The Technos synthesis to Alchemy.

This is a post regarding the technos synthesis of the previous projects that were divided as several similar and differing matters regarding parts of the world I study and use in my inventions called technos. 

An Example arrangement of modeled meaning and matter for an invention using parsemy, the subject of subjects and idea generation for the exploration of the Omniverse.

The study of this matter is called parsemy and regards the study of all things known and discovered in the Omniverse, representing worlds of subject as their focus of differences and beyond as things other then subjects, worlds or other. The Omniverse is found in mind as ideas, then matter as the same needed chemistry arranged for the pursuits of more experiences.

The tools are called technos because they are like technology but reflect the tools of a magician as well as the gnosis of the partechnician's work and the perceptual study of experiences compiled with other subjects. 

Technos represents the experiences of a world, since they differ in each and a world is viewed as the scenery of environment and objects living or inanimate within or even farther otherwise.

Those who use Technos do so to understand and manipulate reality in a creative manner of self defined physics of energy, art and qualia synthesized within directed subjects of different worlds as different experiences of Technos. 

A large set of Technos inventions (and Cat), formed on this blog and at other times previously. The whole set of uses is unknown, because these tools can be reinterpreted from their constraints.

Technos is a type of object apart from others encountered in life already as objects that use idea generators as interfaces of output with behaviors of matter, but can also use my varied form of magic manipulating probability as well as artistic creativity of perception.

Technos differs from technology in the fact that technology uses Screens, Electricity and Light for information output by numeric mathematical automation and serve ends especially of communication, entertainment and measurement such as a cellphone, television or computer. As these all form technological aids of computations, measurements and emulations.

They also differ from objects of the everyday in those tools being simpler tools of non-electrical function such as toys, bottles and boxes. Similarly they differ from the magical tools of ritual for not being symbolic representations and tools of outwards effects on the greater world.

Technos is best described as being objects that interface with minds information creation and use of behavioral processes inwards, outwards or qualitative to form experiences of phental nature, which is the combination of mental or physical experience that technos can also provide. 

A phental is an idea assigned with an object, these allow observed experiences of meaning outside the mind's thoughts. The image above is a phental, since the idea of a rock is assigned to the experience of a rock. 

Similarly words as writing of meaning are phentals of physical experience seen as the letters and the meaning assigned in mind to the arrangement of those letters.

Phentals are a type of substance formed from an idea applied with a material external experience and this allows us to find and define types of the experience for manipulations material or mental.

A phental is used for meaning and effects one or the other of its facets, a phental device of mind and matter is possible by the connection between them as assignment and either can effect mind or matter in turn by the agreement or use of it by a given person.

A set of chememes, icons of diverse form which can be interpreted for various word meanings and concepts.

Words and concepts, that can then be used as subjects for exploration and farther manipulation with more words and deeper understanding and research. 

Some were formed by synthesizing usual words into newly invented words between them. This was done by blending the words into concepts half like either word but distinct in new connections.

 Others were defined by inversion of the words into opposites more then dual in kind, such as how their are four opposite elements but done in opposites of other words such as wisdom or faith.

These new and old words are new subjects for experimenting with experiences and invention, allowing new things to do, think and invent and each also represents a world of a certain style.

Technos allows the forming of other objects, technology, magic or experiences through phental meanings assigned to matter that divide itself into diverse subjects greater by the manipulation of meanings as words representing subjects, matter or other. 

In manipulating words we can form a tool of that subject by the definitions and furthered usage of the word in greater utility and functions allowing more experience and possibility.

A physics model for manipulating motion and meanings as divided parts of a line.

Physics allow manipulation of the subject of a meaning by divided its behavior into components parts of function that can be modified to modify the subject in more complex ways.

Physics are first invented freely and assigned to real observed parts of matter or mind that match them then manipulate them to create tools serving functions regarding meanings of defined or already known words as their ends.

Technos allows tools of ideas in interfaces of art, but also extend to experiences and greater possibility as other types of object that use the idea of parsemic material energetic qualities with farther tools of invention with parsemy.

Although these matters are mostly for the sake of definition in this case and represent the subject alone. Technos is a name given to the type of object I create but isn't describing all possible objects.

Technos is viewed as being especially more personal in type of object, rather then easily sold in all contexts as commercialized conveniences, since they reflect personal taste and style and are pursuits of personal reason that may not reflect the rest of the worlds needs, only the curiosities of one person.

However this does not mean it cannot be sold if the person desires, nor does the matter necessarily reflect a personal persuit, since the nature of parsemy is the persuit of new experience and innovations that can be applied to science, magic or beyond in the manner of their definitions created by the user.

Since parsemy represents the work of creating new ideas then experiences using idea generators such as memetic math or visual hyperspace arrangements, it is able to be used in any subject desired if compatible.

However. technos represents my terminology for a type of invention existing between material tech objects, magical energetic objects and artistic sculpted objects already known and usually referred to as technology or products, ornaments or artifacts and paintings or sculptures.

In the theory of parsemy, the types of objects beyond the ones described here are known to exist but have yet been explored in better details. My lack of technological access to inventions, materials or the education meant defining a new manner to allow me personal invention without the cost and luxuries of scientific materials or mass production, this is Technos.

An early invented Technos Submachine computer, an idea generator based user processed computer of memetic math that creates the objects on top of it by generating them through a process of the information recorded inside it and on its lid.

This manner is a science of its own for modelling and manipulating paper, color, reflection and more within ones own accesses to build personal technos or other, that while not as electrical as scientific tech of expensive, durable and complex function, allows an accessibility to some inventions. 

Especially for someone who wants something but doesn't want the cost of mass production or purchase.

Its meant for those who expects less reason to sell and mass produce it due to its reasons being personally skewed and not high demands of a populace. It does not allow certain things capable from technology although most of the essential uses of technology can be accessed with computer coding.

Technos allows mostly another manner of experience for experiences less then necessary for life and more for a persons larger pursuits when needs are met. 

However, experiments with the greater possibilities of technos and other objects is still in progress with parsemy, so work is unfinished.

I will show pictures called screenscrolls after a little more discussion, a type of poster of information which uses a drawing program on a computer to organize and display information in an eye pleasing display.

It functions as a sort of semi-electrical computer engine for organizing and defining memetic ideas and definitions and is better for the user who understands it because its written in smaller details. It allows display for others as records. It allows an easier and more cautious exploration of parsemy and new ideas.

As a result the images will be shown and I will give each a general explanation of its contents in summary. Their are three screenscrolls regarding technos and the greater parsemy in different details of subjects explored.

They each contain uses of single word meanings some new and sometimes memetic math which functions as math and computer code, different from math in using words for models, ideas and behavior descriptions. The new words may be explained in some detail, but single word meanings with symbols simply represent the exact word and symbol displayed.

The screen scrolls have no true accuracy of what they mean and can be freely interpreted in context of their contents or inspiration because Parsemy is a creative work of inspiration and invention that acts more as a science in complexity, but whose rules of use are as chaos magic, in the ability to use what works for the person only or how they choose to use it creatively.

Non the less the process of its use means creating models of physics in some manner of description and ensuring that they behavior can be done with the matched material reality or expected to work as part of the imagination alone with no physical connection beyond magical. This means the behavior must be possible with what is made or must by definition be dysfunctional.

A rather untraditional way to model something, since it depicts the physics of space as details of a drawing with different parts instead of defining words or behaviors with math alone then adds random math for additional insperation when referencing it for use.

It is an example of how modelling matter or otherwise can be done in other ways then numeric math and allow some insight in other ways then numbers for the nature of reality.

However some may doubt this and if this is the case I advise using math as normal, as the methods of art are far more efficient for non precise value modelling of shapes and behaviors that represent art or equations and not the amount exact of arithmatic.

I use a mixture of all I know for different effects and models of physics for subjects.

When modelling something with physics regarding a subject of Technos, the following is done for each part of the alchemy as the subject of matter, energy and qualia manipulation.

In matter this means the invention must actually move and behave as defined to be able to do the behavior defined, in cases where it isn't known it must be tested. In most cases of current work with paper in my examples, the uses for matter are quite obvious and feasible. If an effect is desired but cannot be found in experience or external evidence, it can only be proved possible by test.

However I have noted that it is difficult to find an effect one has not noted in finer details of everyday life when it comes to the everyday experiences, so the use of these common effects and how to manipulate them becomes easy, accessible and creative.

Although an effect desired may only be found in certain contexts that render it harder to use or even less safe to manipulate, so logical consideration of material manipulation is necessary.

In magic it means the effect must be able to occur by chances so is easier at feasibility, but the better is magic when improved in some way by knowledge of likelihoods so they do happen.

The chance that something happens is obvious, but only when understood in origins, allows knowledge on how they can be manipulated, in increases of potentials, by manipulation of real factors, that then greater guarantee the manifestation which means the event is better likely to be.

While the material manipulation is like science, it regards internal object effects of something built as one object with functions behaving as itself. Magic represents the manipulation of things outwards from the source to another as a divided object and greater distance then direct contact.

It means magic is an energy of transfer between the sources of your working in front of you and the extending consequences beyond the object that result in the manifestation in your daily cycle. 

Sometimes this means the cycle of everyday must be modified to cause it to be encountered as desired. Other cases and complexities of outwards manipulation exist and is still being understood.

Magic can refer to the users effects outwards or the objects effects outwards in high complexity elemental changes that can only be studied in potentials to better control them. Such as the likelihood of the weather being sunny or rainy today.

The exception is perception physics, which represent only the experience of qualia and so acts as art in being freely created as unseen functions of perception. 

This physics is limited to the capacity for the user to create its effect in some manner of matter or otherwise and so modify the perception of it.

It means more the nature of ones creative designs and perceptual experience but regards how perception can form from the idea of it originating from unseen parts of experience. It allows the user to reconstruct the imagined reason, or modifications to create perceptions inexperienced.

The perceptions were defined by thinking on how the perception formed from an unseen source outside the experience and then modifying a reconstruction of the unseen source with matter so as to create a unique perception and even source of function that behaves as the new experienced qualia.

Because perception cannot be checked in the exact accuracy of how red forms from beyond our experience, the reconstruction of why is creative in that the reason red could form can be any number of given reasons of model. The difference allows a different outcome of physical utility and causes.

Similarly the same is the case for energy and material physics, the unique possibility of creativity in these models however is that the reason given for subcomponents of a physics limits the possibility of how they are used to those reasons defined.

This means each subset of explained causation creates a different description of behaviors for manipulation that are limited to the context that one has defined and even tested in its solitary case.

It does not disprove the accuracy of another case that also functions and both represent different contexts of use for matter that described different parts of reality. 

If we say something forms by one thing and another says something else formed the same thing, they are referring to different parts of the same thing, that are both responsible for the effect as divided ways to modify it presuming both parties can modify the material shared with something that differs between their models.

Below are the three Screenscrolls I made when synthesizing the subjects found on this blog in separate discussions. These separate ideas became unified into a subject of all parts used together in creative arrangements because I struggled with improving them efficiently.

To read them clearly desired, it is necessary to download them and zoom in but the details may not be clear to the observer for being notes of my experimentation with the ideas as a merged concept.

The Table of Origins defining the basic components of the subjects on Blog Layer 2 in short descriptions of memetic parts in consideration of the wholes as part of the complete whole. 

It is titled such because it originated the idea of the Synthesis.

As the previous need was noted and the innovation of the idea helps keep the subject of Parsemy concise where the past was far more disorganized as it was still defining itself. 

The subject divides into the parts called the hwall, tower, submachine, alchemy, worlds and time. Each is given a basic explanation below, before farther explorations were done after. 

These as first experiments with the merged idea as the world of Prosporo. Prosporo now given a oneness instead of divided subsets of worlds and considered a better structure for exploration then before. 

The Hwall:

The hwall is a title given to the concept of a world organized by wants which represent the desires of different people being the reason they act a certain way and recommends existing within the respect of other peoples wants or facing the consequence of the actions which are real and so consequential.

However, the real is consequential because it represents the real world and the world is governed by the whole desires of people respected and organized within justice and solutions. 

Solutions represent consequential effect on consequences that reduce the conflict of life to an experience desirable, instead of natural and so anything desired or otherwise. 

This means their are solutions for actions that cause consequence that remove the consequential nature by artificiality. Such as video games and film, where people can be heroes or villains without harming the world for real. This is the answer to the inconsequential consequence for those who would rather be consequential without real harm.

However, it does not resolve those who want a consequence or who pursue the ends of a consequence that is real. Either of these types of people must thus have real consequence on reality which can come at the price of their own harm or resolution. 

This is dependent on when they commit a consequence on others, as due to the reactions followed by others who reject the consequence of the consequential action the person who effected them can receive a consequence upon themselves. In fact, in the case of desiring the solution to a consequence, the resolution of the conflict should only in extreme cases mean harm on others.

Wiser is helping those who know not the consequence, by telling them it exists to give them the safety of knowing it will happen, then trying to save those who want the consequence after they know and continue. As in letting another know the consequence and letting them continue if it represents their harmless comfort means fairness and a right to choice of consequence.

But this matter does mean the consequence is still guaranteed, for example some would say the act of being gay ( like myself ) means that the person will never father their own child with their lover. In my case the consequence is fine. 

As at this time I do not want to raise a child, because my preoccupations would render me bad at raising them by distraction. I cannot escape the fact of the consequence for my behavior without a solution that does not exist but I'm allowed to live in the consequence because I can live in it.

It means the person who harms another even when all has been given to them to allow them not to, made the choice to receive the consequence over the alternatives of another way for it that wasn't consequential especially if they knew it existed before hand. 

The one downside to warning other's of consequence, is when the person heard but did not believe then went and received what they did not want to receive because they did not believe what another knew. This person can't easily be helped because they disregarded the opportunity to escape their demise. 

This idea of the Hwall represents my thought on how I feel one is more likely to enjoy the use of these things but cannot actually do much about the decisions of others or how they view morality above or below this idea. 

Thus it represents advice and never dogma or requirement because Parsemy is not a religion and has no basic requirements of use, since it functions as a creative tool.

The same is similar with the rest as representations of the ideas I used, instead of the requirements needed or superior direction. They represent how I used the information.

The Tower of Avondale:

The Tower of Avondale represents my idea of meaning as originating from the Tower as the origin of my being and personality, where others may have other reasons for meaning or personality. It represents the idea that language is not meaning and that ideas in mind are not meaning either but symbols of the meaning that exists in a still not understood part of reality.

The tower represents the seat of the persomnia who are the guiding teachers of my direction shown in the similarly named post about the tower in the last layer of the blog. They are Sanity, Emotion, Reason and Spirit but have forms and personality that are the actors behind these things moving and existing as themselves in the world.

These beings move as I progress and appear in other places of life as I climb the tower that always was to know and gain my own distinct understanding apart from the teachers. One of them represents my foreshadow as where I will next be in time and appear most often before me in reality.

These are the core meanings of my works, other meanings are used as well but those four are common repetitions that I use most often, the rest represent focus in certain areas and places as I go about the work that represents myself as part of the world and from the Tower. The tower loops the journey of goals to returns of similar themes at the end of each chapter of my journey.

As long ago I pursued my meaning for my life and found it, then time after did I decide to pursue in my purpose the nature of meaning itself in life and not the nature of my life's meaning.  

The Submachine of the Omniverse

The Submachine is the mechanism of computations for the multiverse and it's named as a reference to the free online game of the same name because the premise is somewhat the same. 

It is a series of still unfinished point and click adventure games that I know not the current development conditions of. It has to do with the multiverse and machines as a plot device. The wiki is found here:

The reason for the shared name is mostly inspiration but also because it used to be called Subcomputing. It was named such due to being sub-virtual computing which means it acts in a reverse manner to normal computer code that users input to effect the hardwares underneath. 

Instead one writes code freely on paper or computer art program or otherwise then constructs a device of matter that replicates the behavior of the code using substance instead of being based on the underlying hardware of the computer. It is my form of computing that allows material programs instead of virtual ones that tend to be more complex then normal objects with just meaning.

The reason the name was changed was because it was implemented with modelling physics as memetic math and codes models of behaviors that describe the worlds explored aswell as define the inventions made. 

This blend was made so as to become simpler to use as a multi-modelling toolkit for defining a world in all parts like programming a video game, but real and so representing the submachine of reality. It differs from code in that the first code is above the next underneath it as underlying parts of reality effecting the above instead of the bottom code being written first to effect the above.

The submeanings regarding this greater concept describe the direction of modelling as where the underlying parts are, the model itself as a shape or otherwise, the orientations formed from continued additional layers and the actural as the invisible assignment of unseen parts of reality to parts visible. These are manipulated in deeper interaction to explore the submachine of worlds and the Omniverse.

The Alchemy of 3 essentials with more possible:

The Alchemy represents the core things manipulated, regarding objects and the external world beyond the mind and thoughts manipulated by meanings and cardinals of thinking. It represents the way the world of substance is used and the three forms given represent the inwards, outwards and qualitative parts of the external experience.

This means they represent those directions of the experience external as orients of the experience and scale of exploration for a given topic and each has been given basic components called different things as the basic parts manipulated in their cases.

The possibility of more parts to alchemy does exist in focusing the nature of what is manipulated about the outside to something other then these three things and when doing so represents another core focus of manipulation that creates another experience. Although those other possibilities are less familiar so are not as easy to experience, explain or instruct on their creation. One example is the flow of an object.

However the three shown are basics and divide into the parts. 

Magic is formed of the Elemental energies which are the parts of outwards nature in constant motion effecting the world around use all the time. These basic six elements of air, water, fire, earth, shade and light are manipulated with objects that modify the elements in certain ways to effect the rest towards manifestations in ones desired direction of intent.

Material is forms of physical behaviors that are extremely diverse but simply defined as Substance, Motion, Variable and Geometry because these define some of the basic parts of physical inwards reality which allow basic inventions but are expected to use other parts of matter to invent more complex behaviors for different ends.

Perceptual artistic reality is the modification of experience which divides into the parts of mind, senses, vibe, depth and status. The first four seem obvious but the fifth represents the greater complexity of their modification creating different status's of perception as other styles made of controlled modification of those experiences defined here. Mind is controlled by mental control.

These represent the basic parts explored in technos when inventing and manipulating them and this practice of basic parts for different focused alchemy allows the formation of new subjects. Another alchemy is made by forming a focused set of basic parts on some other part of reality then those mentioned here and they can be used as decided and progressed.

Space of worlds and time of progression

Space and worlds represent the subject created and the amount of scale occupied in its details, while time and progression represents how long it is focused on and repetitively used to create a certain degree of complexity and use. They are both manipulated in a similar manner and mean locating the parts imagined in the real world to then be furthered into the ends defined.

In space this means expanding an observation of the world towards a certain end of meaning or other and in time it means making it more complex and goal attaining in what it does.

More words are given for parts that can be considered in either case and are similar but context dependent on the creative world explored and the time spent and imagined in progress within a focused direction. The effort done means the outcome created so the work should follow the desired direction at best if not always.

The direction desired however may mean certain required needs must be met to attain the end sought. The words given underneath are complex but focus on them in desired ways helps attain a form as it creates while other forms of reality form by other means so the words are left as written on the screen scroll.

The next two screen scrolls are simpler and simply show ideas and inventions used, with small mentions of parts less obvious on their images. They add additional concepts to the whole and show my next goal in some complexity.

4.4-submachine magic, a screen scroll on the four meanings in regards to especially magics with use of codes for additional meanings and inventions of topics given some detail.

This Screen scroll is as described above, it uses additional meanings of conversion as abominations, tradition as arcanes, diversity as aurora and conservation as glories. These represent eldritch being types of Unneon whose meanings were used at times. Used for curiousity and liking of meanings interpreted.

The screenscroll explores the four meanings I explore most often, with the four unneons and invent various objects that I applied to the ones I had already. It also used visualized photo and haze forms explained as unfocused eye observations helped by imagining and seeking their details in empty space. These allow diverse mentally activated use and allow various things like some examples show.

They act and look like magical semi-visible energies of unfocused eye haze that can be used for various things as additional special effects.

Other then this, the post creates a few interesting inventions, the first is a visualizer for the next invention that represents mostly a complex space for much interpreted output of details and allows a formation of a viewed physics of energy that I then used with the next invention shown below:

This is similar to the first invention in that it is a complex space of patterns, but this one has meaning for each merged pattern in the whole set that forms diverse possible connected and constrained meanings that in this case generate plenty of outside encounters with meaning for use in magic as manifestations or modifiers of manifestation.

The last mention is simply the idea of using phentals to create mental ideas externalized as objects that represent them such as forming the nostalgia as an object by creating a symbolic reconstruction as a physical form for manipulation within the physical.

It allows diverse imaginary and real modifications of subjects wich are made and not encountered.

Finally the last Screenscroll shown, which contains characters for a coming short story that does not exceed that length as the intent and so should actually be completed. Unlike my longer stories piling up as unfinished.

Not much is done on this screenscroll beyond making objects using all parts discuss above and exploring some physics of the three alchemy in small detail.

While also showing the characters and adding more detail to the meanings of Sanity, Emotion, Reason and Spirit.

The final thing mentioned is that my next step is to make physical screenscrolls using pencil, markers and papers that contain a large set of only physics of the three kinds. 

This so as to better focus on a certain degree of complexity for a longer period of time and allow good reference with less likelihood of often restarting the physics. As it allows a very good base of physics for farther explorations beyond surface level complexity.

As such this is what I am doing now, they may be shared below as photo's when done, but will not go into detail about them unless the physics specific is needed in future discussions, due to sheer size. 

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