiverse and subjects, in that it can be used with it to allow a person their own created class, knowledge and skill set they design for the adventure. Which unlike the current in its restricted feats of special effect, could one day have a great deal of novelty, creativity and entertainment in the likeness of video games but real without any real harm.

Infact I even recommend the like for the more reasonably dealt political disputes as a separate military option and entity for arguments of territory and the like between nations in dispute and organized between them regarding the greater political world interested among options with the usual military and its real weaponry. Simply the grounds that if larping the war is possible and done. either party in dispute and its people surviving are able to come home and exist as part of the world they helped achieve.

This military form isn't the same as the public form for entertainment and this idea is an idea based on the issue that in some cases a real conflict could be handled in a harmless manner to sort it out fairly without real bloodshed. It would me the rules if ignored after or during its competitions, for deciding things greater then one nation, that can't be decided another way reasonably by either party would result in the reaction of the rest involved as they would have it.

What it could achieve is mostly a lack of lost people for events where conflicts have escalated beyond the reasonable communication of either party being unable to decide outside some kind of sport of chances drawn, since one couldn't vote on it between two nations and no one likes loosing numbers of their own people as on both sides the means less defense then and later outside the immediate conflict.

It means better managing of real reasons for self defenses anywhere, distinguished from the grown tension of continued difficulties. I cannot assume the rules of how the competitions would be set up would be very strict beyond lack of intended harm and the capacity of those two parties. As usually larger scale conflicts with more then two parties begins when those two first in conflict divide the rest on the continuing rise of tension and either nations alliances further split and never reconnect.

Humans have a tendency of disagreeing with each other over agreeing as each person is distinct, the same applies to nations, while people and nations can get along in differences. Even I as a person have to block and ignore people online who so reverse from myself, cannot understand me and my behavior.

In comparison however, a difference of nations cannot block you on facebook or communications as this would do literally nothing except further complexity anything getting done. No communication makes anyone appear void of the conversation, so nations need to know they all exist.

Thus conflicts of vast difference will arise and when both in complete difference cannot agree a wiser action is naming the need in dispute and making the decision without harming each other in some method of chance and perhaps skill.

It helps keep a country in existence and sort out the immediate issue rather then escalating things to where no one can live in parts after and don't even have a reason to from the people that didn't come back to help each nations economy and the like.

Alas, this is just an idea. A final note is that the larping as a game and entertainment only would be for the people of a nation as a form of entertainment if wanted, yet the same practice gives all who play it more skill in self defense already present in Virtual Reality and thus means people are on average more likely to survive and defend themselves from threats in and from outside their world.

Rendering a real conflict progressively less effective at answering the question of the conflict and longer to reach one at all. It means efficiency to limit an area of competition between two nations like a larp or otherwise. Neither party involved in this case is good or evil will add as they haven't attacked each other in reality and it is more savory to the soul then real war in general.

The only real conflicts that occur are either building from frustration and tensions often starting with the people below, or in the usually least positive a nation and its leader bent on spreading itself across the planet, which in prior examples tends to make the rest of the nations defend themselves excessively.

Defense to ensure they and the people and their worlds are not destroyed, defense is always the obvious sign of the one most often called Good because the Good protect and the Bad started a fight.

Yet, in History whoever started what is sometimes forgotten and the end of a conflict rarely means starting one only finishing the ones that exist already in the most peaceful option for its level of concern.

Objects of virtues are objects of defense, medicine and harmlessness. They are called objects of virtues because they don't hurt you ever. The perchal and its objects of virtue has a style inspired explicitly from where it already exists which are the things like a business's cubicles, hospitals and dentists and churches of stained glass.

If you ever noticed a fantasy story, the priest ( who represents the perchal ) is always there with the medical supplements and the highest in defense for magical classes. Its how the cliche works, the reality is more successful at ending conflict then videogames as reality actually focuses more on what I call the perchal and its objects of virtue.

The perchal is an a subject of the more moral and helpful life and practices, it studies the progressively more good, while the decourt is a linked subject of the larping adventures and destructive violence of harmless nature. Both are a subject I spent some time experimenting and working on with the rest.

They feature both ways to solutions of conflict and danger continued to be study and purely non violent things without harm for the purchal. Yet also personal created and directed sado-masochism and larp related special effects for adventures and stories of good and evil.

Magic is limited in its practice by the user who avoids less effecting violent magic because the real magics for violence are very difficult to actually achieve for easier solutions existing in the first place. Magical, Scientific or other alternatives to violence alone usually exist as writing or drawings as they are harmless and if needed to be realistic but do not have a real consequence to the undesired. Meaning false harms for larping if the group wants more realism as worked out by the group.

While the less intense, permanent and arbitrary experiences can be self created for the user themselves as personally created temporary hells for themselves and painful personalized experiences. These two options for the common need and more extreme needs are matching to usual legality and appropriate extents, which are discussed elsewhere.

The latter like in the bedroom means its usual respect of its kind and does have consequences when those boundaries are broken or the acts taken outside the distance of escape able by the other. A person should always be able to change their mind in the experience at any time, or the experience isn't a safe or fair experience for the person and can be called an injustice in most legal situations.

If we want bruises, we do not catapult ourselves into a wall even if we are guaranteed to live but be horribly bruised on our first experience, instead we build up the capacity to not regret the experience instantly and evidently require the taste for such experiences to begin with.

This example is excessive and is less likely to be a desire for most, the danger with telling a person they cannot hurt themselves is that they might not actually regret it or dislike it, but long before they attempt it the consequence of the action needs to be redeemed and repairable fully. It's not for children either and an adult has right to their body as far as they are able to recover it or accept the consequence they may regret.

Thus their is not real line for what should or shouldn't be done with ones own body as they use it, but the consequences you can put yourself through you might regret so a certain length of protection should be given to extreme cases, but you'll truly never be able to stop the person who keeps trying especially if the assure you they want it many time.

Its just weird to think that is what they want and even then they are putting themselves at risk which you have to hope and remind them of long before they can do something, that in regards to pain especially should almost always have limits where the permanence is never redeemable yet if at all as theirs no turning back from that.

So in regard to pain ( which I like, especially psychological ), you should respect yourself and others always. Never letting you or they put themselves in situations they cannot escape from if they don't like it. It is true that some and the discussed examples will be things I tested myself cause its fun for me atleast. It's not the most extreme and likely closer to the norms of reasonable tolerance to pain.

Even those who like pain, are not likely to be ignore pleasures somewhere else in time, people trend in current density and popularity to the less harmful and the accessibility of aid especially for the mentally and physically ill that cannot help themselves

We build more to be served as a lack of harm then what will serve only the harmful, even when they exist in equal amounts of diversity, because even the worst and most violent of psychopath, probably liked coffee in the morning before what was his life before prison as even prison is more for their own protection and consequence. Compared to then the the days of once before where violent and disturbing acts were the price of mistakes and severely depressing choices.

It is true that parts of the world still punish consequence by this same more violent consequence and while the western world will likely never allow it. While I do not agree in my tastes and feelings, the fact it exists somewhere in the world, means a better option is available for those who have to live and teach justice in that manner.

So a more violent justice actually needs to exist for any who feel they would rather that as some are far more enraged by an avoidance of good life. It is as much equal in success, as most in the west, who do not desire that kind of threat for crime and justice. The only other possible aid for violence is virtual reality and is always up to the person themselves to find a way to live a more fulfilling life then violence.

People who cannot live by the ways of life of a place they reside in, should leave to where they feel it is more compatible with themselves as it is always the person who wishes to change a whole other world that is part of the conflict, its never the person who lives their life and is happy with others in their likeness.

The numbers larger then one in disagreement decide the way a place is, the full diversity of ways on the planet meet those types of way of life that got here first, those after should begin their own ways of life from history and not its beginning as those of history before have a lot to teach.

Even my own works and thinking began and continue from what I learned of those before me and how they thought and what they dreams, what I disagreed within myself among the new and old of today and how it is in parts and what I learned in accepting a world where we aren't the same and cannot all live a certain way.

Thus while I am different and cannot live like some others, I will only help those who ask now and share to those who care but will have no effect on the one who doesn't want to have any part. I will even try to understand their difference and do my best to know their ways I cannot live, so I can live at a distance without effecting the ones who aren't like me at all.

In reality, people don't go to four temples first to gain the magical jewel, people always go straight to where the bad guy is before he is ready for his evil plan, because his minions told on him, the internet saw him and anyone who heard what he was doing or did was horrified and felt like doing something. 

It's very obvious these days who causes a problem, its on the internet and news as the obvious tragedies of human behavior that always draw blood or rob another. While its not quite the ones shooting at each other, its not the by standing people running away who don't want to be shot, now the ones helping them with guns and other weapons.

It's the one who shot first at the crowd and was the bad guy, because their is never a reason to shoot first and their's always a better way to solve a problem you or anyone might have then shooting others with real bullets. It's why I really think larping politely, is a lot more fun for anything violent as even pain can be an option to those who want, but even they only want the pain when they feel like it and need a break at other times.

However, their are also those who act in destructive ways to show a danger that is ignored that they created themselves to bring the attention to it, they create the conflict that others ignored to show them that the conflict exists.

While they harm others, these often acting creators of harm, while creating pain have given up on their attempts to warn others of something, so taken to the extremes of that fear do it themselves to show others its real as it was bound to happen and no one listened.

What should be done with this person, firstly they should be heard before and after they do something in what they wanted to stop, but then did to show it true. As the solutions others find stop it from repeating again and the better option would have always have been to listen to the speaker before he did what he warned of because you could have stopped him from doing it.

This latter person can be anyone, as anyone has concerns for the world but the difference is that some give up and see no other way. So listening to others and finding solutions alone or between people cane save more lives then the person.

But I don't make other peoples choices when it comes to randomly shooting people. This is just my opinion and as the first post on the multiverse which are worlds of people and other things, I thought I would introduce my basic opinions and my typical basis of organizing my reality when it comes to what should or shouldn't be done .

Violence and harm always represents a problem, when I was younger like some of the world also think, I thought it was the ideas that were harmful but I also had an opened mind, so I learned slowly that different ways of thinking are not the problem with the world.

Instead it is the choice to act negatively to others and intentionally harm them for any reason at all beyond protecting yourself and others from the opposite form of harm that while justified by reasons of hate irrelevant of any class, view or creed means always that that first actor of violence was the problem and not the solution to their own accusations.

My view is not morality, it is always only the bare minimum as morals of religion are ways of life for deeper comfort, lessons and practice for the select few that can live them.

Anything that doesn't effect others who don't want to be involved is fine for not bothering them and tolerable within distance and lack of action among it by the uninterested, even while some might find it strange to their ways.

Yet anything forced on the unwilling or even self on oneself in lack of knowing the consequences or risking their own well being is a harmful thing that always has a better alternative or solution. It shouldn't be done because it actually does very little to help the people involved.

Those that could be afflicted by these consequences, if stated by them that they do not want it should be helped and protected. As to me the existence of harm by nature is simply the inhibiting of events from taking place, so harm only inhibits by its nature.

It means violence stops something from happening and only spreads the same, it can only inhibit an event because it ends and destroys its stability, even life itself.

So I leave this as my tangent on the summary of the defensive Perchal and the larping Decourt complete. It was mentioned because larping magic is fun and real violence with magic is not cause it inhibits.

We now move on to less connected parts of magic, which have less to do with the possibility of violence. Instead they do other things and allow life's greater luxuries, like the wand but without potential for larping adventures.

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