An old drawing from a story of a few years ago, inspired by dreams in part of childhood and later days after these matters.
In the beginning of my inventions I started where I was in mind and began the day of matter I knew in that place and went home after exploring the matter from the story of other places unlike my memories of before in mind that I never reached. This was good for showing me its diversity and early experiements in a fresh way, but I had to go back to the origins because I missed the story of more then words the first time.
This depends on if one tries to invent things as they go, instead of wait till they know more and in some ways I find waiting to have been fruitful for leaving a larger world of the past to explore again.
However a new concept I found was the Actural, which is the underlying incomplete reality of the things we don't see in experience and represents the external reality beyond perception and physical matter as the unseen parts we do not have visual observation of.
It shows a greater future for the world I progressed in words and thought but began tools in the later days of its time. So the tools grown from my world afar from the one called earth are different but nearly and sometimes past the advancements of the Earth's narrative and current position, in ways of a parallel one day.
We are on the descent from the whaleship, to face the subeast hoard...
A sight on the way back to the days of before, in the future of what was left in my words. After then a return to prosporo through the doorway of clearwaters from the lands of fantasy transcient.
Thus Thios was the island I persued a year ago of a time after the day of those words and found in the future of that world linked to my today today and thus was the next stop on the journey of words become matters and explorations deeper on a journey too diverse in words to describe.
A drawing from long after in another time and world different and like the prosporo of this blog. The days just before today as yet another journey.
The Actural is a new experience of the unseen made seen in the models and drawn of what we cannot first see and imagine and these drawings below were its first examples when I began but have changed since then. Four pictures shown, the key of the next part:
These are models of the actural as semi-identical images of the world and gridspace beneath perception that once had meanings in that I forgot what they meant after for being diverse. They described parts of reality we can't see and formed these physical places of life in my awareness after.
This image is too diverse and complicated to fully explain or discuss here and was an older way to look at this concept before I switched to this timeline from nostalgia and desires for less of this:
One parallel world of prosporo, where towers of metaphysics extracted, stand as decor.
The Giramen storm the city, mutated people caused by small monsters possessing objects.
Peripheral fragmenters used for viewing an ancient device of another leftover.
So as you can see, it was very strange in plot and experience and I needed more normal and more traditional narrative then the distance surreal and strange I started in with inventing and adventure, which lacked the world of the past and seeing the world of earlier in better light and deeper insight.
These worlds are not problematic in anyway true, only in the moment for the trail going so far from the dream I had of what it would be but had yet experienced in more then words. So I turned around and went through a nearby world back to here as another similar to the past. This middle world is found here:
Experiences from previous adventures may be shown during this trajectory as additional documents copied from off internet sources as added possibilities of reading that vary in subject. Their are too many to sort however and thus their selection is mostly random.
Now let us explore the Actural in another manner by defining the space through a drawing of an extra-real space of imagery. This imagery links to a set of parts in the actural unseen to view shortly as something other then the seen. It means we show a place of unseen connection to today.
This is the Router of Outspace-others, the actural subreality of the worldships navigations, a machine for the traverse of worlds by the whaleship being built unrelated from the posts prior as connected by finishing touches in the end of this exploration of the world in this sector of infinity:
This map of the known infinity explored shows both the other blogs in the square at the center and farther ventures found of internet, which represents the greater places I have been in my ranges of infinity remembered and recorded at the time.
The whaleship is a ship of world travel that originally arrived in book form on the pages of another document. It has since entered my physicality and perception being built up as a larger toolkit of objects of traverse from my position in real life. Built from the technologies we are defining and farther considerations after.
It's nothing surreal beyond a way to use my computer and tools together to extend my experience with narratives and writing spaces and more shown here to a greater reality. It can behave somewhat surreal in the way it is used however and their are options and degrees of immersion with it. They have already been discussed.
The point of this part and the actural is to discuss the outspace of another kind then the one of the sky, which exists as a sortof scaffolded reality extension to other places by using normal life as a surface for deeper experiences in other worlds. Only as they align in compatibility with earth and form an outerspace of construction and worlds easier to travel but less alien.
It works by exploring the world through windows and objects that extend the reality to others alone as spaces of the greater potentials for life in similar and distinct connections to everyday experience.
In my case, I describe an outerspace of three sky which navigate to three directions of celestial object as other realities of experiences similar and unlike planets in their use of navigation that allow drawings as windows and built tools as an extraction of the windows. Yet also farther modeled scaffolding on reality for nearby experiences similar to those alien environments.
It is an actural reality because you cannot see the object drawn, but in correct interfaces can be interacted with, by navigating different spaces of object and screen use. They allow for extra-real realities that merge with this one by use and arrangement but exist as potentials of non-existence.
Thus the machine above represents the driving mechanisms for travel as simply an imaginary object accessed through technology. While I coin it imaginary it is as real as I define it and use it later. For now we will explore the map of this outerspace of experience within the three types of celestial bodies called Planets, Plats and Planars.
Below are pictures of these celestial bodies as visuals, which reflect what I will draw when refering to them later in different scales but regrettably not much about them is drawn and done today.
As this is the end of the post, since the Pheyscaptical is a final touch and the engines are set in motion for greater questions afterwards, where it will be explained in details farther that now may or may not explore Lemurion today. As we are bound to explore a farther pursuit within the greater possibilities finished here.
Which is which? Questions for when we takeoff, but here are said as non of the above, for each is the way to somewhere and somewhere can be in many directions from here.
The slowing down of writing comes with the ending of the first writings, so the last post in Thios is no more since before the picture. As it is for the next journey's persuit of what is not the today's mind and ways. We depart to the station to see the prepared ships door and then we leave for the coming days.
Apparently, as I have grown tired of waiting...
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