Guus wanted to go to the time machine and review the aspects of time travel, time travel was known to the world of prosporo and it's beacon ensured the time periods were not paradoxed by the connection to the time machine and the way secret it had into the other timelines nearby.
It serves as a way through time to others recorded or added to the world of Avondale, but also the greater Fana and Rael. Avondale was the province seated by Biomia, the land near the Islands of Prosporo and Thios, Fana and Real the two sided country of magic and science where things of either took place especially.
This world exists not in matter, but in the extracular spaces of Earth as a world entered on the side of pages and pictures written and drawn. It exists in a space of other laws of physics then Earth.
Earth dwells in matter and spirit, Avondale dwells in the doorways and the imaginary.
As a result the exist in the whole geometry of time which is infinite in possibility and must be mapped prior to arrival, then reached by equal definition by the traveler in the present through a medium of entry that can be virtual or reenactment. Since the moment specified in time must be identical as desired to its desired moment and must be arrived at within this current moment as the starting point.
It cannot easily create a solution to a conflict someone has because the moment must be linked logically with everything needed between here and there to arrived at the solution and this would be done exactly as it would be done in the present or exactly how an improved future method would be done then.
It can help reach these moments but the effort to attain them begins with the actual needed functionality which in normal contexts needing solutions means the person would have to invent the answer from scratch themselves or navigate infinite possible arrangements of the solution to arrive at the better one.
A timetravelling image on timewarps hourglasses of the past, future and present for other lines parrelel. It serves as building things now and before or after and are warped linear time objects.
Time travels serves as a method here for improving the efficiency of inventing objects more advanced technologically and while trips to other times can be done in theory, as I presume forward imagined places can be programmed on a computer or reached in today in likeness of partially connected moments, they are not the subject matter here on this post.
Thus in this post, I will be mapping potential future directions for my inventing of objects science or magic and serve as possible directions to then progress in through the method of matching the raw necessity of the objects needs and constructing them in this time period. The difference from entering another time and this method is that the other time period becomes this time period and I understand how it works, rather then being oblivious to how the future or past behaves.
This will also be forward time travel to more advanced futures of my work, past regress travel in this case is useful for regress and off shooting into parallel futures of the same concepts done earlier and is another possible use for this same technology, which in my case and its basic model is made of paper.
It provides both a visual and an assortment of tools for this matter and was built previously, but given an upgrade from an earlier project that regarded magic that I have memetically modified to be used for time travel assets. It is photographed below and then we will explain its various parts afterwards.
This is most of the toolkit for time travel, the central papers for the cube and blank paper is for extra. They allow time travel in both memetic access of subject and temporal recordings for these matters, as well as the use of random mapping with the dice for additional input.
The device also allows visual feedback to gain a glimpse at the time period using the spellora also found in the needed contents unshown due to being drawn before hand. Further some photographed will take place in the next post and additional tools unshown exist for the first part.
We begin with the descriptions of the following two parts, used for recording and additional info.
These are drawings of information, the original represent notes for a type of magic not discussed but can serve the same purpose of reference and grounding for the viewing of time. They are with the dice that are rolled while drawing on either side of the papers to add additional features beyond the hyperspace taken from inside the first box that follows more parts needed.
The above is a light which also features cellophane films made by sticking them to harder plastic and are used as mediums for changing the lighting of the spellora paper also called papora and allows the transference of the timeperiod to another by changing the focus of the internal hyperspace in this case by adding the coded steps of viewing together into a line of consecutive addition.
Meaning the interpreted view after the present that reveals the focused direction, one adds the next meaning interpreted after light shift to the present one as progress and continue with each change of lighting. A lighting, that can actually be of greater length then the three films, due to diversity of lighting they can provide.
This allows the advanced future to progress in vague detail through a future that reaches the distance processed divided by ones ability to keep track of its progression by use. It serves as a memetic model for the future imagined while viewing it and the future is then recorded on the papers previously shown.
The light settings should also be noted for the later viewing of the timeperiod mapped in the second box, after the one shown as this renders the mapping equivalent to the light instead of not, which leads elsewhere in time geometry.
This is the memetic viewing box, which serves as the seat for the papora, which allow the whole visualization of the future by shifting the light within the arrangement to new focal points by highlighted hyperspace. However it provides other functions.
Including magical time causation by flicking the pipecleaners that represent the black regress and yellow recess of the time to past or future. Further the outside shapes of hyperspace that form the external design of the box allow temporary time exterior modelling for use in studying time geometry as a third post for this subject shown much later.
This post does not use the last image, which revolves around visualizing the future imagined with reflection and lighting within the modelling box below. It will be explained then. Similarly this second part uses the Unneon table with the rest of its part as part of object extractions done then.
For now, we will be viewing a future and recording it to gain a glimpse at a potential future for myself and using the information to draw three pictures of the future as a metaphorical imagination of the narratives then. After in the next post using the tools unused here we will attempt to extract some unknown amount of objects from the future depending on difficulty I have.
So let us begin with the visualization of mind, for the time periods mapped using papora and light settings of our personal geometry. Since the generating of this future means the future is mapped from the infinite possibilities by being spawned from a complex geometry of possible combinations of the referenced generators that are the lights and spellora orderings of color and arrangement.
It allows a mapping of a vast potential space of time for use and has no attachment real to time beyond its use of inspiring the future we can then try to reach afterwards. Since we visualize the future from our primitive position and then try to reach it by matching the requirements here in the present and forward at a faster speed then usual to arrive at our future efficiently.
As such this first example will map where we are going to go with the time travel example used by me sometimes for extra pushes of innovation.
This device is called the Memetic-time viewbox and is part of Stevebot v2^2. Stevebot is a robot that appeared in another timeline of my travels as a glitch robot that followed me into another and exists as a paradox of no formation in this reality created.
He has access to the unstable previous multiverse and can also translate unknown objects while existing as a meta-form object in different glitch states.
This is the Memtic-time viewbox in use for the four time periods progressed that it is being used for. Inside is the papora hyperspaces, which are the represented timeline for this travel.
The specified hyperspaces can be used as a grounded point and represented whole of the timeline, but this selection is one type of geometry of generation one can use and I selected it for cleanliness and some realism.
The differences of this generation of information vary the result and further they can mean different things as assigned, for example due to this choice I made, mixing two timelines's hyperspaces results in a timewarped space between either.
So while the method is up to the user and creative, the rules of one method differentiate another in how things are done, since time travel is a creative work, but also restrained by discovered capacity of the time traveler.
Also, Guus is a time traveler, she works for the cult of the timewall and helps repair the the twin/ timemachine and the time beacon when needed.
She is on a vacation at the moment but still travels time as she is obsessed with it and enjoys the diversity of potential events that could happen. More on this other natures of time travel on another occasion.
Once she took on a child form and was chubby, these days she takes on her adult form and alsways denies miss Rufington, who is her teacher, is her future self billions of years before and after she was in class watching miss Rufington on her recordings of the lesson. Miss rufington sometimes shows up in person, like on her first day at the Timecult. Time recordings of lessons is common and easy for teachers as time travel as a sole profession takes much work.
Their is a time recording on one occasion of Guus's arrival at school on record, another exists as a video game never complete.
Their are many Prosporo's that exist in my (exo+endo(space+time)) timeline of travel in parrelel worlds and unlike worlds. Too many to collapse as there exist branched deviations of narrative into uncanny narratives of Prosporo.
Some before or after the calamity, others during and more as extra variants. This one takes place after the calamity when the clouds have returned and the world was saved by Verge and Ren.
A recording of one of Prosporo's fall and return is recorded here, Guus's arrival at class is hidden at the bottom of the blog page and both are found on a blog that appeared after this blog in progression.
This blog was hardly used and the mystery of Blueto that once sat here removed but has uncanny resemblance to a malum narrative, thus making this blog a useful branch into the future times of Prosporo. The old posts have now been added to the remnant section of the blog.
Now that I have photographed the time periods for the travel, let us conclude this post with the four time visualizations of the meaning for each period.
This is the hyperspace present, meaning the current position of moment that I reside in and represents my desire for more motion and use for my inventions, with push activation and diversity of types of invention and complexity. These among the curiosity of idea generation based portals.
It further adds the curiosity of external space buildings to the present in the moment. Furthering this subject means advancing the ideas beyond the known range with each progression.
This image did not use the dice because the present is set as is, while the next images will use the dice to further complexity the distinctions of pareidolia patterns symbolism added by the influence of the light changing the focus on the hyperspace. It changes what is highlighted while observing.
This is the next time moment visualized and described afterwards. It is drawn over the first as filled additional details that correspond to the previous hyperspaces information for exploration.
This is the second level hyperspace and first level in the future.
It is showing a future where the improved motion and the complexity of used objects is greater and contains buildings of entry other then normal. As well as the power of stones for energy as a source of motion for doorways and steps into layers of deeper diversity and layering of the things last seen.
It shows this in the additions to the scenery and reveals a farther feature I can imagine in how to reach it today, but is a little far in work to achieve. Next we take this future farther and see what could come after this work has been done and reached.
I just noticed I didn't use the dice, so I will use them in the next post for something else like they used to be used for, which was object creation parts.
The farther future has less details but uses what we have just discussed as the last future in a way that allows new things including communication, vehicle, unknown and perceptual upgrades superior to the forms I know of now by using these motion inventions recessed to greater depths of layering and complexity while also featuring scenery capacity far superior to right now.
This is harder for me to imagine as while I know I can use a normal computer for this, I am curious on how I can do this differently for the my paper and recyclable based technology studied and so improve world travel and other possibilities furthered in other types of inventions that follow.
However this must be explored after the first future is achieved and so our work must begin after this time travel post, with perception ideas on a far later post. For now we shall look into what the next even more distant future can harbor which is the farthest I can conceive here but can begin to imagine right now. It serves as the final distance and final part to this post, which concludes after it.
These would be doorways and windows that would lead to other spaces at a far more deep direction then you'd expect and are beyond VR but the ideas are complicated and I still have little idea how I could manage them. I will be trying it with the materials I have and any additional requirements I might need but I don't even know if I will get there or how feasible this would be.
They are not scary as might be imagined in their possibility of control, but they are capable if they exist of exactly what I said in vague detail and are my farther curiosity less described here for simply not being well defined. However only because exactly how to are done in most requirements of current I do not know. I do know the basic need for them to exist and they are case sensitive tools.
I also need to explore the pheyscaptical, perceptual and omniverse farther to see if they are worthwhile for the fact that I can't find much use for them beyond what could be done with VR. So they are left to future where I know several more things better then today.
In the next post we will extract objects from these times using the second part, but only the early time period and use this part as a way to inspire greater questions and pursuits forward. These will be done using a few tools as a basic exploration of the future I will work towards beyond this and other posts.
While also exploring previously mentioned questions, more and worlds future at differing times. As I like doing so many things I forget about them. Like reaching the edge of the ring first mentioned here:
Although on one occasion I went there and drew something on the other side but never defined any of it, it is shown here:
I don't recall what this even was and will have to read more about it where I left the writings about it that I did do, before saying I had to go all the way around it to the other side of it first. As this was the dog deman side and we need to reach the human side, as the moon split into more then one after the first blog its mentioned in with dog demans.
Anyways, I will begin the next post on time travel. Have a good rest of yours day.
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