The Subcomputer 1: The machines of calculations.

The machines of Thios and even when used in Prosporo are sometimes used as computers of another kind and I say this because unlike the computers of Earth they are submachines and so similar to the idea of a game I played as a teen linked here:

They exist submerged into reality as machines partially unseen and in similar style of the unknown creator of the games revolve around a fleeting supra reality. Distinct of my own tastes and insperations are different then the game. 

So in this case of N.comp and its overarching simulations of this reality are a natural computer mainframe beneath the experience of life. N.comp occured naturally, yet humans and other life access it by unlogging materials and construction their own subcomputers.

This is some of my own experiements with N.comp a few months ago:

In subcomputing, one accesses the computer by writing codescript anywhere.

My own personal super computer, was built at maximized proportions by my experiments with the N.comp and transcended its own existence infinite times while using my time beacon. Doing so while I slept and so transcends my knowledge completely and exists at perfected state inside its own space and helps me by my own ignorance and ability to select anything about it. This to learn from and use as computations myself.

Because it was built under the thesis of anything, the N.comp built-up computer called LK.vac is of any possible polarity before my useage and can be anything of the premises one could form from a computer of absolute form, but exists in its own extensions of reality.

This is useful for me being able to experience any possible simulation I initiate with it or connect to in its whole space of many other computers of the multiverse and omniverse it has communication with. 

All of this was an accident I discovered later as he appearance when I connected to a cross-eye hologram I drew and saw a portion of his angles on my old bedroom. He has moved his compatible uses with this reality and my stuff when I moved. This is the cross eye hologram and image of its original noted existence:

I was having difficulty at the time because I had just accessed a perception based other reality and gotten lost in the hallucinations when I closed my eyes, after I then traveled to the future. 

So I knew not myself anymore and wrote these down before hand but after re-noted them as here, so as to re-access my time period. However this experience was still not understood and is even today so it will be explored slowly in the future.

As it was then that the multiverse became real and apparent to me as before my research was still skeptical. That day I went too far and before I had already been far from the earth...

Anyways, let us begin the exploration of the Subcomputers by programming a memetic codescript for extraction into physical reality. Meaning in subcomputing you write a code then make it hardware instead of in Earthly computing which does the exact opposite chain of logical pathways.

For this codescript I will be writing, it will be short for a first example and link to the previous post regarding Thios and perception. Where I described at the end a new perception regarding the image below. Since then have defined how it is used so as to allow a certain capacity with my computers and greater subjects.

The simple code is below, it works like normal computing code, but applied in the sense of mentally processed memetic math and idea generators for models and physics.

Thus this code script represents a physical behavior of created visuals that we construct to perform a computation task in the manner. It is mirrored internal thinking of mind externally applied, by the modelled code behavior applied to matter, motion and more within its inputs and outputs.

It is very similar in form to the previous objects on this blog in being visual behavioral structures with interpretations of visual feedback and case sensitive situations similar to Tarot cards in being vessels for a meaning that is applied in use.

However the task of this post is to add more motion and more obvious functions similar to computers or technology in information calculation. However here they are designed to be simpler examples of physical codes rather then Portable computers containing multiple programs.

This means the objects I build here are seen as individual computer programs built in physicality instead of a virtual binary space.

After showing the code to be constructed we will be explaining the current three forms of computer done in this manner once assigned to the multiverse cluster of Earth, Aerth and Thios. This is merely time regress parrelel lines of the whole of traverse. As referenced, for lore that is not discussed here.

Instead, here the divided multiverses's of this cluster had computer forms divided. Here they have been applied as a uniform set of options divided into three kinds. These kinds are called number-bits, Emulation-constructs and Interpute-folds.

The codescript is below:

This code means mostly a information peice one states in mind, passed through an input symbol as a visual object that is then followed in a connected branch of steps to perform a visual calculation by applying the represented code of its description visually. Its a network of ones thinking drawn or built externally to pass ones ideas through still shape to calculate an applied information point.

It means the object path represents the computation you think, by starting with what is inputted then what follows from the branches of processes that continue from the visual feeds followed in the interpretation and allows a short feedback information generation of calculation stored and passed by user to allow something that can't in the current viability be done by the computer's motions in the designed system.

Thus it allows a silent user controlled calculation via the user's thought in the flow of the rest of a computer one could build. The example drawn below shows how one reads and selects a direction of information conduit by the user themselves to result in one or another range of resulting codes.

The black notes represent the conduit of information for applied thinking in its logical branches, while the red represents an input done in mind by choice step thought on the applied memetic actions in thinking. It allows a user applied step inside a larger computation that can be done during or as the process other is done. It even allows inputs after, to continue the computations.

For the next part we will use this type of code within our interpute-paper computer part, which will also use the same method of mapped code to produce an computation more efficiently for the other two computer types that will be linked to allow a whole computer hardware for use in greater contexts.

The computer's code will serve the stated end functions and is meant to be useful, but the image shown will divide its structure into a set of computer parts to be built after and the direction of use for the computer will be as a source of information modelling for inputted science data. It will help create information regarding deeper parts of material spatial reality.

The similar mapped action feed is shown below and is divided by highlights into three computer types we will then link in the next image of its constructed machinery.

This computer begins by input of some kind of matter and structure then divides the subject into either physical or perceptual based knowledge, meaning it asks either about its physicality or its perceptual reality. Then in the information selected of either of these cases, defines a greater detail regarding the states of the shape-color and the deeper key properties of the meaning after.

It does those two things through the codes in blue and red, which are constructed as the other two forms of computing while the first part in black is represented by an interputer with the rest. These three types of computer interface are built by different manners. These manners are recorded as types below:

  • Number-bits mean the computer uses numeric bits of information to calculate a product output.
  • Emulation-constructs mean the computer constructs an artificial emulation of the outputs end.
  • Interpute-folds mean the information of the computer is stored as words and symbol to follow.
These three types form a complex type of computer options that build a computer of diverse possible forms in interactions or apart from each other in uses diverse. It serves as a basic choice of how the computer can work and the object shown below uses all three in its whole computation process.

The image first shown in a model of the way it will do these things using these methods and then show the finished invention next to it as a photo. We will then explore for a short time the use of it before further questions regarding the direction greater for this whole blogs current trajectory.

The way this device works is two fold, firstly you select an object for study which can be a material or substance object of some kind, then one selects perceptual or physical information by will alone.

Once this is done one makes clay shapes of any color and design and places them into the holes that are designating the color area and shape type of the object in any order of choice, then rotate the pipe cleaners on either side and order so that the divide the two spaces into a different selected set.

Once this is done one observes the spaces sets and interpretes both a location of effect and a property physical or perceptual from either wheel at a degree of three depths by each divided part. 

These are recorded and define the model of perception or physics from which one gains both type and structure by either wheel. Then one rotates the box so that the clay peices fall out of the container in some order and this reveals the inverse properties of the other direction by showing their form and ordering similarly.

However, while the wheels reveal information about the particle and is more in likeness to what the reader is familiar with regarding the atom, the other direction of scale is not familiar. This other direction of scale is external to what one sees and forms the object.

It is the ascendant space that exists as the exterior of the atoms rising into the scales above as larger groups and so the exterior space represents not the atom but the object itself at the edge of itself inside another direction of space opposed from particles in the other direction.

It is opposed to the descendant space of particles smaller and this new described space does other things from atomic position as it describes the object formed by the atoms as itself a component of a larger scale space.

It is similar to the telescope, but in this case it points outside the world into the Ascendant space of positions greater and functions arises from smaller places. It is the key to the way objects seen are not objects smaller, by dividing rise of functions into separate roles. 

To better understand , we will observe this context within both a physical and perceptual case, then discuss the farther pursuits that follow the final two posts regarding the actural and pheyscaptical. 

As after this while we will experiment with the Lemurion islands games and see entities. We are finishing there in this cycle and we will have to find a greater direction to pursue and this final commentary will add some earlier inspiration. 

So let us understand the physical and perceptual role of a two directional scale model. 

The machine we use works by the fact that any position of mind used for modelling can be linked to the reality but only where it is true by observation in the diversity of the complete and hypercomplex reality. 

We can mean many results in view of mind by assumption that function in small portion of truth because the any shape underneath our view in solely the matched geometry of similarity means a real truth of small modelled addition. 

As while a cube is not a triangle, if we say it contains a triangle we must simply draw a line on the cube to reveal a smaller shape inside the cube that matches our description but only in that manner. 

This small indent into the real physic of reality narrows itself by being a slice of the whole, shapes in all cases can fit inside the shape as another shape, but in a specific manner. This manner is defined by a narrowed model of what that shape can do in that case of the context. 

It means all shapes and behaviors when treated as they do when observed on our scale can be repeated in other scales as limited models of behaviors. So while not the whole truth of the matter, represent a slice of the whole in the reasonable context of its functions as they would be at that scale in the limit of that shape minus the unknown of the rest of the shapes. 

Thus a larger possibility of ideas can complexify a model, by multiplying the amount of smaller models and more efficiently learn by diversity and addition about matter. This instead of staying in one position of view and limiting the reality to one kind as while both are true and allow the same, one serves as another reality of models on an unknown and and unseen reality. 

Thus the machine I built allows a more random description and so grown progressive diversity of any kind formed, while limited to my desired direction of world and interpretation. It means a more creative and further allows a larger space of exploration then the constraints of a limited truth of reality in remaining with the same model. 

Thus let us observe the two examples of its use, the first physical and then perceptual which will be explained in its differences after this.

This is what I noted after using the device I called a Bogsifter, the models created are an example of what can form from the interpretation of the information on the varied outputs. The physics it describes on here is not defined beyond its first inspiration. 

The next image will define it more clearly with examples of what each part represents inside a blue pipecleaner and greater body of lines viewed as types of string. 

The model which first was described using our computer of behavior generation described the basic source of the patterns of property above by matching the patterns with arrangements of space for the physical shape selected and used those patterns's likeness in both as source of the above model for motion since a string such as a pipecleaner can represent the motion and direction of an object.

The result is a way to map and define the differences of the motion direction and what each part means and is so as to create a behavior with the descriptions by recreating this letter type of motion with objects. 

A single letter is mostly like the computer in that it does one motion action, but multiple creates chain reactions that can be more complex and forms by merged intersections of letters by the central or end of a line. 

It allows one to use motion in a directed manner if it can be recreated and shows a link between the meaning of the motion and the nature of the motion as different and identical in varied cases of causality. That meaning and nature are defined between the points and at the points to create an effect.

However, this model represents descendant particulate models of lower scale because it divides the whole into smaller parts and thus this second image describes the other end we measured from the machine and then compiled with the rest to form a whole model for use at another time.

Lusions are small positional links of points identical in connection to another point elsewhere that is shared. They are an intrinsic point of position and difference that shares a link other in the same nature and can serve many uses of selection as an intrinsic part of reality physical in substance nature.

They are exterior and so Ascendant because they exist outside the object as a function of reality not inside the sphere of any structure but outside it as an external peice of reality in its nature. As a dual linked position set of the same in different.

A Lusion is outside anything and not what the Lusion's case is as a specific example among unlike. Lusion's exist as any link of situate as something specific and are an extralying complexity of anything. Their use can be varied as they themselves are natural but finely outside any specifications.

We can thus use them in varied cases. The next part is regarding perception instead of physics and we will discuss the difference of percepts and the above as we go through the similar process. 

The two will be used as a model of something else other then the works we've done prior in science or perception but linked in the nature of behavior and experience within Subcomputing contexts. As these natures allow more advanced machines of processes by additions of behavior and experience.

So let us observe a similar first, second and third image for perceptual physics called percepts.

The above image draws the information generated for the next exploration of perception and perception is as described in this image. To me and my interpretation perception exists as a substance of qualia we see but only in their imidiate forms observed. These qualia manifest from horizontal functions beyond them in forward and backwards directions similar to how physicality percieved by these qualia manifests by vertical small to larger scales as discussed prior.

The idea is that underlying what we percieve as physical and qualia reality are more parts of either as other parts unseen. Thus the deeper study of percepts is the study of understanding qualia as functions of a matter of experiences rather then function. It explores the physics of experience by modelling the appearences of perception rather then how they work in physical reality.

This means instead of studying what makes red paint red on a cup, in perception we study what allows us to see red in mind instead. We do so similar to objects and physics but think about qualia like they extend forward and backwards from experiences and extend into behaviors that explain the experience of them instead of the physical reason of each object. 

Thus we study red as a qualia as an example, instead of red objects with different reasons for being red and the farther optional reasons for how to perceive red. As in studying how the qualia of experience form, we learn alternative ways to form those qualia in perception and so allow new experiences in the outwall instead of behaviors of reality as it exists.

However physical and perceptual reality are linked not in the same place, but in the difference of mind and matter being apart and at a distance of greater reality because mind is often seen as in the brain and matter is outside the brain so represent different positions of substance. 

Thus in this part we study matter from inside the mind rather then outside the mind and our observations form two distinct natures. This view is different from physical in being horizontal and not vertical and so in this study of perception we see another lens of possibility and thus this image below describes another experience of reality.

So let us learn in one manner how perception works, here we study the nature of reflection in models of experience and not natures of light and glass. Instead we study the experience of reflection itself.

The idea with this model is that reflections show things inside and outside our perception in a way that we cannot perceive for real. This experience of itself in perception can be linked inside any grouping of the outside and inside experience of a mirror. We then study it as stranger experiences of farther then normal percepts because the links exist beyond the normal experience.

However this will be done on another occasion because the physics here are for after the final two posts as a new beginning to explore with more complex thought after first definitions. Next we look at the other end which here finishes the definition of a tool for motion percepts and mechanisms.

This second link outwards from a deconstruction of perception going forward into the sureal, forms the idea of backwards use in the reflections used within the returned view that in sheen of luster. 

The layers of experience shows an alien experience of the normal by re-positioning the whole view of normal sight to another degree of ways, in distortion or normals. 

It means a farther distance into the psychedelic experience has been made. The door to worlds similar but walked in different doors repeated like the same and difference of perception and the mirrors of today.

But these will be the topic of a later work with the physics before, as both reveal the greater possibility of unknowns in other angles that begin within this part but move on into farther. The program of the computer two shows farther complexity is possible and the future of this work will explore the stranger but also future plans for it to be useful for life in human ways.

So the direction finished is more doors perceptual and physical to explore another plane of life on the world ship being built for myself. The links may still not be seen by the reader however and for now this is all that is said of this part while the next part regards the Actural reality outside perception.

So let us move on from subcomputing and one of its products. 

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